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Beware People What You Always Feed Your Brain Now!

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Brethren let me ask you a question. Who are you listening to and what are you feeding your brain as well as your mind?

What does the Bible Say about the Brain and Mind?

Joshua 1:8 Think it day and night

Psalm 1:1-2 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or set foot on the path of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. 2But his delight is in the Law of the LORD, and on His lawhe meditates day and night.

A tree that has deep roots can’t break even if the winds blow strong. The word of God grounds our mind and brain so that we can overcome the storms of life

All of us have the same amount of time in a day, so the only difference is how you use your time. So, the lord teach us how to number our days on earth to make the most of them (Psalm 90:12.) How are you using your hours and days?

It’s very easy to tell where a person will be in the next few years by looking at his time schedule and what that person reads, watches and listens to, the people around that person,what he feeds his brain and mind etc

It might not show there and then but just like bamboo trees takes many years of feeding and watering before it germinates the same might be these good or wrong things you feed your mind it’s just a matter of time and you will see.

As I grew, I saw lands that were well fenced and had a sign written trespassers will be prosecuted.  More so you know that every house has a padlock and even, some houses have security doors and even some others have laser beams as a form of extra protection. Tell me anyone who leaves his house not closed?

But just imagine how important our brain is but we don’t even guard whatever enters in there through our eyes, ears, etc.

Many people are willing to feed your brain with their view, opinions, needs, wants, etc. You don’t want anybody to help you feed your brain with negativity after all you can do that alone. When you read Mark 8:22-25

We see Jesus led the blind man out of the village which was full of doubters and then healed him. Maybe this blind man was surrounded by negative friends and relatives who had accepted his condition as normal. Just like Jesus did you have to get out of a negative environment to start to see your miracle manifest.

Tell me if a dumping company was to request you to come and dump wastage materials at your backyard would you accept? Of course not, but that is what you are doing unknowingly you are allowing Tv, newspapers, people, etc. to dump what they want or don’t need in your space (particularly your brain). Before you know it they have damaged your mind and eventually your body. For instance, we eat, dress, and even talk like some TV personalities, what we forget is that these people are acting but as for us we are not acting but we are applying these things in the real world, no wonder we see divorces, murders, drugs, etc.


Good food and good thoughts is necessary to keep you alive. After all, you are what you feed your brain daily. So what are you feeding your brain through books, media, friends etc.?

What you do today will be the seeds you plant to harvest later in life. e.g. if you eat poorly today it will show at a later stage in life. Did you know that the inventor of the Bulb Thomas Edison’s friends were Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone?

The next few years of your life will be the same except for the new people you meet, the books you read, etc. So, what kind of people, books, and videos are you having around you are they building you or not.

Without feeding the mind every day you start dying and eventually you die.

Weeds don’t need permission to grow in your backyard but when it comes to corn or flowers you got to plant them and water them. Learn to avoid the news, reality tv, newspapers, etc because they are negative and toxic. It’s better to watch a tedtalk, biography, documentary, podcast, audiobooks, talk to someone positive, etc

The American army has a technology which once fired at the enemy camp, which could break their spirit and make them to surrender.

Feeding Home dog vs a stray dog

If a dog gave birth to 2 puppies and then one was adopted by a wealthy family which could afford the best care to this puppy after a few years, it would be a strong healthy dog. But if the other puppy was left to fend for itself in the garbage cans, then it would be very small and weak. So, it all depends on what you feed your mind on.

What you don’t feed will eventually die. You may have some weeds in your life ignore feeding them and they will die. If you keep feeding the past you won’t be able to feed the future.

Did you know that by putting on a hood and a mask might make you unrecognizable from the person who you are made to be. Remember your brain can only process what you have been feeding it knowingly or unknowingly Just as Genesis 13:14-15 says as far as you can see in your mind so shall it come into reality so how far can you see?

Proverbs 13:2 you will eat the fruit of what you what seeds are you sowing? Remember you can’t talk positive and expect to live negative, you can’t talk lack and expect prosperity. If you have a poor mouth you are going to have a poor life

Never be stopped by criticism, rebuke it from achieving what you were made to achieve a good example is found in  Mark 3:20-22 Jesus who was called names and criticised but still, he never gave up and now we have millions of his followers.

Just imagine how a bee is so big and yet its small wings can make it fly. But how does it do it? It just told itself without checking with all the other animals about it and it just did it. It’s all in the mind, whatever you think you can become. According to Ephesians 4:28-29 Remember it’s never too late to start doing the right things. Start right now. Feed your brain the right stuff.

Ephesians 4:27 Don’t give the Devil a chance. This could be a long sickness, financial difficulty, etc which will make you doubt God and then look for an alternative and that is all the devil wants. No matter what others say if it’s wrong or against your beliefs just ignore it and keep moving. Your dreams are still there.

Pastor Nathaniel

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