Have you ever wondered why the rear-view mirror is smaller than your windscreen? It’s because, what is in front of you is more important than what you left behind you. We have to overcome everything that keeps us from moving forward.
Think Forward ONLY!
Especially during these tough times it’s very easy to just quit and give up and go back to our comfort zones when the challenges associated with change are bigger than we expected. Philippians 3:13 says “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead”.
Most of us are afraid of moving forward because they think it means we forget what is behind us (the past). Remember what we should take with us from the past is not the whole past i.e. the same mistakes or pitfalls but only the lessons which help us move forward. Always we should look at yesterday and noticing how much we’ve grown since then. Afterall what’s done is done. What’s gone is gone. It’s ok to look back(past) as a point of reference and not a comfort zone (killer zones).
So, what can we do to focus on letting go to move forward in life?
Work on your state of mind to move it from things like sadness, regret, panic, disappointment etc to the opposite of this.
We must understand what and where we want to go in life this will help us form a firm foundation. The how will figure itself out when we know we want to keep moving forward.
If your think, talk and act like a winner nothing is impossible for you. James 1:7 reminds us that “When you ask for something, don’t have any doubts… A person who has doubts shouldn’t expect to receive anything from the Lord”. We fail because we only think of failure and not success.
Learn not waste your failures… in case you fail fall forward. Look back at a circumstance and figure out what went wrong and use this information to move forward.
Let us leave mistakes and regret in the past. They don’t define our value, then or now. When we stay in the past, we become stuck and unable to move forward. We all have made mistakes with our job choices, friends, and relationships. The consequences can hit us pretty hard. However, to begin learning how to put these experiences behind us – by letting them go, we can begin to live in the here and now. We need to give ourselves the gift of forgiveness and keep moving forward.
Man is not an island Afterall there are many people who would extend their hand and lift us up if asked.so ask for help it could be a co-worker, neighbours, or the church.
Remember keeping baggage from the past will leave no room for happiness in the future. Only move on with any lessons from the past, but leave the baggage behind. Get rid of distractions (especially stuff from that past that is trying to weigh you down). Get rid of the “should have done” and concentrate on “what we are meant to do. “Don’t let your bad yesterday destroy your good today.
Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.” Figure out what went wrong. Evaluate what worked and what didn’t and why. Learn from the situation so that we can make better choices as we move on. Avoid postponing your miracles by the way you talk and act; so, talk and act like some waiting for a miracle NOW.
Remember don’t waste time since life too short to start a good day with problems of yesterday, they will definitely ruin your today and prevent your great tomorrow for manifesting.