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How To Use Dangerous Scars For God’s Glory Always

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According to Proverbs 20:30 “Blows that wound clean away evil; such beatings cleanse the innermost being”. All of us have been injured at some point in time some are on the outside, some are on the inside. You may not have physical scars from a surgery or from an injury by an object. But there are also invisible scars. Scars that come from inner wounds, scarred by the divorce, scarred by what somebody said. Scarred by mistakes that we made so often. Many of us are ashamed of these scars, we hide them. But what if we start to see our scars differently? Instead of feeling ashamed we feel beautiful.

Our Scars Turn To Stars


God promised to turn our ashes into beauty (Isaiah 61:3) It is beautiful to have lived, and to have the marks (Scars) to prove it. So, don’t hide your scars. Wear them as proof that God heals. Our scars are beautiful reminders that no matter what tomorrow brings, we will still carry on. No matter all of the pain, the hurt and the worry, we survive. When you see the scar, don’t think of the pain. The scar means the pain is over and you’re moving forward. The enemy wasn’t able to take you out.

Scars reminds us of God’s goodness and mercies. That mistake or sickness could have stopped your purpose. The Bigger the obstacle the bigger the scar. God, you heal me back then. You restored my marriage. You helped me through the loss of my loved one. It wasn’t easy. But It left a scar. The God who did it for you back then will do it for you right now. If you’ll see your scars the right way. They’ll be fuel for your faith.


No one in the scripture fulfilled their destiny without scars. Things happen in life that we didn’t see coming. An unexpected illness, a loss. People come against us. We make mistakes. If you’re going to fulfill your destiny instead of being depressed by what you went through, remind yourself that life gives you enough scars, you don’t need to manufacture your own.     

Your scars are not there to depress you but to encourage you. They are reminders of what God brought you through otherwise you wouldn’t be where you are. Through your scars God reminds you that He is directing your life by connecting you to the right people who help you reach your goal in life.

Sometimes we have scars from self-inflicted wounds. We made poor choices. We have no one to blame except ourselves. You should thank God for his mercy that even though you made a mistake, even though it was your fault, God brought you through healthy and strong.

Remember all of us have scars from mistakes we made As it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one(Romans 3:10) e.g. We gave in to temptation. We hung around wrong people. We didn’t take care of our marriage. We could let those scars remind us of our mistakes, go around guilty, or we can let them remind us of the grace of God.

God didn’t allow that scar to make you think of your failures. He allowed it. So, you would think about his mercy, his forgiveness. Quit beating yourself up over the past. The enemy is called the accuser and he always reminds of your mistakes.

Those scars weren’t meant to be hidden or ashamed of. They mean you are forgiven and redeemed. God has done too much for us. He’s paid too big a price (1 Peter 2:24). Nothing you’ve done is a surprise to God. He knew every mistake we would make. He knew every time we would take a wrong turn.

He wouldn’t have allowed it if it was going to keep us from our purpose.there will always be people that instead of being a healer important, the oil on the wombs help you get back on your feet. They’ll judge you by your mistakes. They’ll try to disqualify you. But people don’t have the final say. They didn’t call you. They didn’t breathe life into you.

People may have written you all, but don’t get discouraged. God has already written you on. He chose you before you could choose him. He’s already decided to heal the wound and give you another chance. The scar doesn’t mean you’re finished. It’s a sign that you’ve been healed ready for action. If God was through with you, you wouldn’t still be here.

There’s something for you to do. You have an assignment. Somebody needs what you have. Somebody needs your smile. Somebody needs your love. Somebody need your gifts. Not me,. I’ve have all these wounds. I have all these scars. Everybody has scars. The scars don’t disqualify you. The scars prepare you. It’s all a part of God’s plan.

God looks at scar in a different light. God will not look you over for medals degrees or diplomas, but for scars. Are you beating yourself up over the past or for things that weren’t your fault? The enemy keeps reminding you of those self-inflicted wounds. How you blew your chances. Next time he comes showing you that scar trying to make You feel bad. Remind him that” He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed”1 Peter 2:24 .So you are forgiven.

God knows that every winner has scars but he turns their scars into stars. How can a scar be beautiful? We see scars is painful. Ugly. We try to hide. But our God knows how to take an ugly wound. A bitter divorce. A painful loss. An unexpected illness. And somehow change it into something beautiful.

We didn’t deserve the mercy. We didn’t see how it could work out. The odds were against us. But God not only brought us through, he turned it into a scar of beauty. Now, when we look at it, we’re so blessed. We’re so grateful. We don’t remember the pain.

Jacob had a lot of self-inflicted wounds. He was dishonest, went around cheating people. He tricked his brother out of his birthright, caused him a lot of heartache and pain later in life. He decided to make a change. He went down to the brook by himself to get along with God. An angel appeared that looked like a man and wrestled with Jacob all night.

The next morning, the angel was about to leave. Jacob held on to him and said, I know who you are. I’m not going to let you go until you bless me. The angel gave him the blessing and he laughed in the struggle. Jacob hurt his hit. The scripture says he walked away with a limp, but he had his blessing. What am I saying? You can have a limp and still be blessed. You can have a scar and still be successful.

Jesus was betrayed by his friends, misunderstood by his family. forced to wear a crown of thorns. His hands and feet were pierced where they nailed him to a cross pieced with on the side with spear. His back was beaten with 39 stripes. So now btw you and Jesus, Who is more scarred?

Did you know when Jesus came from the grave the wounds had not healed. He still had scars. Why?? for the doubting Thomas to see and touch as a testimony (John 20:24-27). Jesus the great healer left the scars to show us that it’s OK to have scars. It’s OK that you’ve made mistakes for testimony to yourself and others. Your scars don’t disqualify you in anyway from serving God and men.

Most of us want the scars to go away. We don’t want any reminder of the hurt, the sickness, the betrayal. But I can’t promise you the scars will go away. Some of them last a lifetime. But they can’t STOP you from your future.

Don’t hide your scars instead show them to others there’s healing and restoration in them. Your scars can encourage others who are wounded to believe. But don’t know how they will make it. But when they see your scars, when they hear how God healed you, restored you, blessed you, that will breathe new life back into their spirits.

Those scars are for somebody else. He turned that around because he knows he can trust you with scars. At one point Jesus replied, “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father…”-John 20:17. There are times when you’re not ready for people to touch your scars. You’re still going through the healing process. Afterall Scar doesn’t happen overnight. Takes time.

You may be in a difficult situation. You’re waiting to be healed. Waiting to be restored. The wound is still painful. Like with Jesus, the time is coming when the pain is going to be gone. The wound is going to be healed. You will have a scar not to remind you of the pain, but to remind you of the grace of God.

Then you can tell people touched by scars. Here’s what God has done for me. John Chapter five. Jesus healed a man that had been crippled for 38 years. He said to him, stand up, pick up your mat and go home. Instantly, the man could walk. It’s significant that Jesus told him to take his man with him. I’m sure after all those years that Matt was probably dirty, had holes in it, didn’t smell too good. Why didn’t Jesus tell him, hey, throw the mat away.

You can walk. You’re not going to need it anymore. That Matt was like a scar. It was a reminder of what God had done. It was a part of his story. I can imagine everywhere the man went, people would ask, what do you do? And still carry in this old man? He would answer. It may look ugly to you, but to me, this is a beautiful man. Every time he looked at it, it brought a smile to his face. Let me tell you what God did for me. He can do for you if you’ll do this. I believe and declare.

Pastor Nathaniel

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Mathidiso MTM

Amen thank you pastor for the word of God today,may almighty God heal all my scars in the name of jesus 🙏🤝🙏

Zodwa MTM

Amen pastor thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Mam Dani MTM

Amen pastor 👏🏻👏🏻

Nokuthula MTM

Amen man of God


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