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Back To Sender

Powerful Back To Sender Prayers For People

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I know that most Christians are so sweet and kind and would never consider fighting anyone in the physical let alone the spiritual, but the devil and his agents are very violent both in the spirit and physical and that is why the bible says that the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12).So consider back to sender prayers so as to defeat your enemy the devil.

It’s a big mistake to underestimate your enemy. If you do not return their evil deeds to the one who sent them to you, through back to sender prayers you will continue to fail to break free from the demonic chains that have been placed around you and your loved ones.

People’s destinies have been manipulated, exchanged, and polluted by demonic agents. No wonder the Psalmist said, O God arise and let my enemies be scattered (Psalm 68:1). The enemy knows no other language other than force. Remember the devil is a thief and a thief when he is caught, he has to pay 7 times (Proverbs 6:31). So be ready to recover all your lost possessions through the use of back to sender prayers.

Trouble begins the moment demonic agents see you happy, putting on new clothes, new car, new job, you are making steady progress, having a promotion, having the means to buy another house, and making preparation for marriage. No wonder the Bible says in Matthew 10:35, And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.

Many destinies have been programmed to act and behave as a villager when they are indeed in the city. There are so many people who find it very difficult to prosper despite their qualifications, skills, and years of experience. Many people’s destinies – potentials have been caged and locked up in spiritual prisons.

You’ll agree with me that evil is at an all-time high right now. In both the spirit and physical realms, there are massive, deadly strikes. Financial attacks in markets, homes, and churches, both locally and internationally, are lethal. Poisonous, destructive, paralyzing, destiny amputating, and crippling arrows are released by dark forces in the dark against people. So, brethren fight back or perish. If you say I don’t want to trouble the devil, he will trouble you (Job 2:4).So consider using back to sender prayers.

Remember in the battle of life, it is either you kill or be killed.  So, rise up with your might weapons of the Word of God, Prayer and Fasting, Holiness, Service unto God and Humanity and give the devil a consider using back to sender prayers

Back To Sender
Back To Sender

Some examples of people who fired back the arrows targeted at them are:

1. In the book of Esther7:10, Modecai had an arch-enemy Haman who made a gallow to hang him but his plan backfired, he died in his own gallow.  I pray for you that every enemy of your welfare firing arrows of poverty, death, disease, non-achievement against you and your family shall have their arrows backfired on their own heads hundredfold in the name of Jesus.

2. In the book of Daniel 6:16-24, Those who conspired against Daniel till he was put in the Lion’s den were invariably eaten up by the Lions and Daniel came out unhurt. I pray for you that every consuming weapon of the eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood against you shall backfire in Jesus name.

3. In the book of 1 Kings 13:1-4, The Junior prophet was prophesying before the Altar, Jeroboam stretched out evil hand against him, immediately there was backfiring, the hand of Jeroboam withered, I pray for you that every evil hand dropping problems into your life shall wither by fire in Jesus name.

Powerful Back To Sender Prayers For People.

Start by praising and worshiping for about 5-10 minutes.

After this repent and confess your sins. Acts 3:19(Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,); 1 John 1:9 (If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness)

Ask the Lord to Wash you clean today by his blood.
cover yourself and your household with the blood of Jesus before you start praying this prayers.

Then start by confessing out loud this Scripture about Back to sender:

Esther 9:25 (But when it came before the king, he gave orders in writing that his evil plan that he had devised against the Jews should return on his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.);

Esther 7:10 (So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the wrath of the king abated.)

Psalm 56:9 (Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. This I know, that God is for me)

Now start praying:

1. My Father! My Father! Let every known and unknown strongman or woman attacking me using portions, charms, curses, evil dreams, fall down and die, in Jesus name.

2. My Father! My Father! Let every demonic power using witchcraft to suppress, oppress and attack me, my family, my career, my business, etc let their witchcraft backfire, backfire, backfire in Jesus name.

3. By the power of the Holy Ghost, Let every evil judgment against me, my work, and my family in the spirit realm backfire in Jesus name.

4. By the power of the Holy Ghost, Let any effigy, evil shadow, strange wind directed to attack me, my work, and my family to TURN BACK, and attack your sender, in Jesus name.

5. My Father! My Father! Let every evil report, evil charge, evil accusation, evil propaganda, evil decision, evil condemnation, against me, my work and family in the dark kingdom, backfire by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.
6. Owners of Evil loads, I am not your candidate, in the name of Jesus, carry your load.

7. My Father! My Father! Let every evil arrows fired against my health, work, family members, finances, breakthrough, advancement, etc backfire in Jesus name

8. My Father! My Father! Let every power using witchcraft to cause stagnation, dream Pollution, failure at the edge of Breakthrough, disappointment, and even untimely death to me and my family, let your witchcraft backfire in Jesus name.

9. By the power of the Holy Ghost, Let every environmental gang up against my work and family caused by all anti-progress materials fired into my life through dreams, backfire in Jesus name.

10. By the fire of the Holy Ghost, Let every evil cooperation between Internal and external strongholds against me, my work, and my family, backfire in Jesus name.

11. I decree after the order of Lamentations 3:37, any evil expectation, evil prophesies, predictions against me, my family, and work, backfire in Jesus name.

12. By the power of the Holy Ghost, Let every wicked plan to embarrass me through mistakes and errors, now and in the future, to backfire in Jesus name.

13. My Father! My Father! Let all assignments and operations of dark powers and their agents against me, my work and family, during this year to backfire in Jesus name.

14. By the power of the Holy Ghost, Let every attempt to kill me in order to stop the good work of God in my life, work and family, backfire in Jesus name.

15 O God that answereth by fire, I declare after the order of Psalms 36:11 that the feet of the pride will not kick against me neither shall the hand of the wicked remove me from my blessings in Jesus name.

16. Pray in tongues for 10 minutes and let the Holy Ghost teach you how to war.

Pastor Nathaniel

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