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Vagabond spirit

Vagabond Spirit: 22 Prayers To Overcome It Now

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“When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond, you shall be on the earth.”  (Genesis 4:12). This is a good example of what we call vagabond spirit.

Brethren, I want you to ask yourself these questions and much more to see where you stand when it comes to spiritual as well as physical matters:

Have you been living a life full of ups and downs with little or no progress to show for your hard work?

Have your finances kept on rising and falling, pushing you into more and more debt?

Do you feel like your blessings are delayed, or if you get them, you can’t hold them for long?

Do you feel like you have lost focus and have ended up making the wrong choices in life, especially when it comes to relationships and even career choices?

Have you been moving from one relationship, career, job, or business to another without a good reason?

Nowadays, do you feel restless for no reason? You start this and never finish it because you have too many things you are doing. In short, you are biting more than you can chew, and hence you are choking.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then these prayers are for you. Take them seriously, and they will help you.

What Do You Mean By The Word “Vagabond Spirit”?

The term “vagabond spirit” is also referred to by many as wandering or restless spirits. The devil is the father of vagabond spirits because he himself has been wandering everywhere with nowhere to rest, according to Job 2:2. “The LORD asked him, “Where have you been?” Satan answered, “I have been walking here and there, roaming around the earth.” We see that even in the days of Job, the devil has been a wandering spirit, and he is still wandering with his agents even today. 1 Peter 5:8, “Be alert; be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”

According to Psalm 109:10, “May his children wander as beggars and be driven from their ruined homes.” We see that the word vagabond is used in a negative sense in the Bible. Vagabonds were often seen as beggars who contributed nothing and lived at the mercy of their society. Here we see that the vagabond lifestyle was associated with irresponsibility and disreputable behavior.

Wandering spirits mostly happen to one as a result of disobedience to the will and ways of God. An example of people who wandered in the Bible were the children of the Israelites, the prodigal son, and Cain.

But this shall not be our portion, so Let us pray:

1. O Lord, I thank You for Your love, care, and protection over my life, in Jesus name. 

2. In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare that I and my family are protected, defended, and preserved from the attack of the vagabond spirit, in Jesus name. 

3. O Lord, forgive me of every known and unknown sin that is keeping me in the bondage of the vagabond spirit, in Jesus name. 

4. Let the blood of Jesus wash away every evil mark that has been put over my life by the vagabond spirit that has made my life restless and useless, in Jesus name.

5. By the power in the name of Jesus, I command every vagabond spirit that is keeping me wandering in the wilderness of life, business, career, jobs, and marriage to fall down and die in Jesus’ name.

6. My Father! My Father! Send your holy angels after the order of 1 Corinthians 15:33 to help me detach my life from every wandering spirit caused by the wrong association in Jesus name.

7. In the mighty name of Jesus, I bind and destroy every satanic stronghold of vagabond anointing that is causing me shame and reproach in all the areas of my life, in Jesus name.

8. My Father! My Father! Send your recovery angels to go to both the seen and unseen worlds and recover everything good the devil and his agents have stolen from me as a result of this vagabond spirit, in Jesus name.

9. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I expel from my life, relationships, marriage, business, and career the activities that promote the operation of the vagabond spirit, in Jesus name.

10. My Father! My Father! Surround me with Your ministering angels to guard and protect me from every known and unknown spiritual attack. I pray for a renewed and steadfast spirit, filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name.

11. In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare total destruction of every vagabond spirit that has refused to let me settle in my good relationships, or a good marriage, in Jesus name.

12. By the power in the name of Jesus I cancel the evil effects of every evil word spoken against my life, career, [mention any other things], by false prophets, witches, and warlords in their coven, evil altars, evil forests, and even in satanic churches to make me remain in the land of wandering. From today on, I decree and declare over my life that I will only move forward ever and not backward again in Jesus name. 

13. By the power in the Blood of Jesus I break free from every evil voice, that is cursing me or casting spells on me to keep me down and make me wander in the land of the living with nothing to show for my hard work, in Jesus name.

14. O Lord help me to break free from every vagabond spirit that has refused me to settle in a good establishment, or make great meaningful progress, or even get different types of promotions in Jesus name.

15. In the name of Jesus I shut down every evil door that is used by the vagabond spirit to attack my life and family right now in Jesus name.

16. Let the blood of Jesus wash me clean from every evil mark of the vagabond spirit that has been put over my body and spirit to make people want to use me and dump me, in Jesus name.

 17. Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I stand on the authority of your word and by the power in the blood of Jesus, may my children flourish like the cedars of Lebanon, grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man!, in Jesus name.

18. Holy Spirit, infill me afresh and grant me the spirit of discernment to recognize and resist the schemes of the devil. I surrender my fears, worries, and anxieties to You, knowing that You are my refuge and strength, in Jesus name.

19. Father I stand on the authority of your word and by the power in the blood of Jesus, and decree and declare total destruction of every wandering and vagabond spirit designed to hijack my children’s future, in Jesus name.

20. I decree and declare that I am covered by the precious blood of Jesus, and I rebuke every vagabond spirit. I command it to leave and never come back. I claim the authority granted to me through my faith, and I stand firm against every attack on my well-being, both spiritual and physical, in Jesus name.

21. My Father! My Father! I surrender myself to your will and trust in your power to overcome every spiritual challenge caused by this vagabond spirit. Thank you for your protection, guidance, and the peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

22. I thank You, Lord, for the victory that is assured in Your Word. I praise You for Your faithfulness, and I trust in Your deliverance.  I cover and seal all my prayers and answered prayers with the precious covenant blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for all my answered prayers. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Pastor Nathaniel.

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