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God Protected Me From A Fatal Accident After My Front Tyre Came Out!

I was planning to go and attend my sister’s functions in our hometown, but the Holy spirit kept reminding me that I should
tell Pastor Nathaniel to pray for me before I depart for the journey. So, I went and told him and then he prayed for me and
blessed water to sprinkle on the car before I started the journey. Before I embarked on the journey I did as my pastor
instructed me and then started the journey. I thank God I obeyed the leading of the Holy spirit because along the way the
front tyre came out, but the car did not roll nor did anything bad happen. So, I stopped the car and took the rolling tyre
and put it inside the car and replaced it with a spare wheel and continued with my journey as if nothing happened. I want
to thank God for protecting me and the car! Sis. Z (MTM Church)

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