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God Remember Me: 50 Proven Prayers That Work Now

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What Does The Word Remember Mean In The Bible?

The word “Remember” is used 352 times in the scriptures. When we count its variants, that number goes to more than 550. The word “Remember” is often used in connection with covenants between God and man. When the Bible says that God “remembers” something or someone, it means He turned His attention to someone and acted on their behalf (Psalms 106:4). Now that we know what “remember” means, do you feel remembered by God?

Have you ever found yourself in such a situation whereby you have prayed, fasted, and done much more than that but it seems like nothing is happening? It seems like you are last in the queue or you have been forgotten. Have you been promised good things by your loved ones, relatives, or friends, yet no one seems to remember any of their promises? Are you about to say to Jesus, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom?” (Luke 23:42). Before you give up remember what the Lord has done for you in the past and know that He can do it again (Psalm 77:11).

Brethren, pray with me the following prayers, and God will remember you once again. Especially If you feel like you are passing through a dry spell of no miracles despite the efforts you are putting in. Just remember that God is a God of remembrance. God cannot be compared with man; He cannot forget us (Isaiah 49:15–16).


How Can We Make God Remember Us?

1. You must be born again (John 3:3)

2. You must repent of every sin and disobedience ( Isaiah 1:18-19)

3. Give the Lord a sacrifice. Sacrifices and offerings have the power to provoke the remembrance of God (1 Kings 3: 3-5).

4. Pray a prayer of remembrance (Judges 16:28)

50 Prayers That Make God Remember You.

  1. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I refuse to be forgotten by my helpers, I receive divine help over my situation, in Jesus name.
  2. My Father! My Father! send your angels of remembrance to go to both the seen and unseen realms and bind the evil spirit that makes my destiny helpers forget the promises that they made to me, in Jesus name.
  3. By the power, in the name of Jesus, I break every demonic cycle and program of being late in everything I undertake, in Jesus name.
  4. My Father! My Father! Send your angel after the order of Acts 5:19 to deliver me as he did to the apostles from the spiritual jails where my enemies kept me from being noticed, by my destiny helper for all this long, in Jesus name
  5. By the power, in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare total disappointment of all my enemies that do not want me to fulfill my destiny, in Jesus name.
  6. By the power, in the name of Jesus, I cancel the operation of any law at work in my life that causes people to forget when there are good opportunities and only remember me when there are no opportunities, in Jesus name.
  7. My Father! My Father! Send your angel in charge of the records of remembrance, in any form and in any realm to come and deliver the long-awaited justice, in Jesus name.
  8. O Lord I thank you because this year is my season for remembrance and I know that all things shall work in my favor in all areas of my life, in Jesus name.
  9. O Lord remember all my prayers on marriage and give me the right spouse after your heart, the one that will care for me very much, in Jesus name.
  10. O Lord, if I have been forgotten by You, remember me by your mercy, in Jesus name. O Lord this year also remember all my family members that are afflicted and heal them by your mercy, in Jesus name.
  11. By the power in the name of Jesus, I command the yoke of lack of remembrance, that has led to many failed promises to break, in Jesus name.
  12. O God of Joseph, let my enemies this year be disappointed when they see how you remember me in every area of my life, in Jesus name.
  13. By the power of the Holy Ghost I break every yoke of almost-there, caused by not being remembered by God and men at the right time, in Jesus name.
  14. The God who pulled out Daniel from the pit of lions (Daniel 6:16), let that God pull me out from the pit of forgetfulness in important matters of life,  in Jesus name.
  15. By the power in the name of Jesus I nullify the evil power of every negative dream attacking my remembrance, in Jesus name.
  16. O Lord where I was forgotten by friends, relatives and high-ranking officials let the grace to be remembered, fall upon me now,  in Jesus name.
  17. My Father! My Father!, have mercy on me and remember me this year, arise, locate me, and destroy every affliction in my life in Jesus name.
  18. O Lord open your book of remembrance and shower me with long awaited blessings through your open Windows of remembrance this year, in Jesus name.
  19. O Lord, thank you for remembering me, my career, my health and family today,  in Jesus name.
  20. My Father! My Father!, Send your warring angels to go to the seen and unseen realms and destroy every weapon of affliction whether inherited or not fashioned against me or my family,  in Jesus name.
  21. O Lord by your great mercy remember all my long awaited prayer requests , answer them speedily, O Lord compel my divine destiny helpers to speedily locate me and help me to move to the next level of my life, in Jesus name.
  22. My Father! My Father!, starting from this moment let the angels of remembrance begin to announce my name in the ears of my destiny helpers, in Jesus name.
  23. O Lord remember me in the area of my health, let every agent of darkness afflicting my health in known and unknown way, be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.
  24. Let the anointing for remembrance, in every thing I do fall on me Let every one who we have had dealings give me a second and third chance, in Jesus name.
  25. My Father, have mercy and remember me today, arise, locate me, destroy afflictions in my life in Jesus name.
  26. By the Power in the Blood of Jesus I wash myself clean and I cancel every yoke of forgotten spirit operating in my life, in Jesus name.
  27. O Lord I break every curse of rejection by divine destiny helpers, as a result of evil deposits in my spirit, soul, and body, in Jesus name.
  28. O Lord remember to open the doors of opportunity, greatness, Success and breakthrough that has been closed for a long time against me in Jesus name.
  29. O Lord, remember me today as You remembered Job., Let those who are mocking my condition now, see how you have favored me, in Jesus name.
  30. By the power, in the name of Jesus, I command total destruction of the evil powers of physical and spiritual slavery over my life, that are causing my divine destiny helpers not to remember me, in Jesus name.
  31. By the power in the name of Jesus I silence every evil personality that is using their evil tongue to stand against my divine remembrance, by accusing me day and night before God, in Jesus name.
  32. Evil personalities that have fed my destiny helpers with bad reports about me, I call forth the judgment of the Lord upon them now, in Jesus name.
  33. O Lord, I thank you because, you always hear me when I call, and I know that you will remember me today, Father, remember me and let my situations be over today (Name the situation now), in Jesus name.
  34. O Lord I thank you because you are the God of remembrance,  O Lord, change my status and make me relevant again, in Jesus name.
  35. O Lord, in the same way, you remembered your covenant with Abraham and saved the Israelites, remember the covenant I have with You and deliver me, in Jesus name.
  36. O Lord, remember all my offerings and sacrifices, and, give me the wisdom to make progress, and the grace to overtake my enemies in the battles of life, in Jesus name.
  37. By the power in the name of Jesus, I command the Book of Remembrance, assigned for my uncommon breakthroughs, my uncommon miracles, and my uncommon blessings to be open, in Jesus name.
  38. Let the Blood of Jesus activate the atmosphere that calls for divine remembrance in my life, in Jesus name.
  39. O Lord remember my service in your house, you remembered Zechariah and gave him John the Baptist, give me (Mention what you are praying for here) , O Lord, remember me today and change my story for good, in Jesus name.
  40. I decree and declare in the name of Jesus that I shall be remembered for greatness in high and noble places of this earth, in Jesus name.
  41. O Lord, when You remembered Hannah, her story changed. Remember me for good and let my story change too, In Jesus name.
  42. O Lord let the Grace to be remembered, fall upon me now, let all my delayed miracles and achievements manifest now, in Jesus name.
  43. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I frustrate every power of hell that wants to keep me hidden from the good things of life, Let every good thing that I have done that has never been rewarded, be rewarded speedily after the order of Mordecai, in Jesus name.
  44. O Lord, when You remembered Rachel her womb was opened, remember me and open up the womb for my miracles in Jesus name.
  45. My Father! My Father! Let your warring angels go and arrest every visible and invisible evil force assigned to hinder my remembrance for good, let my name continually be in the heart of my divine destiny helpers so that they will never forget me, in Jesus name.
  46. O Lord I ask that you remember the prayers of all my family members and answer all their heart desires according to your will, in Jesus name.
  47. O Lord my season to be favored and honored has come, as Haman honored Mordecai against his own will, I decree that in the same way, my enemies shall be compelled to honor me and announce my greatness, in Jesus name.
  48. By the power in the name of Jesus, I cancel the operation of any law at work in my life that causes people to forget the good I do or that causes them to repay evil for the good I do, in Jesus name.
  49. O Lord please remember me and let every stronghold that has vowed to make this illness persist, let them be destroyed Oh Lord let your countenance be upon me, that wherever I go, people shall see your glory upon my life
  50. Father in this season of my remembrance, let favor accompany me wherever I go and let good news be my portion everyday, in Jesus name.

Pastor Nathaniel

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