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  • Holy Spirit
    • Who is the Holy Spirit Now?

      There are quite a lot of misconceptions about the Holy Spirit with some people believing that the Holy Spirit is a force, a thing, “a spirit”, a messenger from God.

      This is not who the Holy Spirit is. Instead, the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is part of the trinity which is made up of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

      According to 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit: and these three are one.

      When they wanted to create man, they said in the Bookof Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, meaning it was a decision of the 3 in one.

      When God wanted to send us in the Book of Matthew 28:19 he reminded us to Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

      Does The Holy Spirit Have Feelings?

      So, you can see that the Holy Spirit is God and not a thing or a spirit, or an angel. He is a divine person who has feelings, a mind, emotions, and a will. So you can’t lie to him and get away look at the case of Ananias who lied about the sale proceeds according to  Acts 5:3-4 he was told by Peter that he had “not lied to men but to God.”

      The Holy Spirit can be grieved (made sad) (Ephesians 4:30). The Hily Spirit intercedes for us (Romans 8:26-27). He makes decisions according to His will (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). 

      Holy Spirit is God because he is omnipresent according to  Psalm 139:7-8, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

      Pastor Nathaniel

  • Miracle
    • Do You Need More Faith To Get That Miracle?

      Have you ever wondered what am I going to do do I need more faith to get that miracle, blessing, job, etc? You have prayed, fasted, given seeds but nothing seems to have worked.

      You have visited men of God with little or no success. So, sometimes all you have to do is open your eyes and see what the Lord has done for others who didn't have more faith. Listen to other peoples testimonies. These people are not special. Remember we all have the same father who loves us and he cares for us more than anything else (Matthew 6:30). He has given us a certain measure of faith some use it some don’t.

      But how can I know that I have faith? If you have switched on a bulb in your house, then automatically you have great faith. Tell me before you switched on the light did you first pray or fast or sing or worship or all of this? which one did you do? If none of this then it means that you had faith in the switch and the electricity company that they won’t fail you.

      Can you teach someone to do the same? How long is required to train that person? You easily believed that it’s possible because others did it and it worked but just imagine you don’t believe what is written in the bible about what you can get by faith. According to Mark 9:23, Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”


      Once upon a time a Lion gave birth to a cub and died then around that time a herd of sheep passed nearby so the confused cub followed them and then he grew among them as one of them. He was convinced that he is a lamb and so he ate grass like the others. As a result, he didn’t have the strength of a lion.

      One day as they were drinking water in a nearby river, a lion came charging at them and so all the other sheep run away. So before it could run it looked closely at this Lion and it realised that they look the same so it stayed and learned more about its origin and from that day it never again mingled with the sheep but went to live with other lions. It realised how much was available for it as a lion as compared to being a sheep. It was the King of the Jungle and could do as it pleased.

      The same applies to me and you we need to know that we have all it takes to succeed, to achieve that goal. The question is could it be we are hanging around the wrong crowd who are misguiding us as to what is possible and what isn’t.

      Just imagine your elder son who is married who keeps on asking you for all trivia things like dad can I go and drink water or cold drink, watch Tv, etc. He doesn’t know that this comes with him having left your house he can do as he pleases. We need to quit asking God for things we already have dominion over from the beginning of time (Genesis 1:26).

      Remember since Adam sinned, he lost access to the garden since an angel was put to guard everything in the garden (Genesis 3:24). So, for Adam to access the garden and its provisions he had to go through a sacrifice. Everything you will ever need is available in the spirit realm and all you have to do is access it using your spiritual hands called faith and bring them to the physical realm.

      When you start accessing things from the spirit realm you will meet resistance from the devil by trying to kill your faith just as he did with Adam to keep you away from this storehouse (Malachi 3:10). This might result in delays, missed opportunities, and even failure in life. You can’t blame God for loss due to your fear while the blessing was already given to you.

      Pastor, I know what you are saying but I feel like I need a boost of faith that is more faith. So can you lay your hands on me, anoint me, even roll me on the floor, etc. in short do something more for me to get more faith. No wonder people end up buying oils, salts, mantles, etc. in search of that booster of faith. They forget that the time they got born again holy spirit lives in them and they are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17).

      Brethren you already have faith so quit asking for more faith. Learn to use what you got. Let’s say you have a gun, but you don’t know how to use it you could be easily killed by a person with a knife who knows its purpose.

      If you have a servant(faith) you can send him wherever you want whenever you want, and he can’t refuse because you are his master. Faith needs to be used just like you can’t let your worker(faith) sit all day long watching TV. Due to sitting there, he becomes weak and can’t work in the future when you want him to work.

      So, learn how to use your faith to get things done easily. For instance, Elisha knew how to sermon an army of angels to defend him (2 Kings 6:16-17). As for Elijah, he would sermon them to bake for him bread (1 Kings 19:5-8).

      Remember when the disciples had seen Jesus heal all manner of sickness, even raise the dead but they didn’t say Lord this is too much increase our faith in short give us more faith. The only time they requested Jesus to increase their faith was when it involved forgiveness in Luke 17:3-5.

      Look at how Jesus answered them in Luke 17:6 He said to them that you don’t have a faith problem, but you are not using that little faith you got. So now start using it and no mountain will be too big to move. Brethren you don’t need more faith at all just use what you got.

      According to Matthew 8:8-10, we see the case of the centurion he wasn’t even so spiritual, but he knew how to use his authority to the maximum no wonder Jesus said this man had great faith in GOD. He compelled Jesus to answer to the demand placed by this man’s faith. This man put the all trust in Jesus just like you put your all trust on a switch that when you push it will light a bulb. Faith in is the same for all of us even a baby Christian like this centurion. He didn't require more faith to see a miracle happen.

      When you have faith in God you can speak to anything like Jesus spoke to the fig tree and it dried in Matthew 21:19. You can speak to your debts, and they will listen. You can speak to any sickness, and it will listen and leave (Luke 4:39).

      But before you speak have faith in the one who will heal otherwise, he will not hear you and heal (Isaiah 59:1-2), Instead, the devil who knows that you don’t have faith in God, but you want to use God might punish you as he did to the 7 sons of sceva who pretended to have faith in the God of Paul (Acts 19:13-15).

      The measure of faith passing through you FROM GOD as a gift (1 Corinthians 12:9) might be limited by sin in your life, unbelieve, fear, etc let’s say the water company pumps water to all the houses in your area same major pipe but as it enters your house you find out that your pipes are rusty and clogged so instead of getting more water you get little because the rest is either leaking or is blocked by something then you can’t blame the water company. It’s your responsibility to work on your gift of faith. FAITH as a gift FROM GOD can be increased through hearing the word of God.

      Satan blinded Adam by telling them that you need something more you need to be gods (Genesis 3:5). They forgot that they were gods already and didn’t need anything more. Most of us believe that faith is something that comes and goes as it pleases.

      Believe me, if I told you of all the miracles I have seen happen because of the correct use of faith. Some of you will say it’s because you are a pastor. So, if I requested you to do the same most of you will hesitate. Because you think that you don’t have more faith at all.

      Before we close let me remind you again "Listen my friends if we trust the LORD God and believe what these prophets have told us, the LORD will help us, and we will be successful." 2 Chronicles 20:20

      Pastor Nathaniel

  • Faith
    • Do You Need More Faith To Get That Miracle?

      Have you ever wondered what am I going to do do I need more faith to get that miracle, blessing, job, etc? You have prayed, fasted, given seeds but nothing seems to have worked.

      You have visited men of God with little or no success. So, sometimes all you have to do is open your eyes and see what the Lord has done for others who didn't have more faith. Listen to other peoples testimonies. These people are not special. Remember we all have the same father who loves us and he cares for us more than anything else (Matthew 6:30). He has given us a certain measure of faith some use it some don’t.

      But how can I know that I have faith? If you have switched on a bulb in your house, then automatically you have great faith. Tell me before you switched on the light did you first pray or fast or sing or worship or all of this? which one did you do? If none of this then it means that you had faith in the switch and the electricity company that they won’t fail you.

      Can you teach someone to do the same? How long is required to train that person? You easily believed that it’s possible because others did it and it worked but just imagine you don’t believe what is written in the bible about what you can get by faith. According to Mark 9:23, Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”


      Once upon a time a Lion gave birth to a cub and died then around that time a herd of sheep passed nearby so the confused cub followed them and then he grew among them as one of them. He was convinced that he is a lamb and so he ate grass like the others. As a result, he didn’t have the strength of a lion.

      One day as they were drinking water in a nearby river, a lion came charging at them and so all the other sheep run away. So before it could run it looked closely at this Lion and it realised that they look the same so it stayed and learned more about its origin and from that day it never again mingled with the sheep but went to live with other lions. It realised how much was available for it as a lion as compared to being a sheep. It was the King of the Jungle and could do as it pleased.

      The same applies to me and you we need to know that we have all it takes to succeed, to achieve that goal. The question is could it be we are hanging around the wrong crowd who are misguiding us as to what is possible and what isn’t.

      Just imagine your elder son who is married who keeps on asking you for all trivia things like dad can I go and drink water or cold drink, watch Tv, etc. He doesn’t know that this comes with him having left your house he can do as he pleases. We need to quit asking God for things we already have dominion over from the beginning of time (Genesis 1:26).

      Remember since Adam sinned, he lost access to the garden since an angel was put to guard everything in the garden (Genesis 3:24). So, for Adam to access the garden and its provisions he had to go through a sacrifice. Everything you will ever need is available in the spirit realm and all you have to do is access it using your spiritual hands called faith and bring them to the physical realm.

      When you start accessing things from the spirit realm you will meet resistance from the devil by trying to kill your faith just as he did with Adam to keep you away from this storehouse (Malachi 3:10). This might result in delays, missed opportunities, and even failure in life. You can’t blame God for loss due to your fear while the blessing was already given to you.

      Pastor, I know what you are saying but I feel like I need a boost of faith that is more faith. So can you lay your hands on me, anoint me, even roll me on the floor, etc. in short do something more for me to get more faith. No wonder people end up buying oils, salts, mantles, etc. in search of that booster of faith. They forget that the time they got born again holy spirit lives in them and they are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17).

      Brethren you already have faith so quit asking for more faith. Learn to use what you got. Let’s say you have a gun, but you don’t know how to use it you could be easily killed by a person with a knife who knows its purpose.

      If you have a servant(faith) you can send him wherever you want whenever you want, and he can’t refuse because you are his master. Faith needs to be used just like you can’t let your worker(faith) sit all day long watching TV. Due to sitting there, he becomes weak and can’t work in the future when you want him to work.

      So, learn how to use your faith to get things done easily. For instance, Elisha knew how to sermon an army of angels to defend him (2 Kings 6:16-17). As for Elijah, he would sermon them to bake for him bread (1 Kings 19:5-8).

      Remember when the disciples had seen Jesus heal all manner of sickness, even raise the dead but they didn’t say Lord this is too much increase our faith in short give us more faith. The only time they requested Jesus to increase their faith was when it involved forgiveness in Luke 17:3-5.

      Look at how Jesus answered them in Luke 17:6 He said to them that you don’t have a faith problem, but you are not using that little faith you got. So now start using it and no mountain will be too big to move. Brethren you don’t need more faith at all just use what you got.

      According to Matthew 8:8-10, we see the case of the centurion he wasn’t even so spiritual, but he knew how to use his authority to the maximum no wonder Jesus said this man had great faith in GOD. He compelled Jesus to answer to the demand placed by this man’s faith. This man put the all trust in Jesus just like you put your all trust on a switch that when you push it will light a bulb. Faith in is the same for all of us even a baby Christian like this centurion. He didn't require more faith to see a miracle happen.

      When you have faith in God you can speak to anything like Jesus spoke to the fig tree and it dried in Matthew 21:19. You can speak to your debts, and they will listen. You can speak to any sickness, and it will listen and leave (Luke 4:39).

      But before you speak have faith in the one who will heal otherwise, he will not hear you and heal (Isaiah 59:1-2), Instead, the devil who knows that you don’t have faith in God, but you want to use God might punish you as he did to the 7 sons of sceva who pretended to have faith in the God of Paul (Acts 19:13-15).

      The measure of faith passing through you FROM GOD as a gift (1 Corinthians 12:9) might be limited by sin in your life, unbelieve, fear, etc let’s say the water company pumps water to all the houses in your area same major pipe but as it enters your house you find out that your pipes are rusty and clogged so instead of getting more water you get little because the rest is either leaking or is blocked by something then you can’t blame the water company. It’s your responsibility to work on your gift of faith. FAITH as a gift FROM GOD can be increased through hearing the word of God.

      Satan blinded Adam by telling them that you need something more you need to be gods (Genesis 3:5). They forgot that they were gods already and didn’t need anything more. Most of us believe that faith is something that comes and goes as it pleases.

      Believe me, if I told you of all the miracles I have seen happen because of the correct use of faith. Some of you will say it’s because you are a pastor. So, if I requested you to do the same most of you will hesitate. Because you think that you don’t have more faith at all.

      Before we close let me remind you again "Listen my friends if we trust the LORD God and believe what these prophets have told us, the LORD will help us, and we will be successful." 2 Chronicles 20:20

      Pastor Nathaniel

    • Is Your Faith Failing You Now?

      What can Unfailing Faith Do?

      Unfailing Faith can see the invisible like Elisha could see the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire while on the other side Gehazi couldn’t see anything according to 2 Kings 6:17. There are so many things (Jobs, business opportunities, etc) heaven has given you but due to your unfailing faith you have missed them. God has saved you from dangerous situations, and accidents but due to our failing faith we might not know it or see just like in the case of peter in the Bible.

      What Is Failing Faith?

      Luke 22:31-32, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

      Yes peter and the rest had a measure of faith but wasn’t enough to overcome the devil, The devil wanted to take away from them every bit of faith until there is nothing left in them after all the devil came to kill, steal, and destroy every bit of faith in you. The devil will use any means necessary it could be through bad company (1 Corinthians 15:33), Bad habits (Proverbs 28:13), or Sin (Isaiah 59:1-2).

      For instance, in the case of Job in the Book of Job 1 and 2, the devil took away everything from him; as for the case of our father of faith father Abram he took away his family, and country (Genesis 12:1) and even delayed him from having children until he was too old.

      when you realize this thing in your life then you need to fully rely on the lord otherwise you will find yourself feeling like no one is on your side and then end up crying: Psalm 22:1, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan for help?” God will never build on faulty foundations, so most of the time he will tear them down and rebuild them again, that is what might seem as if God has abandoned you or left you because that faith you had seems not to be working or it’s working against you.

      A case in point was Jesus who had been given faith (Spirit) without measure according to John 3:34, but still was tested beyond the limit to a point he felt that his faith was failing him, and he even said in Matthew 27:46, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" So, if Jesus would say that who are you to not be tempted and tested?

      To become a King there are giants to conquer, to inherit your Canaan land there are giants to overcome. So, remember everything you are going through is part of the process to inherit your promised land and become the head and not the tail. You must learn to trust the lord in everything after all he is the captain of the ship, and he knows the way better after all he is the way. Always remember what the bible says in Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” 

      Remember that there will be times when things won’t make sense or will keep failing despite the fact that you have prayed, fasted, and even attended various conferences where great things were prophesied over your life. You thought that you had the required measure of faith but still, things went the other way. Always remember that God is on the throne and comfort yourself by reading your bible, especially in Romans 8:28-30.

      Brethren when this happens you should check your faith again it’s not time to lower your, guard and be discouraged. It is time for those who are weak in faith to say that they are strong in faith again (Joel 3:10).

      When you know your destination, you will enjoy the process you will never see it as a burden. Don’t let one bad situation dictate your entire life. Because of this one bad situation, most people stop fasting and even praying because they are ashamed and they don’t know what to tell the world, so they choose to please the world by joining it in every way possible. Brethren don’t run away from God when your faith is failing you instead run to God so that he can strengthen your faith.

      Some of our plans related to our marriage, career, business, etc were not the best in our earlier Christian lives, and now that we are born again and have increased our measure of faith if we were to make those same decisions again, we would make different decisions. But I have good news just take those old plans to the lord and commit them to him and he will make them succeed (Proverbs 16:3).

      You don’t need to divorce that wife or husband just commit him unto the Lord he cares. for (1 peter 5:7). Always remember that God has promised to take your ashes and give you that beauty you missed in exchange for those so-called ashes (Isaiah 61:3). Furthermore, Sarah was considered beautiful (perhaps even youthful) as she aged Just imagine in Genesis 20:2 we read that King Abimelech attempted to take 90-year-old Sarah as his wife.

      Always magnify your God see a big God and a small devil ensure that your faith is bigger than your fear. Have you ever noticed that we are more troubled by sin doubt and unbeliever when we are born again and full of faith than before? Let’s read a scripture to support this John 21:7-8, yes, I know that peter had denied Christ 3 times but instead of running away from Christ he run straight to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

      Run to Jesus he is waiting for you don’t doubt or look away for a reason to wait. If that is you come in front and let’s pray, yes peter was surround by his colleagues who knew what he had done but still he run to Jesus. Jesus LOVES you and wants to save you.

      James 4:7 tells us, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."  Some people want to resist the devil, but they do not first submit to God.

      "Submit yourself to the Word of God, then resist the devil." Suppose the devil whispers, "You are not healed. You are going to die." Open your Bible to Exodus 23:25 and read aloud for the devil to hear, "I shall serve the Lord, He will bless my bread. He will bless my water. He will take sickness out of the midst of me . . . the number of my days He will fulfill." Read Isaiah 53:5, "By his stripes, I am healed." Turn to that devil and say, "I resist you in Jesus' Name. Leave me!" He will have to leave.

      But first check where you stand with Christ your God are you still in the Boat and you want to fight the storm alone or you are with Christ the storm killer. The choice is yours.

      Pastor Nathaniel.

  • Prayer
    • Why Prayer Is The Proven Answer To Our Problems?

      Prayer is the answer to all of our problems, which is why 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray without stopping. "And he spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought constantly to pray, and not to faint," Luke 18:1 states. Luke 21:36 says, "And he spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint." Therefore, keep watch and pray at all times, that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things (including Convid-19) and to stand before the Son of Man.

      For Christians, prayer should be like breathing. You do not have to think to breathe because the atmosphere exerts pressure on your lungs and essentially forces you to breathe. That is why it is more difficult to hold your breath than it is to breathe. Similarly, when we are born into the family of God, we enter into a spiritual atmosphere where God’s presence and grace exert pressure, or influence, on our lives. Prayer is the normal response to that pressure. As believers, we have all entered the divine atmosphere to breathe the air of prayer. Remember a lack of prayer will cause us to depend on ourselves instead of depending on God’s grace. So, let’s pray this prayer promptly and seriously and the results are guaranteed.

      So, let’s pray this prayer promptly and seriously and the results are guaranteed.

       Worship God with Song of Praise

      Start by praising and worshipping for about 5 minutes.

      Thank God for what he has done:

      O Lord my Father, thank you for being my God, thank you for the privilege of knowing you, thank you for always being there for me and with me. O God my Father, thank you for the great and mighty things that you are doing in my life, thank you for your provision and protection over me and my household, thank you for always answering my prayers.

      Repent and confess your sins

      O LORD, forgive me my sins and let the precious blood of Jesus avail for me great miracles in Jesus’ name. I confess my sins before you today and I ask you to forgive me based on your mercy, in Jesus’ name.

      Plead the Blood of Jesus (before you start praying these prayers).

      Then start by confessing out loud this Scripture To help you Clean your Spiritual Environment.

      Psalm 24:7-10 (Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O gates!    And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory! )

      Now start praying:

      Proven Prayers To Clean Our Spiritual Environment

      1. During this year the plans of Satan concerning my career, marriage, children, finances, etc, shall not prosper in my environment in Jesus’ name.

      2. My Father! My Father! Send your recovery angels to capture and restore whatever the spirits of the cemetery operating in this environment, have stolen from me and from my ancestors in Jesus’ name.

      3. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost after the order of Elijah fall upon all the witchcraft altars in this neighborhood and let them and their owners be burned to ashes in Jesus’ name.

      4. By the power of the Holy Ghost I prophesy against all the satanic altars in high places in my environment to catch fire, in Jesus’ name.

      5. O Lord let every satanic altar around my environment, be destroyed completely and let all covenants serviced by these altars, be revoked, and broken, in Jesus’ name.

      6. My Father! My Father! Let every problem in my life disguised as something else, be exposed, be disgraced, be terminated, in Jesus’ name.

      7. By the power of the Holy Ghost I command the stars, the sun, the moon, and the winds to begin to fight against the diviners and astrologers who have been using these elements against the move of God in my environment in Jesus’ name.

      8. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I destroy every blood covenant made upon by any satanic altar that is causing hardships and misfortunes into the lives of people in my environment, in Jesus’ name.

      9. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost after the order of Elijah burn to ashes every marine altar and territorial altars in my environment, catch fire, in Jesus’ name.

      10. By the power of the Holy Ghost I prophesy, command, and decree that the peace, glory, love, mercy of God be established in my environment, in Jesus’ name.

      11. Let the soil particles in my premises receive the fire of God and torment every evil presence in my compound, in Jesus’ name.

      12. Every power, drawing evil powers from the heavenlies in my environment against my destiny, fall down and die, in Jesus’ name.

      13. My Father! My Father! arise and throw the camp of my enemies into panic and disarray and let them destroy each other, in Jesus’ name.

      14. By the power of the Holy Ghost I command and decree that affliction shall not rise a second time in my family let every dragon of debt release me and die now, in Jesus’ name.

      15. Fire of God, fall and consume every altar of counterfeit religion, satanic churches and prayer houses, etc in my environment in Jesus’ name.

      16. Pray in tongues for 10 minutes for the Holy Ghost to connect you with your blessing angels To help you Clean your Spiritual Environment.

      Pastor Nathaniel.

  • Character
    • Are You Always following Others?

      Who is disciplining or leading you or who are you following?

      Luke 6:39 And Jesus told them this parable: "One blind man cannot lead another one; if he does, both will fall into a ditch.

      A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.

      A bunch of children or blind people who will lead each other to a ditch.

      I am not scared of a bunch of lions lead by a sheep instead I am scared of a bunch of sheep led by a lion

      Hence according to Isaiah 45:2, The journey is crooked and long and you need someone like Jesus to lead you. Someone who has walked that journey with proof to show.

      Examples of people who lead others the correct way

      Children of Israel followed Moses for almost his all lifetime

      Joshua followed Moses for almost his all lifetime

      Elisha followed Elijah for almost his all lifetime

      Disciples followed Jesus for almost 3.5 years

      Who are you following?

      Is it a Facebook or Instagram person you never saw or even know that what he claims to be is that?

      What did all these followers have in common?

      They left what they were doing e.g., Elisha left farming (1 Kings 19:21)., Peter fishing to become a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19) etc

      They sold all and were sold to their master (Matthew 16:24-25)


      Once upon a time, a mighty man of God went to pray in the mountains where there was a nearby river, as he was praying a young man saw him and felt drawn to him and what he was doing so he said to himself why can’t he be his follower and as a result, he can teach me all that he is doing. So, he approached him and asked to join him then this man asked why do you want to follow me.

      The young man said so that you can lead me to your God. At that, the holy man grabbed the young man by his neck and dragged him to the nearby river and plugged his head into the water. At that time the young man started kicking and throwing his hands to free himself because he thought that he would die.

      Then the holy man released him to catch his breath and quit and then after he quitted, he now asked him at that moment he was under the water what did he want the most?

      The young man said that he wanted air and nothing more. So, then the holy man told him to go home and only and only then come back when he wanted God just as much as he wanted that air.

      So, in life what do you love the most and not fancy once you identify it then go out and conquerer the world for it.

      People who lost it all along the way of following their masters

      Judas lost it and lost his life. Judas chose to be led by greed for money and he lost everything.

      Koran and Abiram stopped following Moses and were lost in the desert (Numbers 16:1-25)

      Remember there is a desert of life and without a true guide, you may be lost in it.

      Why most followers or disciples lost it all?

      It was because of:

      Greed judas (John 12:6)

      Disobedience king Saul (1 Samuel 15:10–12)

      Doubt Thomas (John 20:24-29)

      Unbeliever Jesus’ hometown (Luke 4:24)

      According to 1 Corinthians 3:2, You are always learning no wonder you still need to be eating meat, but you are feeding on milk

      Why do you follow a person?

      To receive a miracle so that you can believe (John 4:48) No miracle no following. You don’t want to pray or fast

      you want results even if you don’t believe me believe the works (John 10:37-38).

      According to 1 Thessalonians 2:9 Don’t follow a loser who expects you to carry him or her along the journey. Give me this or that.

      Blessing comes from up down not the other way (Hebrews 7:7).

      The minute you know more than your master its time to leave and get someone who knows more than you and who can help you. Never outshine your master just leave

      Be prepared to follow him unconditionally and you will receive a reward

      Things to look for when looking for a teacher.

      When the student is ready the master will show up

      Are you clicking if not run for your life and get someone you are clicking?

      Do you see the move of God in his life or this church?

      Are those who you found there blessed?

      Stupid disciples who ended up dead by following the wrong teacher

      Once upon a time in a certain village, there lived a very wise holy man so on see how wise this man was all village choose to follow him and become his disciples without question. So, when they came to him so that he can disciple them he told them that they should do exactly what he tells them and without doubt, they will become as wise as he was and also he will eventually lead them to heaven.

      So, on their first day of training, he said to them to repeat what he is doing exactly so he sat down, and they did the same and then they did as he said then he got tired of them repeating all the things he said and did.

      So, he slapped them, and they slapped him too and due to the many slaps he got too hot and he choose to go and cool himself in a nearby well so when he got to the well he just jumps into it and they followed him and all of them died and went to his heaven and not God’s heaven.

      So let’s follow from a distance enough to allow the bible between you and the one you are following otherwise you might die like these stupid villagers. If the things are not in the bible increase the following distance until you disconnect from this master.

      Beware of cults which end up forcing their followers to eat snakes, drink poisons, sell body parts etc.

      Pastor Nathaniel

  • Choices
    • Why You Shouldn't Always cheat your way to the top?

      To cheat is a choice, not a mistake. What about pretending to be something you are not. Just imagine the pressure and the stress involved. No wonder people try to cheat God (Matthew 22:12) and if possible, rob God (Malachi 3:7-8) to keep up this fake lifestyle. But for how long and at what cost?

      Many people end up joining the get-rich schemes that promise you heaven on earth and in the end, they land you in hell.

      The witches who promise to make you rich in hours but they themselves still are poor.

      Matthew 4:8-9 Devil is trying to promise you a shortcut like what he promised Jesus just to bow to him and he will give him all this.

      The devil doesn’t do it by himself, but he uses his agents who package this thing very well in a way which is unique and appealing to each and everyone’s taste.

      Matthew 24:24 Now wonder witches have opened churches to try and confuse even the Christians. According to 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, these people dress, act, behave and talk the language of Christians

      That is why according to Matthew 5:20 Jesus said that unless our righteousness doesn’t surpass that of the pharisee we won’t see heaven.

      Who were the Pharisees?

      They were the kind of people who would do anything to get what they wanted including fasting, praying, and even giving.

      According to Matthew 19:17-24 No wonder that young man said he was used to doing all these things and did not see the reason why he shouldn’t go to heaven.

      Examples of people who cheated their way up

      Jacob cheated Isaac to get his birth rite

      Jacob cheated his father to firstborn blessings.

      Jacob cheated Laban to get rich

      Cain killed Able and lied then was punished by God

      People without wedding gown Matthew 22:12

      11But when the king came in to see the guests, he spotted a man who was not dressed in wedding clothes. 12‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ But the man was speechless. 13Then the king told the servants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’…

      How did he get to heaven could there be a backdoor to heaven?

      Remember when the fallen angels came down to earth and taught me the ways to get back to heaven. They taught them how to build the tower of babel which made God very angry Genesis 11:6-9

      They were even planning to cheat death by intermarrying with the angels which also made God very angry Genesis 6:2-5

      Luke 17:10 10 So you also, when you have done everything commanded of you, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’” 

      Psalm 50:21 You sit and malign your brother; you slander your own mother’s son. You have done these things, and I kept silent; you thought I was just like you. But now I rebuke you and accuse you to your face. Now consider this, you who forget God, lest I tear you to pieces, with no one to rescue you:

      Matthew 24:24 That’s why it’s said that some false prophets will do great miracles even to deceive the chosen.

      Be careful the love of miracles can get you deceived easily by those who thing that they have already deceived God.

      John 14:12

      Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me—or at least believe on account of the works themselves. Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.…

      Did you take Jesus seriously at what he promised?       

      I did and that is why I have to start early so that I have enough time to beat Jesus and surpass every available miracle.

      Let’s start by reaching where the pharisee were.

      Matthew 5:20 They still impressed Jesus and we are being told to learn from them but don’t get stuck at their level

      Acts 10:1-4  Just imagine Cornelius was among the Pharisees and he impressed God until God sent an angel

      First step the disciples who have copied Jesus example

       Philippians 3:17 Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do

      Then after this follow the example of Jesus

      Matthew 6:33 seek ye first kingdom

      John 13:15 I have set an example for you, so that you will do just what I have done for you.

      1 Peter 2:21 For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.

      1 Peter 4:12 My dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful test you are suffering, as though something unusual were happening to you.

      2 Corinthians 11:4-5 For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily. I consider myself in no way inferior to those “super-apostles.” 

      Look at Job he was holy and served God, but he suffered a lot.

      Pastor Nathaniel

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