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Prayer Is The Proven Answer To Our Huge Problems Now

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What Is Prayer?

Remember, prayer is the answer to all our problems, No wonder 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says that we should pray without ceasing. Luke 18:1 says, “And he spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Luke 21:36 Watch ye, therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things (including incurable diseases like Covid-19, Cancer, HIV, etc.) that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.

For us Christians, prayer should be like your breath. You do not have to think to breathe because the atmosphere exerts pressure on your lungs and essentially forces you to breathe. That is why it is more difficult to hold your breath than it is to breathe. Similarly, when we are born into the family of God, we enter into a spiritual atmosphere where God’s presence and grace exerts pressure, or influence, on our lives, prayer is the normal response to that pressure. As believers, we have all entered the divine atmosphere to breathe the air of prayer. Remember the lack of it will cause us to depend on ourselves instead of depending on God’s grace.

Praying is one of the most important things we can do in our lives, it helps us connect with God and helps us to understand His will for us. Prayer also helps us to connect with other people and to learn about their lives, it can also help us to forgive ourselves and others, and it can help us to find strength when we are struggling. Praying can also help us to find peace and happiness in our lives.

Praying is one of the most important things we can do to connect with God and we can use it to ask for God’s help in all areas of our lives, as well as to simply connect with Him. By praying you can connect with God in any way that is comfortable for you. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Start with a prayer journal. This is a great way to keep track of your prayer life and to see how God is working in your life.
  2. Ask for specific prayers for specific needs.
  3. Pray for others. Praying for others can help.



What Prayer Isn’t?

There are many things that we think in our modern day churches and even cultures is what prayer is but that is wrong. Always remember that prayer is not:

• bargaining with God.
• placing demands to God.
• only asking God for a turn of things.
• a way of releasing seam or emotions.
• Passing time so as to feel good when you feel low.
• a way to control God and try to force Him to do this or that.
• a way to prove how spiritual you are to your friends and relatives.

The most effective way to learn about the purpose of praying is to see how Jesus lived throughout His time on earth. Jesus prayed to communicate with the Father, for himself, and for others. The use of prayer by Jesus can be seen clearly in John 17. Along with asking that His Father be glorified, He also prays for His followers and those who will believe in him through their message in addition to the Father (John 17:20).

Another feature of Jesus’ prayer life was obedience to the Father’s will, which was emphasized in His prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39). We must surrender to God’s will in regards to every request we make.

Worship is really the main goal of praying. It is an act of worship when we pray to the Lord, acknowledging who He is and what He has done. The Bible contains numerous instances where praying is described as an act of worship, such as in 2 Kings 19:15, 1 Chronicles 17:20, Psalm 86:12–13, John 12:28, and Romans 11:33–36. This goal should be reflected in how we pray; we should concentrate on who God is rather than on ourselves.

The growth of one’s prayer life is important for the Christian life. In addition to having an impact on our lives and the lives of those around us, praying also allows us to interact with the Lord and grow our relationship with Him. An act of worship to the Lord is at the center of praying. The importance of praying is emphasized in God’s Word; as a result, it shouldn’t be ignored.

Pastor Nathaniel.

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