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ToggleHow To Protect your Child From The Devil Now
According to the Book of Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” God loves children, and He visits them often because children possess more faith than adults some examples are, young Jesus, Moses, Samuel, and Jeremiah.
We see that in the Book of Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. “So, you can see that children are very important to God, and when they cry, pray, or sing, they attract the attention of angels. So protect your child!
Look at the case of Ishmael as a boy in the Book of Genesis 21:16–19; we see that a well was created in the desert just for this boy to drink water from. With this power, even children can call fire on a witch, but because they are small, they might not know what they are doing in the spirit realm or might be mistaken for doing nothing and be punished for that.
Over the ages, gifted children have suffered under the cruel leadership of men who wanted to extinguish the fire in them. For instance, men like Herod wanted to destroy the baby Jesus (Matthew 2:13), and even in the days of the pharaoh, he wanted to destroy all boys in Egypt, including baby Moses (Hebrews 11:23), So nowadays witches are out to destroy any talented or gifted child. How do these witches do it and when do they do it? They do it during the “witching hour”.
What is a “witching hour”?
The witching hour, also called devil’s hour, in folklore, is the time at night when the powers of witches and other supernatural beings are believed to be strongest, usually occurring at midnight or 3:00 AM. It’s believed that around 3 AM witches are on the hunt, and it might surprise you, but they are not interested in adult energy but rather in children’s energy. Now that we know about this, how can we protect our children?
What Should We Do To Protect Our Children During The Witch Hour?
Brethren, remember that a witch cannot destroy a child who has no open spiritual door and is into spiritual things like quoting the scriptures and praying. If a witch attacks a child who is spiritual, it means death for such a witch. So as a parent, don’t open any demonic doors by practicing witchcraft and sorcery (Deuteronomy 18:10–13; Revelation 21:8; and Galatians 5:19–21).

You must, at all costs, protect your child from the occult evils promoted by the Harry Potter and Disney movies. This kind of fiction material seems like “harmless” fantasies, but in the long run, it poses all kinds of dangers for your children and teenagers. They tend to initiate very young children into witchcraft, sorcery, and even idolatry.
15 Proven Ways To Protect Your Children From Spiritual Attacks.
Deuteronomy 28:53 When your enemies are besieging your towns, you will become so desperate for food that you will even eat the children that the LORD your God has given you.
1. Don’t let your kids visit unguided strangers whose spiritual life you are unfamiliar with or whom you don’t know well. They have the ability to steal your child’s star or darken it.
2. Avoid bragging about how well your kids are doing in front of people whose kids are struggling.
3. Don’t let your friends and relatives know what your kids will be pursuing in the future. You never know they might be destiny killers or hijackers, just waiting for that information to act on it.
4. Take care not to give your children’s used materials like shoes, clothes, and school materials to the enemies you call friends or relatives. They may use them as a point of contact to bewitch your children.
5. Don’t sell your children’s stars or even sacrifice them for ritual money. In the same vein, don’t allow anyone to do it. Instead, protect your child. Do your best to protect your child.
6. Train your children to trust in God only and not to be involved with extended family affairs. No matter how religious your relatives may be, they will not want your children to become the superstars of the family. Joseph in the Bible is a good example (Genesis 37:26–28).
7. Avoid forming a business partnership with relatives. It might lead to a cold war that affects your kids. If you’re already in it, don’t expect your grown-up children to take over, and beware it might lead to untold suffering due to sibling rivalry.
8. In case you dream that your kids are being attacked or you notice something is amiss, start praying right away and don’t take anything for granted. (Matthew 2:13)
10. Do not praise your children publicly in the presence of destiny hunters.
11. Discourage your kids from eating anything offered by total strangers or unfriendly relatives or bringing strange foods from rituals into the house.
12. Don’t let your kids move in with your relatives or friends while you’re still alive and able. After all, nobody can care for your kids as much as you can.
13. When family members come to visit, don’t leave your children alone with them, demonstrate a protective attitude over them. Beware that they can sometimes harm them out of jealousy.
14. Do not allow your children to visit unguided people you don’t know well or their spiritual lives you don’t know. They can empty virtues or do virtues exchange diabolically. So, at all times, be ready to protect your child.
15. At all times pray and fast for your children’s success. In short, be ready to protect your child.
It is your duty as a parent to protect your child and to keep him or her safe. Yes, I know that God is on the forefront to protect your child but remember that God will hold you accountable for any harm caused to your child. Do everything possible to protect your child!
Pastor Nathaniel
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