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ToggleWhat Is An Evil Garment?
Isaiah 59:5-6 describes it” They hatch the eggs of vipers and weave a spider’s web. Whoever eats their eggs will die; crack one open, and a viper is hatched. Their cobwebs cannot be made into garments, and they cannot cover themselves with their works. Their deeds are sinful deeds, and acts of violence are in their hands. “This is as a result of evil garments in operation in one’s life.
Therefore, A garment is a robe that increases our beauty. There is a wise saying which says that you are addressed the way you dress, this is true whether in the physical or spiritual. Did you know that people may tell a lot about you by looking at the way you dress? they might even go ahead and estimate how rich or poor you are. The same applies to when one is clothed with an evil garment, no good thing will be happening in that person’s life. It’s difficult for their helpers to recognize them and help them.
Correct or wrong garments can make some to be useless while living on this earth as useless beings, evil garments have reduced some to nothing and made them a failure, it has also made some very successful. You remember the story of Joseph’s garment in the bible which was made of many beautiful colors, yes it made his brothers jealous, but it made his destiny helpers happy and were willing to help him along the way to become the second in command in Egypt.
When Joseph was made a prime minister in Egypt, his garment changed. Joseph used to wear the prison robe, but when he was elevated, he began to wear the garment of royalty. So also, the blind Bartimaeus, he had to take off his robe so the mighty hands of God could restore his sight. (Mark 10:50-52).

So, let’s pray these prayers to help you remove any evil garments you might be wearing.
Let’s Pray:
1. O Lord, I come before you and acknowledge every sin that I and my family members have committed against you, I ask that you forgive us, cleanse us from these evil garments, and make us holy, in Jesus name.
2. O Lord, I thank you for clothing me and my family with your garment of righteousness, your glory covers us like a garment of protection against these evil garments, in Jesus name.
3. My Father! My Father! Let every evil power, principality, and demonic spirit that has prepared evil garments in the form of … (name them one by one such as hated garment, beggarly garment, garment of blindness and infirmity) for me wear those evil garments and then fall down and die, in Jesus name.
4. In the name of Jesus, I command every evil garment that is upon me and my family that is attracting evil, shame, reproach and pain, in my life be consumed by fire in Jesus’ name.
5. In the mighty name of Jesus, I cast off every evil garment of spiritual blindness and deafness affecting me.
6. By the power in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare total destruction of every evil garment of poverty, sickness, infirmity, backwardness, setbacks, confusion, disappointment, hatred, rejection, non-achievement, failure, covering me and my family, in Jesus Name
7. Let the blood of Jesus, wash away every evil garment placed on me by the enemy, in Jesus name.
8. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I remove every evil garment of sickness and disease in my life, in Jesus name.
9. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare that every evil garment of rejection in my life be consumed by fire.
10. My Father! My Father! Send, your warring angels to go to both the seen and unseen world and take away every evil garment of delay and disappointment used to prevent destiny helpers from locating me, in Jesus name.
11. My Father! My Father! let Your fire consume every evil garment of heaviness and depression in my life in Jesus’ name.
12. O Lord, remove every evil garment of stagnation in my career and business in Jesus’ name.
13. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I destroy every evil garment of inequality, every evil garment that is hindering and eventually stopping me from doing good things that my friends are doing easily, in Jesus Name
14. My Father! My Father! destroy all evil garments of spiritual barrenness in my life in Jesus’ name.
15. O Lord, remove all evil garments of barrenness and unfruitfulness in my life in Jesus’ name.
16. By the power in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare that whosoever that will want to reactivate these evil garments and veils that have hindered our ancestors and parents from succeeding in life let them be destroyed by fire, in Jesus Name
17. My Father! My Father! Send your fire from heaven to burn and destroy all evil garments of witchcraft and sorcery in my life in Jesus’ name.
18. O Lord, strip away every evil garment of falsehood and deception in my life in Jesus’ name.
19. My Father! My Father! Send your recovery angels to go to both the seen and unseen worlds and recover anything that was stolen from me or my family as a result of these evil garments, in Jesus name.
20. O Lord, clothe me with the garment of Your joy and remove all evil garments of sadness in Jesus’ name.
21. O Lord, remove every evil garment of false identity in my life in Jesus’ name.
22. In the mighty name of Jesus, I reject all evil garments of spiritual defilement in my life.
23. By the power in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare total destruction of all the powers of evil garments in my possession, let all the covenants and curses serviced by these garments be broken, in Jesus name.
24. O Lord, clothe me with the garment of Your strength and remove every evil garment of weakness in me, in Jesus’ name.
25. O Lord, I pray that you will save me from every evil affliction in my life that came as a result of these evil garments upon my life, in Jesus Name,
26. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare that every garment of affliction in my life be consumed by the fire of God.
27. My Father! My Father! clothe me with the garment of Your holiness and remove every garment of sin in Jesus’ name.
28. O Lord, remove every garment of spiritual backwardness and ignorance in my life in Jesus’ name.
29. My Father! My Father! destroy every garment of financial curses that is causing povertyin my life in Jesus’ name.
30. In the mighty name of Jesus, I reject every garment of satanic manipulation in my life now.
31. O Lord destroy every garment of relationship/marital distress in my life in Jesus’ name.
32. Let the fire of God fall upon every garment of poverty and lack and consume it to ash, in Jesus name.
33. In the mighty name of Jesus, I command every evil garment covering my glory to be torn into pieces and burned to ashes.
34. Let every garment of untimely death and graveyard put upon me to kill me before my time catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus name.
35. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare that every evil garment in my life magnetizing problems to me be consumed by the fire of God.
37. Let every evil garment of disappointment and non-achievement prepared for me, catch fire and burn to ashes, in Jesus name.
38. Garment of lateness in good things prepared for me, catch fire and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
39. In the mighty name of Jesus, I command every evil hand preparing evil garments for me, to wither and burn to ashes, in Jesus name.
40. In the mighty name of Jesus, I cast off every evil garment of spiritual blindness and deafness.
41. O Lord, let every evil veil covering my destiny be removed by Your power in Jesus’ name.
42. I decree that every garment of evil dedication in my life be consumed by fire in Jesus’ name.
43. O Lord, remove every evil garment of false identity in my life in Jesus’ name.
44. O Lord, remove every evil garment of spiritual lukewarmness in my life in Jesus’ name.
45. O Lord, clothe me with the garment of humility and remove every garment of pride in Jesus’ name.
46. O Lord, remove every garment of missed opportunities in my life in Jesus’ name.
47. O Lord, clothe me with the garment of Your wisdom and remove every garment of foolishness in Jesus’ name.
48. My Father! My Father! Remove every evil garment of stagnation in my career and business in Jesus’ name.
49. O Lord strip away every garment of bitterness and unforgiveness in my life in Jesus’ name.
50. O Lord, clothe me with the garment of Your anointing and remove every garment of powerlessness in Jesus’ name..
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Pastor Nathaniel