Just as a car has a steering wheel to guide it and brakes to reduce its speed to avoid crashes and to help it stop when need be. So does God also order our steps to lead us safely to heaven and stop in the form of interruption to help us not get killed or get in trouble?
According to Hosea 2:6 In life most of us don’t like being interrupted when we are speaking or doing something. So, what about if we try to interrupt God when he is about to do a great thing in our lives or he wants some time with us what do you think God feels?
Have you ever missed a bus, or appointment only to later thank God for saving you from an accident. Every so-called interruption in your life is for a purpose and God knows about it in advance and why it should be there in your life. We don’t see or notice god’s disruptions or interruptions when he wants to speak to us because we are so interrupted or disrupted by our day-to-day lifestyle to notice when God is stopping us to speak to us.
Remember Balaam and the donkey which hit his leg against the wall for him to see an angel that would stop him from that trip. According to Job 19:8 Don’t run from God when things go wrong only to run to God for directions. Delay is not denial, Proverbs 16:9 A person may plan his journey, but the LORD directs his steps.
There are times when everything you do doesn’t seem to work due to disruption and interruptions here and there. This can get you frustrated and you even try to fight anything and everything, but be careful you don’t fight the hand of God (Acts 5:38-39).
Every closed opportunity doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the devil, maybe it’s God warning us. God might on purpose delay us or derail us from on course if it’s not its best. For instance: According to Exodus 2 :11-15-25 Moses was forced to leave Egypt to go to Jethro Midian where he got his wife, he was on a route to becoming pharaoh but that wasn’t what God had for him at best but to lead the children of Israel.
God might interrupt our small thinking so that he can change it to big thinking through connections. God might want us to meet our destiny helpers like Jonathan and David met this way although their worlds were miles apart one was a farm boy and the other a king’s son.
Next time something like disruption or interruption happens to you check with God first maybe it’s for your own good. Sometimes it might be a smile, a kind word, etc and this might change someone’s life. There are no mistakes or accidents in God’s kingdom. It’s not all about you only but advancing God’s kingdom.
Divine Interruptions Found In The Bible

Most miracles which Jesus did were as a result of disruption or interruption. For instance, Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52 interrupted Jesus and received sight. Jesus never pretended as many leaders to be so important and busy, but he just healed him.
At the wedding at Canaan, although Jesus was interrupted by having fun with friends, he didn’t complain he did what was requested of him. Some divine interruptions are to show you Ephesians 3:20. remember the steps and stops are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23).
According to John 11 :3-7,38-44 Sometimes the delays you see like in the case of Lazarus where Jesus delayed coming for 4 days. To them, they were thinking of healing, but Jesus was thinking of a resurrection which would touch many people compared to healing which would have been a family affair. No matter what God is still on the throne, and he is thinking of greater things for you Jeremiah 29:11.
Most of us are about to tell the lord don’t sit down when I am in this problem, sick, in financial difficulty, do something. Remember Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for good to them that love God. God will get something good out of what you don’t see any good. If something is not happening as per your timetable its doesn’t mean it’s not in God’s time.
Pastor Nathaniel