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Sudden full payment of all my salary

I have been working in my current workplace for so many years that I cannot even recount. In all those years my shrewd boss would not fully pay my salary he would always say “I wont pay you, be satisfied with what you have, and if you leave you will leave this job with nothing.” He even went to the point whereby he bribed officials to keep quiet about our underpayment. Regardless of this I came to MTM church and prayed unto God, and I can say with confidence that that was when the mountain was moved. Shortly after he started paying me my full salary, I now don’t have to tell him to pay me but it’s the law which demands it. I am very thankful to God for after all these years he has remembered me. This has taught me that patience is important and even in tough situations we learn to persevere. All glory to God.

New Improved and better workplace

Over the past few months there have been conflicts between me and my brother over a workshop. A few months ago, I was struggling to find a place to start my business, fortunately my brother offered to help me look for a good place to build my shop. He found one and informed me then I built my shop. Business went very well, and a lot of customers came to the shop but when my brother realized this he began stirring trouble staking a claim to the shop. These conflicts continued until I asked God what to do and the simple answer was to talk it out. We called a family meeting, and I asked my brother what he wanted, and he wanted the shop. So we reached an agreement that since I built the shop he would look for another place for me and build a shop there. The deal went as planned and he found a larger place than I already had, that place had running water, electricity and an office space unlike the old place which didn’t. He built the shop there and I moved to the place. I am very grateful to the Lord that he… Read More »New Improved and better workplace

My family and I were protected during an armed robbery

One night I was woken to the sound of gunshots, I immediately got up to see what caused then noise only to be shocked that a group of armed thieves were trying to break into my house. The thieves managed to get into the yard by breaking the lock and they stole all my stock which I use for sale. This put me in a state of distress as I had to close my business a few days later but when I think back to it I am very thankful that Me and my entire family was not injured and we were safe because stock I can buy again but life I cannot. I thank god for his protection and I know through his power I will recover.

My Baby Recovered From The Intensive Care Unit(ICU)

My baby had suddenly fallen ill and became so weak and sick that she couldn’t breathe properly. We rushed her to the hospital where she was immediately admitted into the ICU(the Intensive Care Unit) but unfortunately, the beds had run out in that ICU and we had to look for another hospital to transfer her to. When we found a hospital she was taken into ICU and fitted with many machines in order to keep her alive. I was extremely worried and didn’t know what to do, I called one of my friends who went to MTM church for help and she immediately came to check on me and the baby, she also offered to call the pastor while we were there. So we immediately called Pastor and he prayed for us there and then and also assured us that the baby would be fine because God was Protecting her. Shortly after the doctors disconnected her from the machines and to our surprise they told us that her breathing was fine and she no longer needed to be in the ICU. A week later she was discharged from the Hospital and she has been well since then. I am very… Read More »My Baby Recovered From The Intensive Care Unit(ICU)

Miraculous Funding for my project

In my workplace I noticed there to be much corruption and theft even though it is a well known company. So last month I began a project but before I began I asked God what I should do because of the situation at my workplace and I was unsure of where to get the money for the project as most of my income was used on household expenses and was not enough. Surprisingly I received a call from one of my family members who told me that she had received a gift from a person belonging to a big co-operation. This gift surprisingly had included groceries and other things we needed and I didn’t have to use any of my money for it and instead I used it on the project and with the remaining money I was able to support my aunt who was sickly. God showed me that he is the provider and opened a door for me to help my aunt and to fund my project and I am always thankful to him 

Recovery Of A Stolen Company Car

Recovery Of A Stolen Company Car In my workplace, I used to work using a truck. One morning, I found that the truck was stolen, believing that i would be fired because of the loss of the truck I approached MTM Church, where pastor prayed for me and assured me that all would ultimately be well. A few days after that, I was surprised to find out that the insurance company had replaced the stolen truck, with a new and better truck, and I did not lose my job. Later, what was more surprising was that the stolen truck was recovered, which made me very happy. I thank God for using MTM Church to help me recover what was lost.

God saved me from 2 fatal accidents in the same day

One Morning as i was rushing to drop my son to school. The moment I entered into the car i I felt an urge to pray and so i did, i prayed for a few minutes alone and after he entered the car and we drove off. As we were about to enter the main road I felt the urge again to pray, and so i did this time with my son inside the car but little did i know that an accident was about to happen. As we were praying a speeding car driving suddenly drove past, we did not see it and turned into the main road. Immediately as we were driving we heard a loud boom, It turned out that the speeding car hit another one in the street just beside ours and it went crashing. Thanking God i drove on. After dropping my son as i was returning back the urge came again this time i knew it was the holy spirit and he told me to park on the side walk. This was unusual because i was parking in an unfamiliar place, but just to spend time i called a vendor who was selling fruits,… Read More »God saved me from 2 fatal accidents in the same day

Miraculous safety during an Accident

Recently my son got into a car accident, I believe that it was dark and so when the cars collided a lot of damage was done. He was injured during that accident and his leg was put on a cast along with his neck having a collar, rendering him unable to move for a long while according to doctors. I was thankful to God that he did not die because of the accident but even so I wanted him to have full recovery. I came into MTM church and pleaded for prayers which I am very thankful I got because shortly after those prayers his leg made a speedy recovery and the feeling on his neck was regained. I am very happy that he is on the road to a full recovery. I thank God for healing him and keeping him safe during the accident.

Miraculous healing from sickness

Recently my sister became sick, she was so sick to the point that she could not speak. This went on for days and when I heard of it i immediately came to MTM. After praying rigorously and believing in God I went home. Over the course of just a few days God completely healed her and i watched her improve till she could speak and was as active as before. I am so thankful that my sister was healed and that my confidence in God working through MTM church has increased. I give all the thanks to God
God Protected Me From A Fatal Accident After My Front Tyre Came Out!

God Protected Me From A Fatal Accident After My Front Tyre Came Out!

I was planning to go and attend my sister’s functions in our hometown, but the Holy spirit kept reminding me that I shouldtell Pastor Nathaniel to pray for me before I depart for the journey. So, I went and told him and then he prayed for me andblessed water to sprinkle on the car before I started the journey. Before I embarked on the journey I did as my pastorinstructed me and then started the journey. I thank God I obeyed the leading of the Holy spirit because along the way thefront tyre came out, but the car did not roll nor did anything bad happen. So, I stopped the car and took the rolling tyreand put it inside the car and replaced it with a spare wheel and continued with my journey as if nothing happened. I wantto thank God for protecting me and the car! Sis. Z (MTM Church)
Rescued For A Deadly Accident With No Scratch Or Broken Bones

Rescued For A Deadly Accident With No Scratch Or Broken Bones

I want to thank God for saving me and the other two passengers who were traveling with me from a deadly car accident on our way to a friend’s function. Before we started the journey that Sunday, we asked Pastor Nathaniel to pray for journey mercies and bless us. which he did and even gave us blessed water to sprinkle on the car before we left. We went safely to the function, but after the function was over, on our way back home, a cow came running towards us at full speed and collided with our car. It damaged the car badly, breaking the windscreen and most of the window glasses, as well as the bonnet and lights. God saved the car from rolling. The cow died instantly, and none of us were hurt at all! To God be the Glory. Sis. N (MTM Church)

Miraculous Safety for 4 days  

My elderly mother recently went to the clinic for a checkup and after the checkup she called my aunt to come and pick her up. For unknown reasons my aunt was unable to and my mother frustrated at the time decided to find her own way home. That was on Monday, we didn’t see her that day and the next day, and I was very worried. Thats when I came to MTM church and prayed vigorously, the day after on Thursday she finally came home. I felt extremely relieved to see her again and nothing had happened to her she was completely safe. I thank God for hearing and answering my prayer.

God Saved Me From A Snake Bite!

During one of our special home blessing services, Pastor Nathaniel had requested all our MTM Church members to bring something from our homes as a point of contact, I thank God because I obeyed and chose to bring soil from my compound. Pastor blessed it and I returned it back to my compound, after that during that night a very poisonous snake materialize in my bed. Just imagine in my bed in a place where there are NO snakes around, I managed to kill the snake without harming me. This can ONLY be the power of God that saved me from being bitten by this snake! Sister. L (MTM Church)

God Protected My Belongings From Being Stolen During A House Robbery.

During one of our special blessed water services for the protection of our belongings, Pastor Nathaniel had previously requested us to bring water from our homes for this service. So, I also brought water from my children’s rented houses, because they live very far from me and the church for the pastor to bless. I thank God because after the pastor blessed the water, I returned it to them with the instructions from the pastor that they should sprinkle their house and their valuable possessions. After this that week there was a robbery in the compound where my daughters rented and everybody was affected except my daughter’s room wasn’t broken into she had money and other expensive things in there but none was stolen. Thank God for your faithfulness! Sister. M (MTM Church)
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