Table of Contents
ToggleMatthew 15:8-9 Salvation as taught by men and not the true salvation. According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, he said to be careful not to think you are saved by what you do. See whether there is anything you do to get saved. This is a GOSPEL of what JESUS did and paid for and not what I did.
What are the steps to salvation?
Most of us are after the idea of steps to salvation, that is you do this and then you do that and then you arrive at salvation. An example of this way of doing things is Islam, in Islam, you have got the 5 pillars to obey and then you are granted salvation. When it comes to the Roman Catholics, they have the 7 sacraments system.
While in various Christian denominations you have to be baptised, make a public confession, turn away from sin, or speak in tongues before you can be saved. But the Bible presences ONLY one step to salvation and that is BELIEVING in JESUS as shown in Acts 16:30-31.
Remember we have all SINNED according to Romans 3:23. Because of our sins, we should die as shown in Romans 6:23. But because of God’s love for us in John 3:16, Jesus became SIN (2 Corinthians 5:21). So, we should receive what he purchased for us to be saved and see heaven (John 5:24).
Baptism, making a public confession, turning away from sin, speaking in tongues are NOT steps to SALVATION. All these are the RESULTS of SALVATION. Because of our sinful nature, we can even follow 1000 steps but still, we will never pay our debt of sin and get saved. That is why JESUS had to die so that he could complete all the steps God required from us. Don’t tell me what Jesus did on the cross was nothing and that is why you are busy helping him. Jesus said it is FINISHED meaning you can’t do anything more here (John 19:30).

Many people try to add something to salvation because they think what Jesus did is not enough, but you can’t do that, you are saved through Christ, through his blood and his finished work. you are not saved through what you do. You can’t earn salvation by your good works alone or by faith and good works but ONLY by accepting JESUS as your Lord and savior.
According to 2 Corinthians 11:2-4, we are saved by faith alone and nothing else so if anyone adds something else run from him. Remember you can’t say SALVATION is by FAITH ALONE and then this little added also that’s wrong. No man could help Jesus to save mankind even Peter who was willing couldn’t do it (Matthew 26:35). But religion teaches us that we must keep doing this or that or we lose our salvation.
According to Ephesians 2:8, no works are required to be saved. ONLY FAITH is needed. SALVATION is a free gift. But according to Luke 18:11-14, religion like the Pharisees of those days thought you can please God and earn SALVATION through works. You are trying to manipulate God through your works and think you can earn righteousness, but God says it’s nothing (Isaiah 64:6).
Many religions preach that you are saved by WORKS ONLY (like cults), while others teach that you are saved by WORKS + FAITH( like cults) but both of these are wrong since you are ONLY SAVED BY FAITH. Accept this free gift by faith. 2 Timothy 3:15 its through the BIBLE that we are saved and not through a DENOMINATION, a man etc.
Now you see that majority of Christians are lost because they don’t see it that way. They want to get to heaven by all means necessary including cheating the systems, but you can’t cheat God. Remember Jesus is the door to heaven so how can you go around him (John 10:9).
What modern-day religions are adding to salvation?
1. They add the law: Remember the law exist before Christ and it ends by him as we see in Romans 10:4; Galatians
2. Doing good works: Yes we should do good works after salvation but that cant get us to heaven (Romans 4:5; Titus 3:5)
3. Repentance: Here you are saying that we should first quit sinning and then get to heaven, but we know that it is impossible on earth to not sin (Romans 7:17-20) no amount of repentance without believing can get u saved. repentance is the change of heart, and mind to work for Christ.
4. Water Baptism: Most people misquote this verse in Mark 16:16 water baptism doesn’t save but believing in Jesus does.
1 Corinthians 1: 14,17,18 (you can’t be baptised by the water alone but by what was done on the cross )
5. Confession: most of them use Matthew 10:32; they say keep confessing more and more 1 John 1:9 .This sounds more of Catholic. Remember God forgave a long time ago(Colossians 2:13). Romans 10:9-10 you must speak with your mouth but what if the person is born mute; with no tongue, etc 2 Corinthians 4:13 when you believe then you confess.
6. Asking Jesus into your heart or inviting him into your heart: There is NO ONE verse in the whole bible which says that. So where does this doctrine come from? I tried to trace it everywhere until I found it in Catholicism which beliefs in the sacred heart of Jesus. You can tell Jesus and Mary to come in. It’s not in the Bible and it’s Wrong. They say repeat after o Jesus come into my heart, they use this verse Revelation 3:20 there is no door to your heart Jesus was talking to a church.
Be careful because it’s easy to invite another Jesus(2 Corinthians 11:4). To get a demon to enter you, you ask to come in.
7. Calling: I am not against Romans 10:13 many just call but are not saved. There is the right and wrong way of calling. If you call from your mouth alone, you are wrong but if you call from your heart believing it the right way. Most say it with our mouth but it’s a heart matter. So, you can’t just say I am a sinner Lord save me and that’s all (Romans 10:8,14). Matthew 15:7-8 says that They called God with their mouth, but they didn’t believe in there.
Matthew 13:15 you must first hear and then you believe.
Philippians 1:27-28 Don’t be worried about those who don’t believe this.
Once saved always saved. Is this Biblical?
Hebrew 10:10-12 is enough to cover all sins past, present, and future.
Can we pray for others to be saved?
I don’t believe if you are unsaved, you can get yourself to be saved. According to Romans 1:16, you need the gospel to be preached. That is why for the sinner to be saved Romans 10:8-10 says he needs a preacher just like the Ethiopian eunuch needed Philip to preach to him (Acts 8:26-30,31, – 40).
So, Jesus sent us in Mark 16:15-16 to Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
Even with preaching and evangelizing being done as Matthew 7:13-14 still many will perish. We need to pray for opportunities to be opened for you to preach the gospel (1 corinthians 16:9), even when people are opposing us. We should pray to God to give us boldness as in Ephesians 6:19 to preach to the lost, no matter what happens. Don’t stop
Pastor Nathaniel.