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Trust in life

Beware Of The People You Always Trust In Life Now

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Show me five people you always trust in life, and I will easily tell you where you will end up in the next five years.

Some people we Trust In Life due to circumstances like unemployment, being a school dropout, and even times like this of covid-19. They will either take away or add something into our lives. It’s up to you to limit or end your time with them.

Things To Look For In The People Who You Trust In Life.

According to Micah 7:5 Be careful who you allow in your life some people are the devil in the flesh they will pretend to be the best when they are near you and in the end, they will destroy you. Not everyone means well for you. They are two-sided and mean not well. A case in point is Job’s wife when Job needed her the most she wasn’t there (Job 2:9). Like Job’s wife, they will spend time with you when it suits them and if they will get something in return ONLY!

Most people who you trust in Life will end up misusing you and after getting what they want they will leave you and move to the next victim. These people think that no one knows about them and their evil character. Like job’s wife, they are there when all is well and will only return when the storm is over, and when you are doing well again, they will give you all manner of excuses. Say a million sorries to get your sympathy. They act like they don’t know what your saying or doing

They will even lie to cover past lies. Even when you discover their lies, they lie more. It’s in their blood and only Jesus can take it away. they will even frustrate your plans and ensure that they fail so that you will invite them back so that they can continue manipulating you.

They can package themselves as a spouse or friend to achieve their goal which is to destroy you. so, take your time to learn them. So always pray about the people God puts into your life and if God gives you some red flags don’t ignore them.

Trust in life
Trust in life

Are you surrounded by dishonest people, controlling people, very negative people, takers and never-givers(expect to receive only), people who never want to grow or improve? These people who you trust In Life might be the ones you need to turn back from or change those friends.

There are times you should build a high wall around yourself (set some standards) so that these people can’t reach you. Don’t be like a rag for people to wipe themselves with. Never be too desperate for a relationship that you will end up regretting. Yes, you might lose that relationship and save your life.

Some people will get mad at you for setting these standards but remember that is why you hear of things like inner circles or secret societies, these are people with very high standards which the masses can’t reach and hence they call them secrets.

These societies chose who they want but Jesus chose these 3 Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves Matthew 17:1, Moses chose … Aaron and Hur in Exodus 17:12

So, who have you chosen to be so close to you? Are you sure that is the right person? Do you spend most of your time trying to please this person always? When a person or people come into your circle, they must prove themselves after all actions speak louder than words.

Most of these people who you trust in Life will try to convince you that whatever you heard is wrong or people are against them so you can give them a chance. Brethren spent less and less time with the wrong people. The people around you need to be consistent, stable, responsible people that move you closer to your goal. Remember Iron sharpens Iron (Proverbs 27:17). You can’t please everyone and still meet your goal.

According to 2 Samuel 13 :1-13,32, Amnon had a very evil friend called Jonadab who ill-advised him which cost him his life. Everybody in life has a Jonadab whose advice you need to avoid at all costs otherwise he or she will cost you everything. Cut them off! After all the Jonadab’s who you trust in Life will be the first to turn against you when things are wrong.

According to 2 Samuel 12:1-15, You need Nathan’s in your life who will look you in the face irrespective of your position and correct you when you are wrong, and will never cover your mistakes. Remember true friends are with you through thick and thin.

Pastor Nathaniel

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