Table of Contents
To receive eternal life according to the gospel of Christ, a person must be given the forgiveness of sins by Jesus’ blood (Ephesians 1:7; Matthew 26:28; 1 Peter 2:24). But many people are unsure about whether or not they have been forgiven. Others may think that they have been ensured the forgiveness of their sins but would be surprised to learn that Jesus does not agree.
According to Matthew 7:21-23 – Many people, who believe in the Lord, will expect Jesus to accept them at the judgment. Instead, He will reject them because they have not done the will of the Father.
When we read Acts 23:1; 26:9 we see that Saul was a Jew who opposed Jesus in all good conscience, doing what he sincerely believed he should do. Yet he was the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:12-15). Clearly, he had been misled.
What about you and me? Is it possible we have been misled like these people about repentance and confession? Surely this is a question that deserves your careful investigation.
The book of Acts contains many examples of people who received forgiveness of sins by Jesus’ blood. Since God is no respecter of persons, we can surely be saved if we do as these people did (Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11).
What is the essence of praying for God’s forgiveness and yet you are wicked? What is a reason to fast, attend church every day, pray in tongues or claim to be a servant of God when the truth of God is not in you? You can’t serve two masters. You can’t claim yourself to be a child of of when your life and behaviors does not reflect His identity. Repentance is the only way to Jesus and the presence of God shall always be available.
Giving too much is not the solution, God is most interested in you. Not your resources, not your money, not.. God is interested in your heart. Give Him your heart and let him be your God. You shall be successful.
Let’s pray to achieve true forgiveness from the Lord:
1. O Lord, I ask for forgiveness for speaking sinful words that hurt others. Guard my tongue and help me to use my words to bring life, in Jesus name.
2. Heavenly Father, I ask for Your mercy and cleansing for the times I have not walked in obedience to Your Word, in Jesus name.
3. Let the power in the blood of Jesus, break the power of every sinful habit and pattern in my life. Deliver me and make me free, in Jesus name.
4. O Lord, cleanse me of every sin that separates me from You and wash me with the blood of Jesus.
5. O Lord, I ask for grace to forgive myself for the mistakes I have made in my life that hurt others and I ask for Your restoration, in Jesus name.
6. Heavenly Father, uproot the spirit of unforgiveness from my heart. I surrender all grudges to You, and I renounce the spirit of revenge and ask for Your help in releasing those who hurt me, in Jesus name.
7. Heavenly Father, I repent for harboring sinful desires of things like lust in my heart. Purify my thoughts and desires, cleanse me and fill me with Your righteousness in Jesus name.
8. O Lord, help me to walk in the freedom from generational sins of unforgiveness and bitterness. I ask for Your healing and restoration to flow through my family for generations to come in Jesus name.
9. O Lord, I pray for those who have hurt me intentionally or unintentionally. Bless them and draw them to You so that they may experience Your love and grace.
10. Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times I doubted You. Strengthen my faith and trust in Your plan in Jesus name.
11. O Lord, I forgive [mention name of the person] for their words and actions, trusting You to handle justice in Your time.
12. O Lord, I release my past to You and ask for freedom from the chains of self-blame. I ask for healing from the shame I feel over my past sins. Restore my joy in You in Jesus name.
13. Heavenly Father, I bring the pain of betrayal to You and ask for Your help in forgiving those who betrayed me in Jesus name.
14. In the mighty name of Jesus, I break every stronghold of sin in my life, especially the sin of [specify the sin].
15. Heavenly Father, deliver me from the sin of anger, bitterness, resentment jealousy, and pride that causes me to hurt others. Replace all these sins with Your love through Your teaching of self-control in Jesus name.
16. Heavenly Father, I repent for the times I have neglected prayer and Your Word. Draw me closer to You so that You may grow me in Jesus name.
17. O Lord, I ask for deliverance from addiction and any behaviours that dishonors You in Jesus name.
18. O Lord, I ask for freedom from the sin of envy. Help me to be content with what You have given me in Jesus name.
19. Heavenly Father, forgive me for my disobedience to Your will. Lead me back to the path of righteousness in Jesus name.
20. O Lord, I thank You for showing me how to forgive. Help me to live in the freedom of forgiveness daily.
Pastor Nathaniel