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Divine protection

Divine Protection: Sure Way To Easily Receive It Now

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My African forefathers, even though they did not serve the God of heaven, still never left home without some form of divine protection. Some had all kinds of things as they went, some would tie on their bodies, some would swallow things, some made incantations, and still some pointed their rods at the sun or the sky.

They knew that the world is risky to work in without divine protection and preservation. For instance, even nowadays, someone can shake your hand and say, “how are you?” And from the day that person shook your hand. You develop complications beyond your understanding, or some other known or unknown sickness.  You may never know the cause, but you just know you are not feeling well at all. Most of the time, you might never link it to that handshake.

You will notice that at the moment someone begins to rise from a family, come these wicked spirits and this altar. –Have you not heard of people who sacrificed their relatives for money and faked their tears as others cried.

The Bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked. If someone gets in bless already let me tell you the truth.

It’s good to be in the side of the police. It’s good to be on the side of the law enforcement agencies. It’s good to be in the side of all kinds of people. It’s good to be in the side of doctors and medics and paramedics.

We have seen people healthy and strong, yet they died and we have seen people attempting to manage mysterious sicknesses that doctors and medics are not able to diagnose. The Lord’s side means immunity against the wickedness and the mayhem that plagues our world. In fact, the Bible says the name of the Lord is a strong tower (Proverbs 18:10).

But the Lord is asking you a question. “…if the LORD does not protect the city, the watchman stays awake and guard in vain. (Psalm 127:1). I have found that God is the only one who can protect a man.

Psalm 20:7 Some trust in their war chariots and others in their horses, but we trust in the power of the LORD our God.

Now you must understand that horses and chariots were very important for physical warfare. To fight, ancient armies mounted horses and chariots. The Lord’s side is a side of divine protection and preservation.

John 17:12, While I was with them, I kept them safe by the power of your name, the name you gave me. I protected them, and not one of them was lost, except the man who was bound to be lost–so that the scripture might come true.

There is no amount of physical security that is enough to protect an individual from the spiritual, emotional, and even physical harm that takes place in our society. We have seen people attacked even when they had the most sophisticated security architecture. The Bible says he stands by me as a mighty terrible one (Jeremiah 20:11).

I don’t know how many shrines my name is taken to every day. Remember that Satan is also a witness. He’s watching your prayer and sacrifice, and he’s already seen the anointing upon you, and he knows you are an apostle or prophet rising for sure. Don’t say that you did not trouble anyone, but still the devil attacked you. The fact that you found yourself on this side of God’s kingdom means a line has been drawn.

You have to make a very strong and very firm decision about who is on the Lord’s side, What is the implication of being on the Lord’s side? The Lord’s side is the side of divine protection and preservation. So, when Moses is asking who is on the Lord’s side, (Exodus 32:26), He is asking who desires to be on the side of divine protection and preservation.

Psalm 63:8 I stay close to you, and your powerful arm supports me.

Psalm 16:8 I always keep the LORD in front of me. When he is by my side, I cannot be moved.

Invisible To The Enemy.

We all have things that come against us in life. People that don’t like us. We’re dealing with an illness. But David said in Psalm 27:5, In the time of trouble, God will hide you. He will place you out of reach on a high rock. It doesn’t say we won’t have trouble. Difficulties may come, but the promise God gives us is he’s going to hide us. You could say he’s going to make you invisible to the enemy through his divine protection.

God has put you in a safe place. He’s not going to let you be found. But when you know you’re in a safe place, where God has you hidden, then you can live in peace. When trouble comes, you don’t fall apart. You know God has made you invisible to the enemy.

You don’t know how many times trouble has come, but it couldn’t find you. That calamity, that accident, that sickness had your name on it, but when it showed up, you were invisible because of your divine protection, and you didn’t know anything about it.

The Divine Protection of Guardian Angels

Every person in the world has a guardian angel, according to Psalms 34:7 And why? Well, because every individual is worth more than the entire universe.

Matthew 10:29-31 For only a penny, you can buy two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father’s consent. As for you, even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows!

Remember that everyone is important to God; hence, he has given to each a guardian offering us divine protection. No wonder Jesus said, the children have guardian angels (Matthew 18:10). What is it that protects children when they fall out of second- and third story windows?

Example Of People Who Had Divine Protection

When you live in the presence of God, when you live connected to your Heavenly Father, you walk in divine protection.

You are safe even in the midst of chaos and danger.

  • Paul the Apostle was bitten by a snake, but he survived because of the divine protection he had (Acts 28:5–6).
  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace, yet they survived; there was a fourth man in the fire with them, and that’s what we call divine protection. (Daniel 3:22-24).
  • Daniel was thrown into a lion’s den, yet he survived, for he was offered divine protection (Daniel 6:16–24).
  • Mark 16:18 tells us that those, including you, who believe, will not be harmed by poisonous things. When things are falling apart all around you, when systems are being shaken, if you live in the kingdom of God, if you walk by faith, if you stay connected to your heavenly, father then divine protection is guaranteed.
  • Moses, according to Exodus 6:1, “Then the LORD told Moses, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh. When he feels the force of my strong hand, he will let the people go. In fact, he will force them to leave his land!”
    To show that God is protecting you, he forces your enemy to let you go.

Exodus 11:2, Tell all the Israelite men and women to ask their Egyptian neighbors for articles of silver and gold.”  (Now the LORD had caused the Egyptians to look favourably on the people of Israel. And Moses was considered a very great man in the land of Egypt, respected by Pharaoh’s officials and the Egyptian people alike.)

Then you will know that the Lord makes a distinction between the Egyptians and the Israelites.

Exodus 13:12: You are to give over to the LORD the first offspring of every womb. All the firstborn males of your livestock belong to the LORD.

They were given very simple instructions and a part of those instructions, but according to Exodus 12:13, the blood on your door posts will serve as a sign marking the houses where you are staying. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt.

Do you realize that there are two systems in the world? There are two kingdoms. There’s the kingdom of darkness and there’s the kingdom of light. Those of us who are a part of the kingdom of light, those of us who are a part of God’s kingdom, do not become affected by the things that touch this world, for we have divine protection.

You may be wondering if I am saying that believers never get sick or encounter problems. Of course not. So, what am I saying?

I’m saying that outside of the will of God, the enemy has free reign on people who are outside of that will. But for those of us who are in the will of God, the only things that can happen to us are according to the will of God. So long as we’re walking in obedience, so long as we’re walking under the blood, we walk under the divine protection of the father. Remember God telling Moses, When I see the blood over the doorposts, I will pass over.

Enemies that should have defeated you, trouble that should have caused you great heartache didn’t have any effect on you. Why? You were invisible to the enemy. That’s why we can live from a place of faith, a place of trust, and not worry.

Possible questions relating to Divine Protection

You may also wonder, What if my company downsizes and doesn’t need me? What if my child starts taking drugs or becomes alcoholic? Always keep a positive mindset that your health, children, finances, marriage, and even your dreams are all invisible to the enemy.

Take the example of David

David knew what it was like to have opposition and people trying to stop him. The book Samuel 23, he was living on the run from King Saul. He had done nothing wrong. He was one of Saul’s main armor bearers. He would play music for Saul when he wasn’t feeling well, but Saul was jealous of David. He was so obsessed with getting rid of him, that’s all he could think of.

Sometimes when you’re doing the right thing, being good to people, the favor on your life will stir up the jealousy in other people. David was in the desert, hiding in caves, doing his best to not get caught. Saul had the most skilled soldiers. He had groups that were specifically trained in tracking people.

David was a shepherd, he’d been taken care of sheep, a teenager, he didn’t have any professional training, and he was outnumbered. They had more equipment, more skill and It seemed like he would be easily captured. But verse 14 says, Saul hunted David day after day, but God did not let him be found. God knows how to make it invisible to the enemy. He knows how to hide you from trouble, hide you from an accident, hide you from people that are trying to bring you down.

2 Kings 6:18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed, “O LORD, please make them blind.” So the LORD struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked.

He said, it was like God was making me invisible to the wrong people. God knows how to protect you and offer you the much needed divine protection. Just as he can make blind eyes see, he can make eyes blind. He can make you invisible to people and circumstances that want to harm you.

Psalm 31:8 You have not let my enemies capture me; You have set my feet in a place where I can move freely.

We all have things trying to stop our destiny, but like with David, God has put you in a safe place (divine protection). He’s not going to let you be found. You may have difficulties now in your health, your finances, your marriage. You could live worried, panic. What am I going to do? But when you know you’re in a safe place where God has you hidden, then you can live in peace.

1 Samuel 23:26-28 Saul and his men traveled a great distance. They arrived to where David was hiding. But just as Saul was about to attack, a messenger came riding up as fast as he could with an urgent message. It said, Saul, hurry home. The Philistines are attacking our city. Saul and his men turned around and left. They never did capture David. God knows how to keep you in a safe place and how to offer divine protection. Even when it looks like it’s too late, he knows how to distract your enemies. He knows how to change people’s plans, how to turn that trouble, turn the sickness, and turn the opposition.

You’re not at risk; you have divine protection. God has you hidden where you cannot be found. Many things that were sent to stop you, trouble, calamity, bad breaks—had your name on them, they had your address. The reason they couldn’t stop you is they couldn’t find you. God had you in a safe place. When you make the Lord your God, when you stay under the shelter of the Most High, the scripture says he covers you with his wings (Psalm 91:4).

He will hide you from things that could have brought you down. See, the enemy has schemes and strategies to try to keep you from your destiny. People were set in motion, headed your way to cause trouble.

God has given you divine protection, and you didn’t even know it.. When trouble came, God put you in a safe place. That difficulty is not how your story ends. God has the final say. He’s not only going to take care of what’s trying to stop you, but he’s going to bring you out better.

In the Old Testament, God sent plagues on Pharaoh and his people for not letting the Israelites go. The final plague was that the firstborn of their children were going to be killed. God told the Israelites they had to put blood on the doorpost of their house. When the angel of death came, as long as they had blood over their houses, they were invisible.

There was no harm to their family. That night, thousands of lives were lost. There were all kinds of grieving, great sorrow. What’s interesting is none of the Israelites lost their lives, yet they were living next door to their oppressors. They were all in the same area. The difference was that one had the blood (which offered divine protection), and the other didn’t.

When you keep the blood over your house, when you honor God, you stay close to him, you have an advantage. He hides you when trouble comes and offers you divine protection. He makes you invisible to the enemy. When a calamity shows up at your house, like with them, it passes you by. When people want to harm you, when sickness, when early death comes, that may have been sent for you, schemes and strategies that have your name on them. Stay in peace. You’re covered by the blood, You’re under the shelter of the Most High. Things that take other people out can’t take you out.

Trouble that defeats others won’t stop you. Sickness that should be the end can’t take your life. You’re in a safe place. You don’t have to live worrying, fearing what might happen, fearing getting cancer, fearing being laid off.

The good news is you have blood on your doorposts. You belong to the Most High. Now get an agreement with him. Lord, thank you that my finances are invisible to the enemy. Thank you that my income, my business, my savings, my property are all in a safe place.

We should have a different approach. Remember the mighty men of old, They understood that when trouble comes, God will hide you, that he can make you invisible to what’s going on around you. Invisible to a down economy. Invisible to an environment that says lack and not enough. And instead of complaining, their report was, Father, thank you that even in famine, we will have more than enough, because you offer us divine protection. Thank you that the economy is not our source, but you are our source.

We’re going to see overflow, abundance, and running over blessings. When you honor God, when you keep him in first place, what limits others won’t limit you. Now you have to give God something to work with. You can’t go around with the defeated mindset.

When you say, “This sickness runs in my family; I’m afraid I’m going to get it.” The scripture says, What you fear is going to come upon you (Job 3:25). Quit living out of fear and start living out of faith.

Faith and fear have something in common. They both ask us to believe something that we can’t see. Whichever one you get in agreement with is the one that’s going to come to pass. Well, I’m afraid I’m not going to get well. You’re using your faith in the wrong direction. Turn it around. A lot of times we don’t realize it, but we’re using our faith for the negative. We’re expecting defeat, sickness, and trouble.

Instead, we ought to say thank you that heart disease can’t find me. High blood pressure may knock at my door, but it’s not going to recognize me. This is a new day. I’m setting a new standard. The enemies we’ve seen in the past, we will see no more (Exodus 14:13).

 Don’t go through life expecting the worst, anticipating bad breaks. Do not go on saying this disease is spreading everywhere. I’ll probably get it too. With all these negative influences, my children will probably be spoiled. Don’t voice it. You have the blood on your doorpost. You belong to the Most High God. These things may come, but they’re not going to stay. They’re going to pass on by. Why? You are invisible to the enemy.

Trouble may have been sent you away, but he can’t find you. Sickness may have shown up, but it’s not permanent. God has you in a safe place. Nothing can snatch you out of his hands. Enemies may be looking for you. People that work against you, your dream seems impossible. Don’t worry. God has you out of reach. He’s not going to let you be found.

What you’re up against is no match for our God. He controls the universe. He knows how to hide you. Yes, it may get rocky from time to time. Enemies knocking at your door. Debt, trouble, sickness, calamity. Stay in peace. You’re invisible to the enemy.

Acts 12:4-12 After his arrest Peter was put in jail, where he was handed over to be guarded by four groups of four soldiers each. Herod wanted to bring Peter to trial in front of the people after Passover…

That sickness can’t take you out. That trouble looks permanent, but it’s only temporary. Things are about to change in your favor. That’s what happened to Peter in Acts chapter 12. He was arrested for sharing his faith and put in prison. King Herod ordered 16 soldiers to guard him. He wanted to make sure he didn’t escape. He had him chained between two soldiers in his cell. The night before Peter was to go on trial, he was asleep in prison.

The other guard standing outside his cell when an angel appeared. He woke Peter up and told him to get dressed. They were about to leave. Suddenly the chains fell off his feet. The angel said, come with me. The prison doors opened of their own accord. They walked past the first set of guards. Four men, nobody saw them. The second set, nobody saw them. The third, the fourth, they went by 16 soldiers who were diligently watching, ordered by the king, and yet none of them saw Peter. God had his divine protection over him.

He didn’t say we would never have problems, but he did promise when trouble comes, he will hide you. He won’t let the circumstances stop your purpose. He has angels watching over you right now, protecting you, guarding you giving you divine protection. He knows how to open doors that you can’t open, how to get you out of problems that look impossible, how to blind the eyes of those who are trying to hold you back. What you’re facing may look permanent. Like Peter, you don’t see your way out. The odds are against you. You don’t know what God is up to. That’s why we don’t have to live in fear.

There are a lot of negative things that could happen, accidents, sickness, trouble, bad breaks. We could go around worried, stressed, but when you know God has you hidden, that he’s put you in a safe place, that because the blood is over your doorpost, because you belong to him, he’s made you invisible to the enemy.

According to Job 1:10 God has a hedge, divine protection that nothing can cross without his permission. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it’s not going to come near you. Psalm 91:7 Why? You’re under divine protection and in the shelter of the most high. He has you covered. He’s covered your health, covered your marriage, covered your children, covered your finances, and covered your dreams.

When Elisha saw them coming, he had no chance in the natural. It was him, versus 10s of thousands of soldiers. He could have panicked, been depressed, but he understood this principle that God can make you invisible to the enemy, that plans that were set to stop you, strategies designed to keep you from your destiny cannot stand against our God. He knows how to put you in a safe place, how to hide you from trouble. It may come, but if you’ll stay in faith, it’s not going to turn out the way it looks.

It looks like the sickness is permanent., but don’t judge your situation too soon. Wait till you see what God is about to do. Elisha prayed something interesting. He didn’t say, Lord, deliver me. Lord, stop this army. Lord, protect me from these people. He said, Lord, please make them blind. He was saying, Lord, make me invisible to the enemy. What a powerful prayer. We should pray that every day. Lord, make my family invisible to the enemy. Make my health, my finances, my dreams invisible to the enemy.

The verse goes on to say, and the Lord did what Elisha asked. When you ask God to make you invisible, he’s going to do what you ask. Don’t go to God complaining, telling him everything that’s wrong.

God, these people aren’t fair. I’ve got this problem at work. My child won’t do what’s right. Try a different approach.

The Syrian captain knocked on the door and said, We’re here to see Elisha. Elisha looked surprised, said, sir, you’ve come to the wrong city. Elisha doesn’t live here. Great man of God lying. You know the Syrians did their research. They tracked Elisha, made sure this was his address, confirmed he was home, and had people that could identify him. Despite all that, the captain was confused. He said, where is he? Elisha said, he’s in another city. Follow me, and I’ll take you there. Elisha led them to Samaria to the Israelites camp. Then he prayed that God would open their eyes. They realized it was Elisha all along, and they were captured by the Israelites.

How many times has trouble knocked on your door, so to speak, but when you answered, the enemy didn’t recognize you. The trouble had your name on it. The sickness was your address. Are you sure this is not you, But God made you invisible to the enemy. He’s been protecting you your whole life and has given you divine protection all along. There are things he has kept you from that you know nothing about, schemes and strategies that were meant to stop you, but they couldn’t find you. And yes, in those difficult times, it wasn’t easy, but God hid you.

Without him watching over you, you wouldn’t have made it

through the sickness, through the divorce, through the trouble. He doesn’t stop everything, but he did promise when trouble comes, he will hide you. Instead of living worried, fearful, and expecting the worst, have a new perspective. Because the blood is over your doorpost, because you belong to the most high, you have an advantage. God has made you invisible to the enemy, and you have the divine protection of the Most high God.

Pastor Nathaniel.

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