Open doors are mentioned in over 180 times in the Bible. A door or doorway symbolizes the transition and passageway from one place to another. Jesus is the key that opens all closed doors, Try HIM!.
The Door that God Opens Will Never Contradict His Word. God will not lead you toward an opportunity that contradicts what he clearly says in his Word. Nor will he open a door that would require personal compromise or disobedience in order for you to enter. As humans prone to sin, we have an excellent way of turning a clear mandate of God’s completely around and justifying it by our circumstances, but that is not how God works.
The Door that God Opens Will be Accompanied by Confirmation. In Matthew 18:15-16, Jesus laid out instructions for confronting sin among believers saying “But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses’.” I believe the same applies when it comes to God confirming something in his Word.
The Door God Opens Will Require You to Depend on Him. God is not going to give us something that will alienate us from him or make us believe we no longer need him. He is a God of relationship, and a God who insists upon being first in our lives (Matthew 6:33).
Start by praising and worshiping for about 5-10 minutes.
After this repent and confess your sins. (Psalm 51:1-3; Psalm 24:3-5; Colossians 2:14; Proverbs 26: 2.)
Ask the Lord to Wash you clean today by his blood.
cover yourself and your household with the blood of Jesus.
Then start by confessing out loud this Scripture about open Heavens:
Isaiah 64:1; Deuteronomy 28:12; Revelation 4:1; Matthew 7:7-8

1. O Lord, open my heavens so that I can walk under heavenly blessings and breakthroughs in my life, ministry, business, profession, health, income, and relationships, in Jesus name.
2. By the fire of the Holy Ghost, I destroy all satanic forces working against my open heavens through the demonic blockages, remote controls, gadgets, and monitoring devices. I declare that no man or devil can shut the open doors before me, in Jesus Name.
3. I decree that every closed door of heavenly treasures by the devil, familiar spirits, witchcraft, and marine spirits be opened permanently to me, my family, my ministry, workplace, and everything I do, by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus Name.
4. O Lord, open the windows of heaven and pour unending blessings upon me, in Jesus Name.
5. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to seal all satanic doors; doors of brass, cursed ancestral doors, doors of iron and limitation, and doors closed against my progress and my family, back doors and windows that give the devil access to my blessings and divine treasures, in Jesus Name.
6. By the fire of the Holy Ghost, I destroy all roadblocks, barricades, hindrances, chains, iron bars, and padlocks at the entrance of my open door, in Jesus Name.
7. O Lord help me to walk through destiny-promoting open doors designed by the Holy Ghost to my heaven on earth experience, In Jesus Name.
8. Let the angelic watchers, prosperity, and worshipping angels guard and guide my open doors continuously, in Jesus Name.
9. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to cancel, reverse, neutralize, and counter any demonic decrees, spells, ordinances, enchantments, plans, ploy, plots, and pronouncements against my open doors, In Jesus Name.
10. I decree that every demonic door or doorway designed to steal my blessings using bypass policies, politics, protocols, procedures, processes, and routines burn to ashes by Holy Ghost fire, In Jesus Name
12. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to burn to ashes, all demonic thrones, authorities, and dominions sitting at the door of my blessings, in Jesus name.
13. Father, restore to me all that I have lost as a result of ignorance, witchcraft, and closed doors by the enemy
14. O Lord, I open the door of my heart to you and cut off the enemy’s access by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name
15. Father, open wide all doors you have ordained for me and permanently close all doors of hell and help me discern the difference, in Jesus Name.
Pastor Nathaniel.