Brethren, allow this example of the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfil the purpose to which you were born to accomplish. Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot make a change(Jeremiah 29:11-14).
Remember that God is the potter and we are the clay (Isaiah 64:8-9). But only when we seek Him can we find out the plan of the Lord for our life. I encourage you to submit to the Lord just as a pencil is submitted in the writer’s hand. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Allow the Lord to write through your life things that will never be erased. Each pencil has the potential to write the greatest of stories, but it first must be held in the writer’s hand and so it is with us. We have the potential to do so many great things if only we submit to the Master’s Hand and let God have His way. (Jeremiah 33:3) (Philippians 4:13)
The goodness of the Pencil is in the Lead, which is used for writing. Hence the Holy Spirit is in the inside of us (Mat.19:17). who brings the goodness inside of us.
In order for the Lead to be of value and be of use; it must be sharpened. No other methods can make the lead come out of its wood case except by sharpening.
Abram was called by God, but he suffered famine several verses later! (Genesis 12:10). David was sharpened in the pasturelands, on and on, mighty men of God were sharpened. Earlier Christians were fed on lions in coliseums, burned on stakes as witch… Look at our modern-day Christians who can’t even take one blow from the devil. We must be sharpened. We must let the Lead come out of us through persecutions, trials, problems etc. Let us not settle for less. Let the Holy Spirit be the Holy Spirit. Let Him come out of our lives only by the Sharpening.
Acts13:36 states; “for David served God’s purpose in his time..” The Pencil after sharpening should be used as a writing instrument, for that is the purpose why Pencils were made. Likewise, we must do the same or do you want to tell me there are no more Davids!. There’s inside of us a longing for purpose. Let us ask that purpose from God. Let us be reminded always of Jer.29:11. We can only find it by constantly serving Him in whatever purpose we are in right now. Let’s leave a mark of purpose as we leave this planet.
The manufacturer knew beforehand that anyone who will use the pencil would encounter wrong spelling and grammar, change of ideas and so on that they installed an Eraser on it.
As we make our marks, we will encounter mistakes, failures, defeats, discouragements and many more. Praise God, the Blood of Jesus and God’s words would cleanse us from all of these errors, from all unrighteousness(1 John 1:9). David from adultery and murder, Peter from lying, compromise, betrayal… many more were all forgiven from their mistakes by asking for it, by coming back to God’s grace. Like them, so are we. Like the Pencil with an Eraser, our Christian walk will always be a just man falling seven times but rises up again! Proverbs 24:16
The Pencil would only be effective if someone would use it. It depends on who would use it. How about you? Whom will you let hold of your life? Jesus gave us a promise in John 10:28-29, What a protection?. What an assurance! Let us let our life be held by God’s mighty, gracious hands…
A change within is a witness of Christlikeness outside. We should be the first to be changed by the Spirit’s urgings and promptings, then our family, community, and our country. We will definitely leave Godly marks as we travel this earthly existence just like David. We will serve God’s purpose in our life. We are being perfected day by day by sharpening through trials, tests, failures, mistakes but take heart… Jesus had overcome the world! We have an Overcomer who is able. Let Him hold our lives in the palm of His hands. JUST LET HIM HOLD YOU IN ABSOLUTE TRUST. Pastor Nathaniel