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God's blessing

God’s Blessing: No One Can Simply Stop Them Now

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What does God’s Blessing mean?

What we mean by God’s blessing is that you are enjoying God’s divine favor, material prosperity, spiritual well-being, divine protection, peace at home, and also divine guidance. When God wants to give you any of these things, He might package them in the form of a miracle or a blessing.

This is not to say that a miracle is a better way of giving than a blessing. Remember, there is a place and a time for each of them, depending on the circumstances at hand. For instance, the children of Israel needed food (manna) immediately, i.e., a miracle (Exodus 16:3–4), when they were in the desert, and they couldn’t wait until they arrived in the promised land (God’s blessing to the Isrealites), which was flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:17). But what I can say is that a blessing prevents a crisis, while a miracle is a quick fix for a crisis. God’s blessing is a permanent solution to any problem.

Can God reverse a blessing he gave you earlier on?

According to Numbers 23:20, “Listen, I received a command to bless; God has blessed, and I cannot reverse it!” We see that when God blesses you, it is permanent, and He can’t reverse it at all; not even the most powerful witch or false prophet can curse anyone the Lord has blessed (Numbers 22:12). No wonder Balaam tried to curse the children of Israel whom the Lord had blessed, and he failed.

But why did Balaam fail to curse the children of Israel? It’s because “a curse without cause does not come to pass.” In Proverbs 26:2, in short, there was no justifiable reason to curse Israel. Simply because you feel like cursing someone you hate doesn’t mean you will succeed. Remember that no weapon formed against you can succeed (Isaiah 54:17). So, stop fearing because no one can curse you or take away God’s blessings for you, which the Lord your God has given you (Numbers 23:23).

Does God only bless the righteous?

No, according to Exodus 32:9–10, the children of Israel used to wrong the Lord there before, but because of the covenant he had made with Abraham, God didn’t allow the enemy to harm them. God here was more concerned with the covenant than their performance.

But does this mean that since I am blessed by God, I should just sit and do nothing? No! No! Instead, the Bible in the Book of Luke 12:48 says that to those for whom much is given, much will be required, so if you are so blessed by God, then much will be required of you to help rebuild his kingdom.

Who can stop my blessing?

The only one who can stop God’s blessing from coming to pass in your life is you, and not your enemies. For instance we see in the Book of Numberthat many Israelites brought a curse upon themselves by having sex with these Midianite women, and that is why, according to Numbers 25:16–18, God wanted all these evil women destroyed and not spared as a way of punishment for tricking his people, according to Numbers 31:15–18.

Why Has The Blessing In My Life Not Manifested So Far?

It’s because I have to believe first to receive. According to James 2:17, we can only prove our faith in God through our works (action). God is willing to bless anyone who is willing to take a step and come to receive the blessing.

If you don’t understand this, you might think that God’s blessings are only for those people who have done everything right, people like priests, prophets, etc. But that is not true because our own righteousness is like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). For instance, according to Genesis 20:2–7, Abraham lied about his wife being her sister, but God didn’t rebuke Abraham; instead, he rebuked the King. Why? Because Abraham was blessed by God, and God won’t break his covenant.

According to Revelation 2:14, you can see that no one could stop the blessing of God on the children of Israel except themselves and their actions. We see that Balaam found that he couldn’t stop the blessinghe on the children of Israel Balaam taught Balak another way that Balak could do it by making them offer or eat things offered to idols and to commit fornication.

How Can We Attract God’s Blessing into Our Lives?

If we want to benefit from the promises and blessings of God, we must cooperate with God’s laws to bring this to pass. For example, according to Joshua 5:12, we see that manna (which was a miracle food) stopped when they started having Canaan land food (a real blessing). Some of us don’t want the miracles to stop; instead, we want to live a life of miracles forever and not a life of God’s blessings, because with great blessings comes more responsibility.

10 Ways We Can Stop God’s blessings From Reaching Us.

  1. Laziness

Most of the children of Israel were so used to getting a miracle food called manna, which made them so lazy to want to work and make the blessing of God come to pass. They didn’t want to graze and milk those cows, although deep inside them they wanted the milk, but they didn’t want the process of getting the milk. Yes, they wanted God’s blessings, but not the process.

Most of us are so lazy, and we have gotten used to easy things, such that we don’t want to work. That is wrong. No wonder we are looking for shortcuts, and we would even go for anything else except work if it promised us a blessing. We need to cooperate with God so as to see his blessings. God doesn’t bless the lazy.

2. Doing things our way.

The other way we can stop God’s blessings is by doing things our way and not God’s way (Proverbs 14:12). For instance, according to Exodus 16:26–29, we see that some Israelites didn’t want to cooperate with God’s timing of doing things, and that is why they failed to get even the miracle they were looking for. Are you doing things God’s way or your way? Are you following all the instructions given to you, or just some of them and even the ones you feel like?

3. When you are greedy.

The other way we can stop God’s blessings is by being greedy. For instance, in Exodus 16:19–21, we see that some were greedy and gathered more than instructed, and it didn’t benefit them. So, don’t be greedy; remember others, especially the needy (Proverbs 19:17 and Proverbs 28:27).

4. By Being Stingy

According to Luke 6:38, learn to open your hands to give, and God will send someone to put something in those open hands. Never forget that God won’t break his laws (Hebrews 6:18–20). So, avoid breaking God’s laws and expecting to get a blessing.

5. Your Words!

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” So are you using your words to attract God’s blessings, or are you choking them? Remember, we can unknowingly choke our own blessings with the negative thoughts voiced through our words.

6. When You Cannot Let Go Of The Past Hurts.

Most of the time, God wants us to move forward and take hold of the good opportunities He has set before us along the way. But we are stuck in the past, and this consumes most of our power and energy.

7. You are proud.  (Psalm 138:6, Proverbs 8:13)

We should be able to admit our faults and wrongdoings, and as a result, we should gather ourselves and then get back up and keep going when we fall. But then we are too proud to do that because we are afraid of what people will say.

8. When you are ungrateful.

People who are constant grumblers are not likely to feel blessed. Always remember that “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Tim 6:6)

9. When you keep sinning against God,. Proverbs 28:13

Most of the time, sin is the main reason why people are scarcely blessed.

God has already blessed us, and he is willing to help us realize those blessings. In short, God’s blessings are already ours. Abraham, Jacob, Joseph the Dreamer, David, Solomon, and Job, among others. These people were given wealth, power, and influence. If God could bless these biblical characters, why do you think that He won’t do it to you?

10. When You Are Fearful.

Did you know that most of us don’t try new things at all? It’s because of fear of failure. But remember this: you will never know what you can do unless you try. Fear is our worst enemy. Always remember that God gave us the spirit of power and self-control and not the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).

Pastor Nathaniel

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