Seasons are the normal of God e.g. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:2 the time for planting and the time for pulling up, 6 He sets the time for finding and the time for losing,
Genesis 8:22 As long as the earth exists, planting and harvesting, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never stop.
Exodus 20:6 Seasons last forever-1000 generations e.g. We are Abrams children (Galatians 3:7) so how many generations are those?
Cycles are an abnormal of God in God’s Kingdom. Deuteronomy 5:9 God visits 3rd and 4th generations e.g.; Abrams parents were moon worshippers (Joshua 24:2) so Abram was a victim. Abraham, as anointed as he was for 25 years, he had no child. Genesis 16:2 Sarah knew that Abram wasn’t barren it was an evil cycle for 25 yrs what about Sarah’s condition
In the family line of Jacob. There was an evil cycle(pattern) of bareness. Sarah was barren Genesis 11:30. Rebecca was barren Genesis 25:21. Jacob had 2 wives who were barren Genesis 29:31. Jacob had permanent cycle(pattern) of struggle. He was getting things, through struggles. He appeared successful. But his trouble appeared to be more than his success. Maybe there are maybe people like that here.
Deuteronomy 23:2-3 God visits to upto 10th Generation of sex offences
Juda, visited prostitute Genesis 38:15 but it wasn’t finished their until his great grandson, David, arrived 2 Samuel 11:2-4 and even David’s son (Solomon) made it worse by marrying 700 wives 1 Kings 11:2-3.
We are here to deal with such matters. Everything that you see, your family line, everything from your father’s house that is preventing you from being who God wants you to be.
Identify The Cycle or Pattern.
A strange thing takes place in my father’s house at the age of x, some dies, gets sick, gets divorced etc
Witches keep time so do something when there is time(fast, pray and more in tongues etc)
I saw that my father or uncle rose and at that point began to crash. And now I am struggling to also rise. I saw that my mother’s marriage did not walk with my father. You must be determined to enforce a change of cycle or pattern.
When you identify it then also heaven does something about the situation
So, it means, according to that court, it is illegal, for you to be looking for a job this long.
Is it legal for things that are supposed to be for two years, we are still looking for it? 10 years after.
Have you noticed any kind of resistance in a certain area of your life?
Like there are families that warfare almost never ends, they don’t know why? from one trouble to another Let’s say one goes for days in a police station. As soon as he’s finished, he’s going to court as soon as he’s done implicating him in the office, as soon as he’s done this then steal from his shop, as soon as they’re trying to manage their daughter gets pregnant, etc that is a pattern that is responsible for that.
Nothing just happens. There are families where it is the women that feed the men, no matter how hardworking you are as the man of the house, you can’t feed the your family because you are into alcohol, girl etc.
There are people who travel abroad and the devil just orchestrates it, that the security just catches them they are deported back. They didn’t do anything wrong. Armed police.
There are families where nobody ever becomes a leader, no matter how you rise. You never get to a point where you as a man can work for 10 years. When it’s almost getting to the highest rank, a scandal will come up. Know nothing about motive until he retires. My brother, my sister, nothing just happens.
Nothing is changed. You are praying, you are fasting. I know somebody that did like four or five universities, never finished one. Never. You live this one and go here. They said something happened to your result. Your result is not correct.
The house you are staying is the house your grandfather stayed for 40 years. Your father could not build one. Have you seen families with all the brothers, with a married wife staying the same house with the parents and the grandparents?
In OT Genesis 2:24 even in NT Matthew 19:5 Is that what the Bible says? Doesn’t the Bible say a man should leave his father and mother? Well, you leave, something brings you back grandfather’s house in the same house. Grandma dies in the same house. Regardless of the night vigil and a prayer, nothing is happening.
The minute that you’re aware of an uncomfortable pattern or an uncomfortable cycle, something that keeps happening again and again and again, you’re 90% of the way there to breaking it once and for all.
If you’re not aware that a negative pattern or cycle exists, you’re likely not going to do the work to heal whatever it is that you’re doing to create this. And therefore, you’re not as close to, like, making it stop and resolving that pattern.
We all create patterns in different areas of our lives. And sometimes even an uncomfortable or a negative pattern actually is comfortable because we know what to expect. e.g., marrying and divorcing.
sometimes once a pattern is broken. Be careful not to go back to it (1 Peter 1:14) otherwise you are worse e.g., Solomon Matthew 12:45
Let me tell you,cycles are real and you can’t cheat them if this thing is not addressed, I promise you it can wait for you for 40 years and catch up with you, you will think just because you are 25 years, 30, 45, you are free, that day catches up with you through sickness or accident or whatever inexplainable coincidence. They work and leave for others to enjoy.
How many vigils have you done, how many prayer sessions have we done, how many men of God have been to their ministry? All this done out of ignorance bring now results so from today walk in understanding and you win.
But I have good news Now that’s the position of the evil justice system, but you can you make demands on heaven? Like Jacob Genesis 32:24. Just like Jabez he did press heaven for a change of cycle (1 Chronicles 4:10).
Pastor Nathaniel