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Evil Laws

Evil Laws: 30 Sure Prayers To Break Them Now

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Isaiah 10:1-2“Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees (unjust laws or cruel and unfair laws), who write misfortune, which they have prescribed to rob the needy of justice…”

Evil laws can be categorized into three main types: human evil laws, demonic spiritual laws, and self-imposed evil decrees. These laws are designed to bring oppression, bondage, and destruction, contradicting God’s will for His people.

Just the same way we have godly laws; is the same way there are evil laws. Evil laws are systems of spiritual rules the devil uses to influence, interrupt and determine the outcome of people’s destinies. These are laws established in the realms of the spirit by the devil against people for their downfall.

Example Of People Who Were Affected By Evil Laws In The Bible.

Daniel 6:8-9, This was the law that empowered Daniel’s enemy against him if not that the Lord intervened.

Esther 1:15,19 Vashti lost her position as a result of evil law. Vashti also lost her royal estate… That speaks of a man’s possession

Esther 4:10-11 Esther was prevented by the law from coming in to see the king. This is because the devil had already planned on killing all the Jews. So from the spirit down to physical, they used that law to block her from seeing the king.

This law was set again against Mordecai, Esther and Daniel. Now you must understand If the devil can use this law against people, then he can use it against anybody. And that is why you must pray.

Let’s Pray:

1. Heavenly Father, I thank You because You are the righteous Judge over all creation. I surrender my life, my family, and my destiny to You, O Lord Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and renounce every evil covenant working against me, in Jesus name.

2. Every ancestral law limiting my progress, be cancelled by the power in the blood of Jesus.

3. Every evil law written against my destiny, be erased by the blood of Jesus!

4. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare that only the laws of God will stand in my life and  I enforce God’s promises of success, victory, and dominion in my life.

5. In the mighty name of Jesus, I command that every law of slavery and oppression that is working against me to break and I revoke every agreement keeping me in spiritual bondage.

6. I declare that the law of prosperity in Christ works for me, in Jesus name.

7. I reject every law established by witches, wizards, and occultists against my destiny, in Jesus name.

8. Holy Ghost fire, consume every altar reinforcing satanic decrees against me, and I release myself from every legal hold of the enemy over my life, in Jesus name.

9. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I overturn every satanic report concerning my health and I reject every demonic law enforcing sickness in my life , in Jesus name.

10. Every spiritual law enforcing delay, be overturned in Jesus’ name

11. Let every monitoring spirit enforcing evil laws over my life, receive divine judgment, in Jesus name.

12. When that law was altered, Mordecai advanced, today in the name of Jesus by the breaking of this law in my life, I shall experience advancement, in Jesus name.

13. Let every demonic law enforcing failure in my life, be overturned, in Jesus name.

14. Let every law of the devil that has been activated to influence my attitude or behaviour against the will of God tonight be abolished, in Jesus name.

15. O Lord I decree in your name that both my position and possession are secured against the effect of the evil laws of the devil, in Jesus name.

16. In the mighty name of Jesus, I reject every satanic verdict concerning my marriage, career, and future life.

17. By the power in the name of Jesus, I command the nullification of all the effects of the evil laws in my life.

18. I break the laws of rejection and failure operating against me, in Jesus name.

19. In the name of Jesus let every stronghold of addiction in my life that is empowered by the evil laws be destroyed.

20. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare in your name that both my position and possession are secured against the effect of the evil laws of the devil

21. in the mighty name of Jesus, I renounce and revoke every satanic covenant and law imposed upon my family and destiny.

22.O Lord, arise and let every evil decree against my destiny be overturned! in Jesus name.

23.In the mighty name of Jesus, I nullify every evil law that has been activated by the demonic world to bring me down from my exalted position.

24. Every satanic lawyer standing to accuse me in the spirit realm, be overruled by the blood of Jesus!

25. Every law of limitation working against me, break now in Jesus’ name!

26.Let the angels of God go forth and tear down every demonic legal system oppressing my life! in Jesus name.

27. Let every demonic judge passing wicked laws against me, be silenced! in Jesus name.

28.I command all negative records against my destiny to be wiped away by the blood of Jesus!

29.I take authority over every demonic legislature working against my city and nation! in Jesus name.

30. Father, I thank You because You are the ultimate Lawgiver, and Your laws override every satanic decree! Let Your will be done in my life, and let no evil law stand against me, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Pastor Nathaniel.

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