Table of Contents
ToggleAccording to Deuteronomy 29:29, Remember that the spirit realm is full of mysteries, and even beings beyond our imagination, but thank God that according to Matthew 13:15-17, we have been given eyes to see and ears to ear so what are you hearing and seeing…
We see that one man called Elijah understood this and exploited these mysteries according to:
2 Kings 1:6-7 They replied, “A man came up to us and told us to go back to the king and give him this message. ‘This is what the LORD says: Is there no God in Israel? Why are you sending men to Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, to ask whether you will recover? Therefore, because you have done this, you will never leave the bed you are lying on; you will surely die.’” The king asked them, “What sort of man came up to meet you and spoke those words to you?”
Then King Ahaziah sent Elijah a captain with his company of fifty men. So the captain went up to Elijah, who was sitting on top of a hill, and said to him, “Man of God, the king declares, ‘Come down!’ ” Elijah answered the captain, “If I am a man of God, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men.” And fire came down from heaven and consumed the captain and his fifty men. ’ ”…
Elijah understood this concept of moving from lower levels which have many enemies who can take your life and where sickness is rampant, that is why he chose to come up to the next level which was higher, and safe from everything. There he met spiritual beings that is the angels who reside there and they helped him and protected him. That is why Elijah said to these soldiers that he would not come down. If you want to go to the next level learn from your past mistakes and don’t repeat them again and again.
No one can go on your behalf and no wonder that most people are still where they were 10 years ago with nothing new.
To get to this next level you must be somebody different than the person you are now, which means you must think and act very differently than now. The same mindset that got you where you are now will not take you to the next level. For instance, we see in the book of Matthew 14:29-31 when Jesus called Peter to come up to his level of faith whereby he walked on the water, Peter came to this level but because he wasn’t ready for it, he sank lower than before.
It was like taking a fish out of the water, it might survive for a while but it will eventually die because it’s not used to that new level unless it adapts or catches up to this new level.
For instance, a tortoise is in the family of turtles but turtles refuse to explore and adapt to the new changes and levels hence they are still trapped in the sea. But the tortoise adapted and it enjoyed the land more. With the new level comes new responsibilities and a new lifestyle which you might not be well to take.
In the new level, everything seems to change miraculously and it’s this change that we tend to resist and hence we tend to self-destruct.
For instance, in this new level, there is abundance that you are given, but what you don’t know is that you don’t own that abundance, but you are a custodian, and hence the better you are at taking care of it, the longer you can continue to be a custodian enjoying it more.
But most people forget that and instead, they think it is because of their education or talent they have acquired this, and then God takes it away and gives it to others who can understand this truth. Look at Noah, he was given a blueprint of how to come to this new level of safety and hence enjoy protection together with his loved ones. The conditions were that he was supposed to be a good custodian of what was given to him, so as long as the animals were safe he too was safe.
When we accept the invitation, it means that we begin with preparation which means that we have to drop some things and pick others along the way and there is no cheating the system because you will be caught very soon and punished. For example, in the book of Matthew 22:11-13 a man who was found in heaven without the wedding clothes was thrown out of heaven.
According to Luke 16:18-31, Another man who understood this concept was the rich man and poor Lazarus, because one was on a lower level than the other both here on earth and in the afterlife, and due to it being difficult to switch sides at will both suffered and even enjoyed. There were different levels here on earth and even on the other side which is heaven. Both places had barriers to keep outsiders out for instance here on earth the rich man had a gate as a barrier while in heaven they had a deep valley separating them.
This level I am speaking of is real as day and night and you will know when you have arrived for instance the rich man thought the way he used to cheat things to the next level was the same way he would do in the afterlife but rules were different hence he never benefited at all neither his friends and relatives because they were not willing to accept any change to their normal lifestyle.
Look at the occultic people they accept to move into a new level and they get power and wealth but most of them can’t keep up with the demands and rules of the new level and hence they are punished with either sickness or something preventing them from enjoying their luxuries.
Sometimes if they fail to rectify what they are supposed to do, then they expire (by death) or are thrown out of that level. When they are thrown out they do not die but are just taken away from their previous level to a different level with different privileges which are less and are not enjoyed for long.
That is why the rich man was still alive on another level but at a lesser level than Lazarus. In the new level, everything changes, in most cases, things like your name might change, for instance, from Abram to Abraham, even clothes can change, look at Joshua in the bible he had to be removed of the old dirty clothes (Zechariah 3:3-9)
Remember in the book of Luke 15:22-24 the prodigal son when he came back the first thing was to get him to change his clothes and even bath and shave and then he was given some other things like rings to access the wealth that came with the new level.
In the new level laws of the other level are suspended and hence you have new rules which means the old is good and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17), that is why the bible says the later glory is greater than the former (Haggai 2:9)
New players come into being for instance poor Lazarus was assigned father Abram to guide him, you are also assigned tools, vehicles, residence, and other resources to help you carry on your new assignment with ease.
For instance, Noah was assigned a boat. So where is your boat assigned to you? And if you are assigned such a boat what are you doing with it? some people are assigned angels and that is why you are told to be welcoming because an angel might be assigned to you but you don’t know. This angel is assigned to you help you to understand how to use this vast wealth and resources at your disposal.
So, according to Exodus 23:21 remember angels can get angry in this level so don’t anger them, be careful otherwise they will destroy you instead.
So when you come to this new level please know that everything you are given doesn’t belong to but it belongs to the new kingdom of God and you are just a custodian. The cars, houses, wealth, and other resources are to be used for the benefit of the kingdom
The new gifts, talents and everything is the property of the kingdom and you can’t use it outside the kingdom if you don’t want to be demoted to a lower level and even punished.
Why do we tend to give more when we are at a new level?
The reason is simple, the more you keep the more it stinks for instance the children of Israel were supposed to collect enough manna for the day but some were greedy and collected this heavenly food and it went bad the following day (Exodus 16:19-21). Remember this new wealth can’t be kept here on earth no wonder we give because by giving we are transferring to heaven.
We can keep it only on special occasions, when God tells us, remember that the only time the Israelites collected and kept was only before the sabbath so that they could use it during the sabbath. When you are at a new level you will notice that you will acquire new skills, and talents and even have great wisdom like Solomon overnight just became the wisest man.
Look at the disciples who were given words to speak in court though they we not educated (Mark 13:11). But this was only when they operated on behalf of and for the kingdom. You have been given eyes to see and ears to ear so what are you hearing… remember that in this new level you learn many things by seeing and hearing so be a good listener since the spirit is always speaking and observe more and just do what you see the angels or aids do and you will go far.
Revelation 3:15-16 You can’t be in two levels at a time or in short you can’t be in between levels you are either in one or the other. God hates it and will spite you out so that you can make up your mind where you want to belong but as for the devil, he doesn’t give you a chance to choose instead he kills you.
Now you see why it’s even a crime to try to sell something that doesn’t belong to this world in short what belongs to one level is the property of that level and it stays in that level and to try to steal it and bring it here is impossible.
When you ask to be given resources belonging to that level they must be used well otherwise you get punished look at the king who asked to be given 15 years He ended up letting the future enemies inside the Temple.
The only problem is that you can’t take your things from one level to another yes, they might look the same but the source is not the same hence they are not allowed for instance achan brought gold from Babylon (Joshua 7:20-25 )but it wasn’t allowed in this new level because it was corrupted from the source which was pagan.
So you can’t use charms, talismans, or witchcraft in God’s kingdom these are supposed to be left in the old level because that is where they belong.
You can’t even bring the old ways and habits, the drinking, the smoking, the fornication or adultery with you. This will make God very angry and he might even destroy you, thankfully he is merciful and he destroys you slowly giving you a chance to repent and destroy those evil possessions.
You see that we can’t even sell oil, water, and clothes because yes these things are made at this level but they belong here and the power you want to operate in them doesn’t belong here so you are a thief.
Always remember that you are an ambassador and you are fully funded and supported by the government that sent you here. So when God sent you he doesn’t expect you to use things he hasn’t given you.
So from today you should dress, eat, drink, and do things like people who live in the kingdom do. The things that you get from up there are more valuable than money and even anything and can’t be exchanged for anything. It is my work to pull you into that level where things are happening
Ways You Can Use To Come Up To The Next Level
- Someone can pull you up from that lower to a higher level if you ask like the beggar asked Peter (Acts 3:2-8) most people are too proud to ask hence, they can’t receive.
- 2 Kings 1:13-15 Respecting that authority
- 2 Kings 2:9-14 Through discipling for instance Elisha received a double portion of that dimension from his master. Just as his body refused to die (as it had the life to resurrect even when dead) so did his master’s body refuse to die and was taken to heaven.
- Disciples and Jesus were pulled up during transfiguration
- By association for instance Jonathan the king’s son pulled up David a shepherd up to the level of kings.(1 Samuel 18:1)
- Worship. If the devil and his people understand this simple truth that everything in this level depends on worshipping the master who gives no wonder the devil said to Jesus to join that new level where wealth wasn’t a problem, he had to worship him first and keep doing so to remain enjoying the benefits of that level (Matthew 4:9).
- In this new level, there are some things you need to keep doing to keep strong like eating communion the right way since if you eat it the wrong way then you might become weak, then sick, and then die (1 Corinthians 11:29-30)
Eating these communions is very important and that is why even the disciples did it daily but the bible says we must do it regularly.
Remember this is the food or fuel we need in this new level this builds the body but the body also needs life and that life is found in the blood of Jesus, so you see if you miss the food to feed the body to keep the life then you die
Let me tell you the truth about why we need this heavenly food it gives us strength as in the case of Elijah to be able to accomplish the task ahead of us. Did you not know that the tasks assigned to you are spiritual and are very draining and if you are not careful, they can tire you into pieces no wonder you see when you start if you are not quickly aging you need the communion to keep you fresh.
- The anointing to oil you and the sprinkling water to clean you according to Ezekiel 36:25-28.
This world is dying and hence everything in it so the only way to stay alive is to be in Christ and that is why he gave us a way to do that through these mysteries. Communion, anointing, blood of sprinkling, and many others
What Can Stop You From Coming Up To The Next Level
- Fear of failure you never try anything hence you lack faith and you can’t please God who grants
- Laziness to pray and to do anything spiritual activities. Prayer is a lot of work look at Jesus he went to Mt every time it was a lot of work to climb the mountain. Even today climbing the mountain of prayer is not easy because you need to put in hours, days, and even years to come up for Jesus he put in years
- Lack of fasting is something needs more than prayers (Matthew 17:21) in short, they need the extra mile called fasting to enter the next level for instance Moses fasted for 40 days and 40 nights to come up to the next level and you could see it even the children of Israel saw his face shining with the glory of God
- Disrespect can take you far from the next level. 42 boys who mocked Elisha were instead pulled down by Elisha to the point that they were destroyed by animals (2 Kings 2:23-25)
- Wanting to come up to the next level for gain or make money for yourself remember the witch Simon who wanted to buy the power that operates in those levels (Acts 8:18-20)
- Keeping on sinning, Eli and his son died instead of going up (1 Samuel 3:13-14)
Pastor Nathaniel