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Gambling: 15 Prayers To Help You Overcome It Now

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Most of the time believers as well as unbelievers tend to turn to sexual sin, substances and food abuse, gambling, and other unhealthy activities as a way to overcome hardships, and temporary overcome their sense of loneliness. Once we are bound to the chains of addiction, feelings of emptiness, shame, brokenness, and loneliness quickly set in.

What Is Gambling?

Usually, gambling means taking a chance with something valuable—money, mostly—on an unpredictable occurrence or outcome in the hopes of winning more. Betting on sporting events, playing casino games (such roulette, poker, or slot machines), taking part in lotteries, and even gambling online are examples of common kinds of it.

Gambling can basically be defined as any activity in which participants bet money or goods on a game, event, or result that is largely determined by chance rather than skill. Gambling usually has the goal of winning more money or prizes than one originally invested, and the outcomes are usually unpredictably unpredictable and out of the player’s control.

What is A Gambling Addiction?


What I mean by the word addiction it is the inability to stop using a substance or engaging in behavior even though it is causing physical and psychological harm. Addiction doesn’t only refer to dependence on harmful substances such as heroin or cocaine. But also, the inability to stop partaking in activities such as gambling, compulsive eating, overworking, and even too much social media exposer.

Addiction often has a hugely detrimental impact on all of the loving relationships in your life, from your parents to your husband or wife, children, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors and even God. Many people who struggle with addiction question their relationship with the God the Father and even turn away in anger and shame. Reconnecting with God can be the missing piece in the puzzle, and combining faith with your relationship with your Creator often gives believers a new sense of purpose in life. It’s this new-found strength that can also help prevent you from relapsing and backsliding.

What Does the Bible Say About Gambling?


The Bible doesn’t address all sins in black and white manner. Just because Bible doesn’t say something is a sin, doesn’t mean it isn’t a sin. According to Ecclesiastes 5:10 , “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity.”

The Bible encourages us to use our innovative abilities for the good of others, (Ephesian. 4:28), while gambling encourages “something for nothing” attitude. The Bible condemns materialism (Matthew. 6:24 25), while gambling promotes it.” In the book of 2 Thessalonians 3:7,10, Paul said, “For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example…For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”

We see that according to Proverbs 13:11, “Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.” the Scriptures condemn obtaining anything by cheating, stealing or lying, and further condemns the desire of obtaining what belongs to others. If you or someone you know is struggling with a gambling addiction, you’re not alone. Gambling addiction can have a devastating impact on a person’s life, affecting their finances

The weight of addiction becomes lighter when you seek a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ. He knows what it means to be tempted. He also knows your sin and He love you and is willing to forgive you. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” Isaiah 1:18. Addictions may break us but Jesus Christ can put us back together. Invite Him into your life by praying the prayers below for His strength and wisdom, reading the Word, developing faith-based relationships, and asking for forgiveness if you fall back into old habits.

15 Prayers To Help You Overcome Gambling.

1. I cover myself and my family with the precious blood of Jesus from every counterattack from the enemy because of these prayers am praying today against my gambling addiction in Jesus’ name.

2. O Lord, I thank You for keeping me alive to this day. I thank You for your mercies and faithfulness and for what You are set to do as I pray about this gambling addiction, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord today I acknowledge and confess all my sins that I might have committed due to my addiction and as a result I ask for Your forgiveness, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord I surrender my body, soul and spirit to You, please take complete control of my life as from today in Jesus name.

5. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare that I shall no longer desire to gamble again, and hence I shall not be held down in this captivity of gambling instead I shall desire the things of God.

6.My Father! My Father! Send Your warring angels to go and destroy each and every agent of darkness seeking to destroy my life through this gambling addiction, in Jesus name.

7. Let the blood of Jesus wash away all the strong evil thoughts and imaginations that lures me into gambling, in Jesus name.

8. O Lord, please deliver me from every evil spirit of self-destruction that wants to destroy me through this gambling addiction in Jesus name.

9.By the power in the mighty name of Jesus, I renounce and reject every spirit of gambling addiction from my life in Jesus name.

10.My Father! My Father! remove from me the heart of stone that wants to go after gambling activities and it’s destructive habits, in Jesus name.

11. My Father! My Father! create in me a new heart and a new spirit after the order of Ezekiel 36:26, that will be addicted to only Godly things, in Jesus name.

12. In the mighty name of Jesus, I silence completely every evil voice speaking from my evil foundation, that is causing me to be addicted to this gambling activities, in Jesus name.

13. Let the power in the blood of Jesus give me the strength and courage to break free from the chains of gambling addiction, so that I can live q life of freedom and peace, in Jesus name.

14. O Lord, give me the wisdom to seek blessings beyond gambling, May Your favor guide me towards true prosperity through honest work and righteous living, in Jesus name.

15. O Lord, give me the wisdom and understanding to recognize and disassociate from the harmful influences of gambling. Help me to make choices that align with Your will and lead me towards a path of peace and abundance in Jesus name.

Pastor Nathaniel.

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