Table of Contents
ToggleAccording to Matthew 23:2-3 we should be careful of false preachers who speak one thing and do another thing so they can’t be trusted instead they should be feared and avoided at all costs. Everything they offer you including the miracles, sweet words, their music, their messages on TV or social media are to lure you to their trap (Matthew 23:15).
When you see false preachers know that you are not on the same page, you want to go to heaven and stay there with Jesus them they want a piece of heaven to enjoy it here on earth with the devil (Matthew 23:13).
Key Things To Look For In False preachers.

According to Mark 9:38-41 Jesus advise us that despite what these false preachers do or say in the name of Jesus they remain dangerous to your faith. They might look blessed, but their end is near.
Some false preachers, teach, cast out demons in the name of Jesus. But when you dig deeper into their lives you find out that they are after what they can get from Jesus and not Jesus himself and his teachings. This false preachers will break every available law in the bible to get what they want. For instance Carl Lentz, pastor of Hill song East Coast, was forced to resign in November 2020 for “moral failures,” including an adulterous affair, and sexual abuse.
Just imagine:
1.Casting demons or preaching and in between you speak in tongues which is against the bible(1 Corinthians 14:2,5,13,27,28)
2.Falling people backward on the ground and telling them that they are receiving holy spirit or being filled or healed no this is against the bible and is the work of the devil according to (Luke 9:42(boy) ; Luke 4:35(man).When God visited people he didn’t throw them to the ground backward but instead they fell on their face by their own accord to the ground in a position of worship.
According to Matthew 26:39 Jesus fell with his face to the ground and prayed. Now who is this great prophet, apostle who can change the mode we should worship God. Leave Jesus alone he was son of God but are you now greater than Moses and Aaron combined who according to Numbers 14:5 fell on their faces… What about Father Abram when he wanted to talk to God did, he not fall on his face down according to Genesis 17:3?
Beware of this false preachers. According to Matthew 23:5 Simply because you wear a white robe with big rings or even worse label suit with making of Jesus things like cross like the pharisee that doesn’t make you right when you are wrong according to Matthew 23:27.
Remember Galatians 1:8-9 warns us to be careful of such people preach a different gospel other than the one the disciples preached. So, if this person is cursed if you associate with him then you receive a curse according to psalm 23:1-2.
By carefully reading the Bible in 1 Kings 13:18 you will see that some of this so called prophets can lie and can put you into a lot of trouble so stay away from them, their toys(mantles, oils, etc)before you get burned and badly. After all broad is the way which goes led to hell.
Let me remind you that according to Jeremiah 23:16-17 most of these false prophets or false preachers do everything to get money. They can lie to the people, offer them false hope and will never root out sin because sin is their playground, and they love it. Jesus said that “each tree is recognized by its fruit” (Luke 6:44).False preachers’ fruit always appear good, but inside it is bitterness. Maybe it’s time we start believing him, and act accordingly.
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15, emphasis added to all). “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock” (Matt. 7:24). Or, very simply, “Follow me” (Luke 5:27; John 1:43).
Always remember when you are too lazy to pray, when you are too lazy to study your bible, when you are too lazy to rebuke some strange prophetic utterances, you become a slave to these false preachers. Matt 24:11-24.
Living in the age of information literally at our fingertips as well as the reality of “fake news” means that sometimes it can be overwhelming to wade through what is true and what is not. This is also true for Christians when it comes to what is being proclaimed as truth from the pulpit.
Let us pray:
But before you start praying first take your bible and confess any scriptures that promise the destruction of these false preachers. A few of these verses are: 1 John 4:1; Matthew 7:15-20; 1 Corinthians 14:32; Matthew 10:16.
After these I recommend that you Repent of any sin… (As the Holy Ghost reminds you of any un repented SINS during the course of the day KEEP REPENTING THEM)
Confess those sins one by one. Mention them by name, especially … sins. And ask GOD for forgiveness and mercy. Believe that the LORD has forgiven you as He has promised in His Word. You need to repent of them all if you REALLY want to see quick results.
Now spend a few minutes praising the Lord and even worshipping him with songs.
You are now ready to pray these prayers below:
1. O Lord, help me to stand firm in Your faith and boldly proclaim Your Truth in love. Help me to be deeply rooted in your Word that I may be able to stand against evil these false preachers, in Jesus name.
2. O lord put a hedge of protection around me, my children and finances from any demonic arrows shot by any of these false preachers, to bring destruction and even death in my family, in Jesus name.
3. Holy Spirit, give me the gift of discernment to help me to see through the many false teachings and doctrines of demons that are flooding our mainline churches today, causing untold damage to the body of Christ, in Jesus name.
4. My Father! My Father! sent your recovery angels to go to both the land of the living and dead to recover whatever was stolen from me both physically and spiritually by any of these false preachers, in Jesus’ name.
5. My Father! My Father! Let the fire of the Holy Ghost destroy every demonic source of satanic visions and prophesies against my life, my children, marriage, and finances in Jesus’ name.
6. O Lord, we thank You that You are a giver of good gifts and so we thank You for sending us the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth and helps us discern all things, in Jesus name.
7. My Father! My Father! Create confusion in the camp of the enemy so as to make these false preachers hired to destroy me to destroy themselves instead in Jesus’ name
8. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare, total destruction of every prophet that is not of God, trying to manipulate us from the right way of righteousness to the other way, in Jesus name.
9. In the mighty name of Jesus, I nullify the evil effect of every evil word, evil pronouncement, curse, spell and even other dangerous chants uttered by these false preachers at any level or rank in the spirit against my destiny, in Jesus name.
10. O Lord deliver me from these false preachers who want to lead me astray with their corrupt doctrines and ideas, in Jesus name.
11. My Father! My Father! Send your warrying angels to go and destroy these demonic ministries, that are watering down your Word with their human philosophies, arrest their hearts and cause them to repent of their sins, in Jesus name.
12. By the power in the name of Jesus, I decree that every plan of these false preachers to disrupt the plan of God for my life, be destroyed now, in Jesus name.
13. O Lord help me to destroy every form of evil manipulation used against me by any of these false preachers and prophets, in Jesus’ name.
14. O Lord I pray and ask you to raise up genuine disciples that will be faithful and reliable in the body of Christ and give them genuine spiritual gifts such as teaching and preaching so hope can be restored in these end time church, in Jesus’ name.
15. My Father! My Father! Disconnect me from any soul tie I made knowingly or unknowingly with the spirits of divination used by any of these false preachers, in Jesus’ name.
16. My Father! My Father! Protect me I pray, and all those I love from being influenced by such evil distortions, and keep us under Your promised protection, by Your grace, in Jesus name.
17. My Father! My Father! From today destroy by fire the fake anointings, fake unction, fake mantles which were passed to me through any demonic materials such as anointing oils, communions, and other demonic mediums in exchange for my destiny, in Jesus name.
18. O Lord protect my heart and mind from all those who distort the truth, and keep me covered in Your love, and protected me by the blood of Jesus Christ, in Jesus
19.O Lord, empower me both spiritually as well as physically, so that any false prophets will not be able to overpower me, in Jesus name.
20. After praying these prayers spent some time thanking God through praise for how He has helped you when you to defeat these false preachers this year.
Pastor Nathaniel