MTM vision
MTM is a diverse community of individuals, each actively seeking to make Christ’s example of God’s love for every person real in our world through service, study, worship and giving. To that end, we will:
- Celebrating life in groupings of families and individuals,
- Risking with innovation while honoring tradition,
- Encouraging search and empowering belief,
- Provide Systematic Teachings that are theologically sound and balanced,
- Equip all our members to become responsible leaders/ministers for the ministry,
- Mobilize materials and educational resources toward the promotion of MTM worldwide,
- Stand with those who suffer,
- Love unconditionally.


MTM is called to demonstrate God’s love, peace and justice to people living in economic, social and spiritual poverty around the world as commanded by Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15-16). As a not-for-profit Christian faith community (NPO), we acknowledge that every person is created in the image of God and has inherent value and dignity. We assist as many people as possible to experience full participation in society.
As MTM family We do this by:
- To be a relevant and contemporary to our immediate communities and beyond by responding to their basic human needs.
- Inspiring people to achieve their full potential by mentoring and discipling them to be Christ-centered and effective witnesses of God.
- Offering services, programs and networks of mutual support, which enable those in need to improve their lives.
- Providing opportunities for people to hear and respond to the Christian message of God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
- Assisting individuals and families to break the cycle of poverty in their lives.
- Being a catalyst for healthy change within the community we serve.
- Encouraging those we serve to participate in, and contribute to, the life of their communities.
- Cultivating a godly, committed and qualified team of staff and volunteers.
- To nurture generations for leadership thereby empowering them to fulfil their destiny.
- Providing resources for supporting new forms of ministry
- Developing strategic partnerships with churches, individuals, agencies, governments and businesses.