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dream erasers

Dream Erasers: Here Is What You Should Know Now.

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What is a dream?

Before we talk about dream erasers, let’s see how dreams were viewed in the Bible, dreams were used by God as a source of divine revelation that indicated what a person should do, revealed what is going to happen, and even explained current and future events. Dreams have a crucial distinction from the other mysterious ways in which God communicates with us. 

In most cases in the Bible God or his angels appeared in visions or spoke to people in their waking state, but when it came to dreams it was totally different because God packaged and passed the intended message to his people when they were asleep. That is the reason why we should be careful of dream erasers, who can delete those much-needed dreams.

Remember the more you pay attention to your dreams, the more you’ll get from them, and the more likely you are to remember them. According to Matthew 13:25, “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way”. Never forget that sometimes dreams might be misleading due to interference from the demonic world. This interference can be posed by a dream thief who takes different shapes and forms and for instance, they may take the form of dream erasers.

Who are dream erasers? 

Dream erasers are satanic agents that attack your dreams by causing spiritual blackouts which result in a communication breakdown between you and God. Their main work is to monitor your dream activities and ensure that they erase the most important dreams from your memory. To achieve this, they sow seeds of forgetfulness in your life and as a result, they paralyze your spiritual awareness.

dream erasers

Remember when you can’t remember your dreams, it means you have lost your spiritual compass and you are headed for destruction. As a result, you can easily be attacked and oppressed, since you can’t receive any warning from the spirit realm.

When your dream life is under attack you will have all different manners of sleep problems ranging from forgetting your dreams to being attacked spiritually and even in severe cases physically where you might wake up with physical marks all over your body. As a result of all this, you are always left spiritually and physically powerless.

The moment you start to remember your dream gradually, you will begin to gain deep revelation and see secret things that have been hidden from you for a long time (Daniel 2:22 “He reveals the deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him.”). When God gives you the power to exercise dominion over your dream, you will begin to see big changes in your life.

When it comes to dream erasers, they are so stubborn that they keep coming again and again, especially when you are weak spiritually and the quality of your prayer life is poor due to a number of facts ranging from sin to sickness. So, always remain spiritual to avoid being attacked. We can never overcome dream erasers using yesterday’s anointing. By that I mean, you used to pray well but due to one thing or another, you stop. Dream erasers work in groups and even call for reinforcements especially when we are weak in the spirit.

Biblical Examples Of People Who Suffered From This Problem Of Dream Erasers.

According to the Book of Daniel 2:3, “The king said to them, “I had a dream, and my spirit is troubled and anxious to know the [content and meaning of the] dream.” You can see that these dream erasers can attack anyone irrespective of their status, position, or even age. You can see in this case that King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and couldn’t remember it when he woke up.  All he knew was it was disturbing but he was unable to tell what it was.

Most Christians can identify with what happened to King Nebuchadnezzar they dream but due to the dream erasers in their lives, they can only remember the violent attack of these spirits and only when they are fighting with you to erase or steal their dreams.

According to the Book of Daniel 8:26, “The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future.” So always remember there is a reason for God giving us a dream but not allowing us to remember it for a time.

Some dreams are given to us now, but “sealed” for a future date.  What this means is, God may give you insight into a future event right now, but the understanding of it might not be known until a later date. This is not to say that all dreams that are forgotten are for this reason but, at times this can be the reason.

Hence, if you are being attacked by dream erasers, I recommend that you pray the prayers that I have attached in the link below:

15 Powerful Prayers Against Evil Dream Erasers Now (

Pastor Nathaniel.

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Can you please help me? I have dream erasers attacking and attaching themselves to me. I had a dream of the powerball but couldn’t play it because I forgot the dream and the demons showed me the numbers the day after. I remember having a dream of a women on top of me having sex with me but someone/something removed it and it turned out to be a man that shape shifted into a woman. Please help


Pastor will you pray with me?


Yes of course! Thank you dearly! I have been having my dreams stolen almost every single night. I remember some but then they are gone not soon after I wake. I have been seeking God, I have prayed, fasted, repented, and anything else you can think of. I keep seeking God to make sure they weren’t stopped for something that I was in error for. I will continue to seek Him. Will you also pray with me for deliverance of these dream stealers? Thank you truly from the bottom of my heart and God bless you greatly.


Thank you dear brother. All glory to God, I am just a vessel. I will just leave it in God’s hands. It’s all in His perfect timing. Thank you.


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