Table of Contents
ToggleMost of us Christians want God’s prosperity but at our OWN terms. We don’t want to hear what God has for us in his agenda, Yes, he has got good plans for us but we are not interest (Jeremiah 29:11). God has been inviting us to come to the negotiating table but still we have turned down his invitation (Isaiah 1:18&Luke 14:16-24).
Brethren you can’t go far without God because God owns everything (Deuteronomy 10:14; Haggai 2:8; 2 Corinthians 9:10–11). Remember the measure to which you are spiritual is the same measure to which you are prosperous. According to Job 1:1-3 the bible tells us how Job was God fearing while on the other he was very wealthy (Job 31:25). But nowadays the more we prosper the more we become arrogant and ungodly. Never forget the more the more you serve God the more he rewards you (Hebrew 11:6). That is why God reminds us to seek him first and he will prosper us (so what are you busy doing is it seeking wealthy first and then God later? Or what?
All I know is that God is not a man that he will promise things he can’t deliver (Numbers 23:19). You want to enjoy your prosperity then stick with God (Deuteronomy 8:18). After all the devil is a poor thief who has to steal so as to give his those who seek him.
According to Psalms 23:1 just as the shepherd knows where to feed his sheep so does our God, so trust in him ONLY and not in the worldly systems set by men (Jeremiah 17:5). Afterall he promises us that our wealthy will have no end no matter the circumstances a case in point Isaac in the bible (Genesis 26:12-13).
ONE DAY FAST (13th Oct. 2021):
Step 1. Start Praising God and worship him with songs, and even with dancing.
Step 2. Repent… (As the Holy Ghost reminds you of any unrepented SINS during the course of the day KEEP REPENTING THEM)
Confess those sins one by one. Mention them by name, especially … sins. And ask GOD for forgiveness and mercy. Believe that the LORD has forgiven you as He has promised in His Word. You need to repent of them all if you REALLY want to see results in this 1-day program.
Step 3. Confess out LOUD the Scriptures promising to RESTORE US AND GIVE US THE POWER TO PROSPER:
Psalms 34:10; Psalms 23:1; Mathew 6:33; 3 John 2; Deutr 8:18; and Job 1:1-3.
Step 4.
1. I refuse to be part of any satanic agenda to transfer my wealth from me to the demonic strong rooms and banks, in Jesus’ name.
2. I command every security men, bankers and managers in charge of the demonic banks and strongrooms where my wealth is kept, to fall down and die in Jesus’ name.
3. I paralyse all satanic networks and transactions stealing my wealth to be completely dissolved in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
4.My Father! My Father! Let every form of fruitless hard work programmed into my destiny be deprogrammed in Jesus’ name.
5. My Father! My Father! Let my hard work, receive divine blessing leading to divine wealth in Jesus’ name.
6.From today I cover my hard work with the fire of the Holy ghost hence put to shame all the demonic money changers. In Jesus name.
7.I destroy all forms of evil load stored into the sun, moon, stars make me lead a profitless hard work, in Jesus’ name.
8.Oh Lord let all the strange hands stealing my financial blessing from my business, career etc catch fire and be destroyed in Jesus’ name.
9.Oh Lord let the spirit of favour fall on me hence bring miracle money and financial fortunes into my life from known and unknown sources in Jesus’ name.
10. I command all my buried financial blessing by the enemy to be resurrected before the end of this year, in the name of Jesus.
11. Father, help me to see my mistakes and faults and to do all in my power to overcome and correct them, so as reach my God ordained destiny in the name of Jesus.
12.By the power in the Blood of Jesus I destroy all evil birds, insects and demonic animals sent to my house, office, business to steal from me, in Jesus’ name.
13.I divorce from every demonic partner married to me who steals the money to sustain me so as to sustain the demonic kingdom, in Jesus name
14. My Father! My Father! Destroy all the jailers who have been sent to arrest me and stop me from progressing in Jesus name.
15. Spent some time thanking God for how he has RESTORED YOU FINANCIALLY this year.
Step 5. Close the session with high praises to the LORD.
Pastor Nathaniel