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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday: Why Has It Lost its Original Meaning Now?

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According to John 20:11-18, This year before you celebrate Easter Sunday you need to ask yourself a few questions. Am I worshipping the correct Bible Easter? Am I doing it the correct way? If Jesus was in town, would he celebrate with me and our church? The word Easter Sunday is not in the Bible, but the word “resurrection” is in the King James Version of the Bible and is mentioned 41 times.

The word Easter is related to the east pointing us to the sunrise, new days, and new beginnings. So to many people, Easter Sunday is also called Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday, representing the day Jesus resurrected, and it occurs on any day of the 35 days between March 22 and April 25. The reason why it’s not fixed is that it is based on a Gregorian calendar that operates on lunar months. Easter the oldest Christian holiday dating back to 2 AD

Jesus died because the wage of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Remember Jesus took all our sins (1 Peter 2:24). During Easter Sunday, most Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It’s very important to celebrate it because if Christ didn’t resurrect then our faith and preaching would be in vain (1 Corinthians 15:14). Jesus did say that he would resurrect on the 3rd day in Matthew 12:38-40; In 3 days in John 2:19 and After 3 days in Mark 8:31. Exactly 72 hours. Jesus is the resurrection

3 days Jesus was dead

John 1:29 Jesus was that Passover lamb that was killed in the Old Testament to take away sin. That is why he said I give you a new covenant which is fair (Hebrews 8:6-7)

Origin of the Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs.

During Easter Sunday, Easter egg hunts are popular among children in the United States. The custom of associating a rabbit or bunny with Easter arose in Protestant areas in Europe in the 17th century but did not become common until the 19th century. The Easter rabbit is said to lay the eggs as well as decorate and hide them. In the United States the Easter rabbit also leaves children baskets with toys and candies on Easter morning. In a way, this was a manifestation of the Protestant rejection of Catholic Easter customs. In some European countries, however, other animals—in Switzerland the cuckoo, in Westphalia the fox—brought the Easter eggs.

Things people do during Easter Sunday.

For some people, Easter Sunday is all about playing Easter games like hiding easter decorated eggs on plastic grass and telling stories about the bunny, eating candy or jellybeans, and taking pictures. Ask yourself are these important during our Easter Sunday, no, remember these were pagan things that were introduced to our pure Christian faith.

Some Christian churches even light candles, decorate the cross with flowers, make an Easter Garden with the stone rolled away, etc. These pagan rituals were introduced by Romans to the Christian faith to make it more acceptable to the pagan Romans, who wanted to join Christianity but still keep their traditions intact. These traditions of easter eggs and bunnies had nothing to do with the resurrection of Jesus but they were attributed to their spring fertility rituals in the honor of pagan goddess of spring called Eastre, and her symbol was a hare, which was done to usher in spring.

According to Romans 5:10, we should remember on that day Jesus paid for all our sins and rose again to reconcile us with God. By accepting Christ to be our Lord and saviour then the same power starts to work in you (Ephesians 1:19-20). Easter means that there is life for us again (John 14:9).

According to 2 Timothy 2:20-22, The more you choose to die to the things of this world the more you live and become a vessel unto honor. Jesus did not die for a group or church but for individuals and that is why this is your cup to drink, and you can’t pass to others to do it for you.

Without death there was no room for the power of resurrection to manifest, so brethren without the death of certain things in your life then the infinite power of God cannot manifest in you.

Pastor Nathaniel

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