Table of Contents
ToggleMany Are Call But How Many Are Chosen?
Remember as human beings we chose schools based on their performance and goodness, we choose friends based on what we will get from them, we choose careers based on how much they pay, etc but that is not how our God sees us when He is making a choice.
According to 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, It always feels very good to be chosen to represent something or someone by someone greater than you. It could be to represent the church, office, etc. You want to tell someone about this because this is a big honor.
According to Isaiah 1:18, God even invites us to be part of the chosen just as we are. even without education, old, young, sinner etc. You are not here by mistake or accident. Remember you were part of God’s plan and that is why he chose you (Jeremiah 39:11). According to 1 Samuel 16:7, God doesn’t see the same things men see when choosing a person. It’s not based on physical appearance, not based on how much we can offer. It’s more than that.
Being chosen has nothing to do with education, family background, age, etc. You could be chosen but you don’t know. For instance., Jeremiah and Samuel, who thought simply because they were young God couldn’t choose them over older people like in the case of Eli and little Samuel, who thought God would first speak with Eli then through to Samuel but that wasn’t the case.
Being chosen meant that this child was special and hence the child was either hidden from the whole world or sent to those who will hide the child from dangerous people a case in point is Samuel who was hidden by Eli. According to Matthew 2:13, Jesus was hidden in Egypt. Even Moses was hidden in Egypt because he was special according to Hebrews 11:23

Never forget that in many African traditions, some children are born with some spiritual stuff either in their little hands or in their umbilical cord, and these kids are given to the care of traditional healers or even experienced family members like grannies.
During their hiding period, they are either taught or they thought themselves a lot of spiritual matters. A case in point looks at Paul (Galatians 1:18) and Jesus, they taught themselves a lot.
Things That Make You Know That You Are God’s Chosen
1. You don’t fit in or belong.
You might find it difficult to make friends or be around certain people (it could even be family members) because God doesn’t want you to mix with them psalms 1:1. Remember it’s during these moments of isolation for instance Moses, David in the wilderness, and Joseph in the prison, you grow and come closer to God and learn to hear the voice of God.
2. You question everything and anything because all come to you as news after all God’s thoughts are beyond your own so everything is new. You tend to speak like Joseph or Daniel in the Bible in riddles and mysteries. You will have weird dreams also.
You are the 1% who don’t follow what others are doing. You are willing to risk it all to get where God wants you to be, for instance, Abram. You don’t accept everything (be it traditions, norms, etc) blindly. You have more questions than answers. You know that no one is going to save you except yourself. Sometimes you feel like your life is falling apart but know that God is rearranging it for the better.
God takes heavens rubber and erases everything you even knew and believed in and it’s only God left.
3. Day to day activities bores you and you do things differently
Chosen people accept the calling from God and they know the truth while others accept the lies we are being fed by the media. They don’t try to fit in, but they stand out. You believe that there is more to life than we are getting now. They chose to do things differently likes of Thomas Edison who invented the bulb. They spend most of their time alone trying to connect themselves back to God.
4. You are hated or loved for no reason
The Bible says in John 15:18-19 you are not of this world so the world will hate you. The world is being controlled by the devil to hate you. According to John 3:20, these evil people don’t want light near them otherwise their wicked deeds will be uncovered. When you are chosen another group of people wants to hang around you.
Every time you look or feel different from the rest, they start to isolate you and even avoid you. Remember being different comes at a cost. For instance, Joseph and even David were different, especially in the case of joseph, as he was the chosen one and hence his own brothers hated him and eventually sold him.
5. Things are not so easy for you as compared to others.
Most of the time you work very hard, and your path seems to be full of challenges as compared to your competitors. These challenges are like a gym to give you spiritual as well as mental muscles to cope with challenges ahead of you. Pressure makes you a rare gem, a diamond.
The devil will try to use anything around you to attack you it could be your friends or even your wife or husband just like the case of Job. You will have tribulations and persecutions to try and block your journey.
6. There are times that you feel like you are not alone.
Psalms 147: 4 if God knows all the stars by name how come he doesn’t know you? God knew you even before your birth.
Psalm 139 God knew you then and even now, so he knows you. Jeremiah 1:5 God knew you before you knew him, even before you committed your first sin. God knows what you will do, even before you do it.
You know that someone is watching after you no matter what. You know it because even if enemies come in many ways they are destroyed by God. For instance in 2 Kings 19:35 185000 Assyrian soldiers were killed by one angel. The people and things around you are not there by mistake or accident, check carefully and you will see God in the middle of everything. You might feel like all eyes are on you. Yes, some spirits are using some people to try to suck your energy and even harm you, but God is also protecting you just like Elisha was protected by chariots of fire.
7. You see good in everyone and everything.
Just as in the days of Adam in the Garden in Genesis 2:15 you want to protect all forms of life be it animals, birds, sea life, plants, etc. , and even the vulnerable (orphan children, old, etc). Remember all other life forms was created by the same creator and you were put in charge. Do you feel that you are being pushed by God to protect the environment, if so then what are you doing??
8. You have this inner thing telling you that you are chosen to change the world in one way or the other. Hence you will spend an invaluable amount of time and resources digging into matters of national value.
9. You feel like it’s your responsibility to wake up those who are spiritually asleep through all means necessary, it could be through the opening of churches, training others into matters of the Kingdom. Your teachings appear weird to the perishing world. According to Genesis 9:5-6, You always find yourself trying to push people into the way of the truth. Don’t give up but keep doing what God sent you to do. The cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.
Do you want to start the journey of being chosen then to obey 2 Corinthians 6:17? You have been chosen by God to move out of this world. Remember God is just reminding us that he chose us before we chose him Ephesians 1:4. But we must believe him because many are called, and few are chosen John 3:16. Many reject the caller but never forget we are a chosen generation 1 peter 2: 9-10
When you are called your speech changes completely 1 John 4:5-6, being chosen goes beyond religion and the acting you see daily. You begin to walk by faith and live like Jesus Christ.
Pastor Nathaniel