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Believe me, that I know most of you were expecting me to speak on any other topic other than discipleship. You’re probably asking me in your mind, ” Pastor, doesn’t the story of disciples end with Jesus, or what. Can’t we talk of something more personal like prosperity, healing, etc?”
Did you know that we as Christians have put so much emphasis on getting people to be converts as opposed to evangelism? In short, we are not doing what Jesus commissioned us to do before he went to heaven which is found in Matthew 28:19-20. Go and make disciples. This verse says that we have a responsibility to teach the new converts.

What Is The Difference Between a disciple And A Convert?
The difference between a convert and a disciple is that a convert doesn’t know much but even if he died, he would go to heaven. While a disciple goes one step further and that is he knows his rights as a believer (Mark 16:17-18).
Did you know that if one didn’t convert from a convert to a disciple that person might become negative towards the kingdom matters because he has not benefitted in any way? He is still poor, sick, etc, and yet he is born again. They take the bible just like any other book with no power of its own but just a mere storybook.
Most converts worry, swear, etc just like any unbeliever. The only difference between the two is that they attend a service in a building on Sunday. But they don’t have a strong relationship with the Holy Ghost.
Most times if you were to put the two side by side an unbeliever and a convert there is not so much difference because both are not benefitting from the kingdom. Since both don’t know how to receive from the Lord what is rightfully theirs.
Remember that most converts forget that after they get born again that they are born into another kingdom, and they are a new creation in a new kingdom. According to Deuteronomy 28:13, we are supposed to be leaders, winners, etc, and not the other way around. Remember Galatians 1:4 says he has paid for our healing, prosperity, peace, etc. in full not halfway (John 10:10).
Hence when you become a disciple then you start to experience heaven on earth (Matthew 6:10) after all you are not of this world. Healing, prosperity, etc are your birthright. According to Acts 19:1-7 most believers then and even now went as far as repentance but never really became true disciples in short never developed a strong relationship with the Holy Ghost. Just imagine If everyone who mentions the name of Jesus looked like and acted like Jesus then it would be very easy to preach the word and turn people into disciples.
Mahatma Gandhi was exiled by the British Empire from India to Africa due to political reasons. During this time, he actually read the New Testament and was convinced that Jesus was the son of God, so he visited a Presbyterian church run by white people with the intention of becoming a Christian. So, when he reached there, they looked at the color of his skin and classified him as a black and wouldn’t let him in let alone talk to him, these people were probably
So at this point, Mahatma Gandhi made this statement: “I like your Christ, but not your Christianity.” “The Christians above all others are seeking wealth. Their aim is to be rich at the expense of their neighbors. “The Christians are the most warlike people. Just imagine that he used the teachings of the Bible to lead India to independence through passive resistance. He never became a Christian but just imagine if he was one what an impact would he bring to Christianity?
According to Matthew 23:15, many false Christians don’t care about converting these converts to disciples of Christ. Instead, they behave like these Presbyterian Christians who chased Mahatma Gandhi from Christianity. There would be more disciples if it weren’t for these unholy men, false prophets who think of themselves as special and not servants (Philippians 2:3-5).
According to 1 Corinthians 5:9-12, Many people hate Christ because of us, we behave like hypocrites in our speech and actions. Do you think that you are representing Christ to the fullest in your actions and speech? Just imagine how many people have backslidden because of your actions and speech. They expected you to behave in a certain way, but
they were wrong as said in Matthew 23:3-7. To some or even you, Christianity is just an act, titles, what you can get from it (wealth, miracles), etc
Most Christians preach that we should repent and be born again and that is where we stop, and get right to avoid going to hell. Most people are stuck here and don’t want to do anything else to grow in the matters of the kingdom.
Did you know that more than 75% of born-again Christians don’t attend church on a regular basis? The reason for this is that these people feel like they already have purchased their ticket to heaven, and they are just waiting for the hour to depart to heaven. These people don’t know that heaven has more to offer before we get there. So ask yourself are you one of them or are you a disciple?
Pastor Nathaniel.