Table of Contents
According to Romans 12:4, the bible says ” For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function,” No two twins are ever the same their will still be some difference here and there. Yes, you might share a name and even live in the same area but still you will have some other differences which make you distinct. Even in a great forest all trees might be green but still they are different in other aspects things like scent, sizes and many other things.
After all, it’s much better to be hated for being yourself than to be loved for who you aren’t. When you are different, you become more respected by others because you are yourself. You shouldn’t have to hide who you are from the world because the right people will accept you.
Accept Who You Are
It is impossible to be different if you refuse to accept who you are. You need to come to terms with both your strengths and weaknesses because God knew what He was doing when He made you. You are a unique individual—God created you the way you are!
It’s time that we dare to accept ourselves as different and stop being insecure about who we are. If you’re going to overcome insecurities and be the person God has called you to be, you must have the courage to be different. It’s not easy to be different. But it’s worth it. You aren’t simply different; you are the original, you were born an original, so don’t die a photocopy.
There’s no need to copy what everyone else is doing. You’ll never achieve this goal. Instead, focus on yourself, be yourself and do your best, regardless of what other people think about it. You can never be wrong by being yourself. So be yourself. There is no one else in the world like you, and there never will be.
In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. Don’t be like everyone else, because you are not every other person. You are you, So, be you. Remember, no one is like you, so own your individuality and just be you and keep being you. That’s all you can ever do, so be so different that the world cannot be without you. Keep in Mind that there is something you can be that everyone else cannot be, and that is the difference, happiness is not about being the same as others.
You are great just the way you are so be confident in who you are. Life is too short to be like anyone else so be different. Don’t be afraid to stand out, be an individual by following your own style and personality. The best part about being yourself is that there’s no one else you can be. You are different. Don’t apologize for who you are. Do what is best for you to do, and don’t worry about what other people think. If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be
Unique for a Purpose.
Everybody has a special story that makes him or her different from others. Unhappiness and frustration happen when we reject our uniqueness and try to be like each other. We are different! We are unique! And God created us this way to accomplish His purposes here on earth.
According to Isaiah 1:18 God wants to take us, with all our weaknesses and inabilities, and transform us, by working from the inside out, to do something powerful in this earth. If we’re going to overcome insecurities and succeed at being ourselves, we can’t continue to be afraid of what everybody else may think. We can’t continue to allow others to fit us into their mold.
Don’t be a people-pleaser.
According to James 4:4 the bible says,“You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.“
You must ask yourself, Am I a people-pleaser…or a God-pleaser? People-pleasers allow others to control their lives to gain acceptance and approval. But God doesn’t want us to be easily manipulated or controlled by others. We shouldn’t let other people’s opinions of us control our actions!
However, we must not allow people to manipulate and control us to the point that we’re never free to be who we are. If we do, we’ll always try to become the person we think others expect us to be.
We are brought up in our schools to conform; to be the same as everyone else. It has gotten to the point now where some of our teachers are not allowing children to win prizes for coming in first place on school sports day, because those who lagged behind would feel different and “left out”.
At an early age we were trained at school that its ok to be uniform at churches you should wear choir uniform even at the companies there is uniform. Becoming a people-pleaser is one of the easiest things we can do…but it can ultimately make us very unhappy.
I spent most of my life editing myself to try to be more palatable for the people I liked. Eventually I discovered a huge flaw in this strategy: when I edited myself, the person people liked was the edited me, not me. No wonder, when we grew up, we wanted to belong by doing things the same way others were doing them. For example, we want to be a certain color, so we bleach our skin, or we darken it, or we all want to have long hair, so we put on wigs and abandon our short hair.
So it’s not an issue of daring to be my complete self or best self or trying to be more. I either have a choice of being myself and giving others a chance to like me, or pretending to be someone likable, and having no chance of ever being liked for myself.
It takes nothing to join the crowd; it takes everything to stand alone. So, distance yourself for a while, you’ll realize a lot. When we begin pleasing others, we begin to hear comments that make us feel good about ourselves. According to Matthew 10:31, “We’re worth something because God says we’re worth something“—not because of what people think or say about us.
Our society is completely brainwashed. It creates standards in this world that are almost impossible to meet. Many of us end up believing that these standards are something that is needed in order to be “happy”. Some of these societal standards, unrealistic ideas are impossible to meet. We forget that being different is beautiful and instead, feel the need to do whatever it takes to become that “standard”, whatever that may be.
Often Leaving you scarred for the rest of your life. Imagine a world where there is only one type of car, one type of food, one type of house, one type of color, and one type of human. People often take the position that one is right while the other is wrong. Any discussion in which people attempt to sort out such arguments becomes fruitless when undertaken with such a mindset.
Funny how you want to take a complete change of direction, perhaps in your career or business, but you are worried about what people might think, or whether you’ve got what it takes to make it successful. you don’t want to rock the boat.
Most worthwhile goals require you to swim upstream. Swimming upstream is more challenging than floating downstream. It takes guts to do this. But not just guts. Effort. Push. Drive. Massive change is the sum total of lots of small changes over time. If you want things to be different, perhaps the answer is to become different yourself. “There’s nothing wrong with you! You’re just different.”
Associate With Those Who Accept Your Differences.
Find the people who accept that and support you wholeheartedly. Just because everyone is going in a certain direction doesn’t mean you should too. What if everyone is going in the wrong direction and you’re their ONLY beacon of HOPE!!
The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever seen before. If your friends want you to be just like them, find new friends. If you can be anything in this world, then dare to be different. Don’t follow the crowd, lead it.
Stand tall and firm and walk in the direction in which no one is walking. The direction in which no is right. You can’t be happy if you live someone else’s life, and you would only achieve a small fraction of who you were created to be. You don’t have to be others to be you. You are different. Be yourself.
We don’t all have to be the same. We can be different. Being different is not a sin; it is a strength. Be different from everyone else, you don’t have to follow the trends, you should rather choose to stand out.
Be Careful That You Are Not Conformed And Then Transformed.
According to Romans 12:2 the bible says, “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God–what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.“
The world (those we know and deal with daily who may be family, friends, people in the neighborhood, or even in the church) is continually trying to conform us to its image. The word conform means “to be similar in form or character; to behave in accordance with prevailing modes or customs.”
It’s not easy to talk about your beliefs, especially when one has an opposing belief from yours. Very few people have the ability to be who they are and let everybody else be who they are. Can you imagine how nice the world would be if we would all do that? Each person would be secure in who he is and let others be who they are. We would not have to try to be imitations of each other.
When you dare to be different, you will not be a friend to the world. You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. (James 4:4).
You have to separate and take your stand for God. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14,15)?
The Lord didn’t save you and give you a new life so you could go back to the world. Yes, it is human nature to want to follow the crowd, but the Bible makes it clear that we are not to walk like those in the world. So, I tell you and encourage you in the Lord’s name not to live any longer like other people in the world. Their minds are set on worthless things. 18They can’t understand because they are in the dark. They are excluded from the life that God approves of because of their ignorance and stubbornness. (Ephesians 4:17,18).
Are you willing to separate from the world and dare to be different? The Bible says, The Lord says, “Get away from unbelievers. Separate yourselves from them. Have nothing to do with anything unclean. Then I will welcome you.” The Lord Almighty says, “I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters.” (2 Corinthians 6:17,18).
You must never conform to the world in any way, and never justify yourself for doing anything against God. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). You are only justified in the eyes of God through the blood of the Lamb.
Some people think that if they act like the world, they can win the world; but that is deceit. The devil blinds people’s minds to the truth, so why would you want to mix and mingle with the wrong people and open your mind to the devil? In whom the god of this world [the devil] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Don’t ever let the fear of what other people may think of you stop you from pursuing the thing that might make you great.
Sometimes you don’t have to fit in, you can be different from everyone else. To be mysterious, different and exciting is to be yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Don’t be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone. You may not be like others but be proud of being yourself.
Accept criticism
It is easier to fit in, it’s better for all concerned to go with the flow because who wants to be rejected when one can be accepted? Nobody likes to be the odd man out. Nobody likes to be on the outside looking in. Peer pressure is real. Melting into the crowd is a great and a grave temptation. We see it in school, at work, in the arts, in the military or even in government. The clear and present danger of peer pressure of conforming to the crowd or to the culture. And that is a temptation that the Christian must confront and conquer.
being different is accepting that not everyone will love you. Not everyone is going to approve of what you’re doing and that’s okay.
Dare to be different no matter how much you are criticized or talked about because God will be with you to lift you up. He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man (Psalm 18:48).
Love yourself.
You can’t be different if you don’t love yourself enough. Loving yourself means being brave enough to be yourself, no matter what the world says. Don’t adjust your lifestyle to please people who would do the same for you.
At some point, you have to stop putting others first and embrace who you are, no matter what anybody else says about you.
Don’t ask for validation
Asking for other people’s approval would just mean you don’t have adequate confidence and self-esteem to be different in a world that convinces you that you aren’t enough. Don’t let the world convince you that it’s much better to change yourself for the warmth and comfort of others.
And all the benefits Heaven affords can be yours right now if you will claim them. Praise the LORD, my soul, and never forget all the good he has done: He is the one who forgives all your sins, the one who heals all your diseases (Psalm 103:2,3).
The divine nature is different from the human nature, and it doesn’t want to be a part of the world. When you truly have that nature and walk with God, you can overcome the world. But you belong to God, my children, and have defeated the false prophets, because the Spirit who is in you is more powerful than the spirit in those who belong to the world. (I John 4:4). For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. (I John 5:4).
Be a Light to the World. You must dare to be different not only in how you act but also in how you dress and speak. As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy (I Peter 1:14-16).
This world is not home to true children of God; we walk a different path than the world does. But as honest-hearted people watch our lives, they will want what we have. Dear friends, since you are foreigners and temporary residents [in the world], I’m encouraging you to keep away from the desires of your corrupt nature. These desires constantly attack you. Live decent lives among unbelievers. Then, although they ridicule you as if you were doing wrong while they are watching you do good things, they will praise God on the day he comes to help you. (I Peter 2:11,12).
The book of Matthew 5:16,”In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Dare to be a light that stands out in the midst of this dark, dark world so that others will see that light and want to come to it. Don’t wait for things to happen make them to happen. Talk less and act more, because this world is full of talkers.
Never Compare Yourself To Others.
According to Psalm 1:1 ,“Blessed is the person who does not follow the advice of wicked people, take the path of sinners, or join the company of mockers.“
Sometimes, you have to be okay with being alone and not depending on others. Being overly dependent can end badly regarding being different. Never let the ugly in others kill the beauty in you. it’s so easy to compare, especially when you’re fond of using social media platforms. When you tend to compare, it’s also easy to form a desire to be just like everyone else.
Others will have been affected by your life and your presence here, whether you realize it or not. Those that you loved and who loved you will have been changed in a way that could not have happened had you never lived. People dare to be different because they know the world is changing.
People who make a difference are people who stick to their moral values and keep on doing the things they feel are right no matter what the people around them say. In their deeds you’ll see sincerity and perseverance. They have a vision in their mind and for it they will sacrifice everything if they have to.
Don’t be afraid to be different, be yourself and reach your full potential of ‘amazingness. We aren’t called to be like Christians; we are called to be like Christ. That is why God wants to take us, with all our weaknesses and inabilities, and transform us, by working from the inside out, remember that God created you this way to accomplish His purposes here on earth.
Pastor Nathaniel.
Focus On Surrounding Yourself With The Right People Always. (