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Proven Ways To Overcome Stagnation

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Stagnation is a state of no progress, no event. A time when enemies are prevailing in one’s life, a period when there is no movement. Stagnant water will usually smell.

There are some trees which are very big because they get all they need but others are very small due to the lack of certain things.

Symptoms Of Spiritual Stagnation

  • Inability to get married at the right time
  • Delay in Childbearing
  • Lack of job despite academic qualification
  • No evidence of progress in Business, career after many years.
  • Repeated crippling health condition
  • No positive improvement in ministry, career for many years.
  • A fall in the standard of living
  • Going round in cycles without any hope in a situation for years.
  • Resistances each time you need to move forward like people getting promoted and you are left behind,
  • Nothing to show for your efforts and labour e.g work like an elephant and eat like an ant
  • Rising and falling in sin
  • Inability to think properly due to fear leading to shame and reproach
  • Unnecessary and constant mistakes
  • Disappointment after Disappointment

Be careful because if you continue with this vicious cycle of stagnation because time will one day catch up with you and destroy you.

Do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it because time has no emotions no matter your condition. Have stopped developing because of someone’s words, actions, etc. It could be someone special or dear to you.

Do you have friends who are blocking your growth; make you do things you don’t like to do (Romans 7:15) just like blind Bartimaeus and the people who were discouraging him from Jesus?

Biblical Examples Of Stagnation

  • Israelites encircled that mountain for long (Deuteronomy 2:1-3)
  • Israelites took 40 years to cover a journey of 11 days to Canaan land (Deuteronomy 1:3)
  • Hannah – She was barren for a long time (1 Samuel 1: 2 – 3)
  • Blind Bartimaeus – He was blind for many years (Mark 10: 46 – 52)
  • The man at the Pool of Bethsaida – He was impotent for 38 years (John 5:5 – 9)
  •  The man at the Beautiful gate – He was lame from birth (Acts 3: 2 – 7)
  • The woman with the issue of blood – She carried the disease for 12 years (Mark 9:20-22)
  • Jacob in the House of Laban – He served Laban for 14 years to marry his wives – (Genesis 29:18,27)
  •  Naman – Influential person with leprosy (2 kings 5:10, 11)
  • Jabez –Had nothing to show off for, he cried to God and became more honourable than his brethren and God granted him five of the things he requested for (1st Chronicles.4:9,10)

Moral Story About Stagnation Based On 3 Monkeys And A Banana Pole.

A certain experiment involving 3 monkeys and a pole with a bunch of bananas on top of it was done. The first monkey tried to climb the pole and just as it was about to reach the bunch of bananas a cold bucket of water was thrown at it so it ran down as quickly as it climbed the pole.

The same thing happened to the other 2 and they also ran down, so the scientists replaced one of those monkeys and brought another one and just when it was about to climb the pole the other 2 pulled it down. Then the scientists replaced all these monkeys with new ones but they didn’t want anything to do with those bananas although they had not experienced the bucket of cold water.

Sometimes we are like these monkeys we don’t know why we can’t do certain things although we are qualified and fit for those things. Why we can’t break that poverty mindset, addiction, etc. There will always be dream stealers, blockers, etc

In life, you will meet giants, red seas and mountains which will try to stop you but remember for you to advance you must know that giants are to be slain, Red seas to be parted and mountains to be scaled.

What would happen if you broke free from these things or the people causing this stagnation? That guilt, fear, or worry. Remember you still have the power to succeed and grow in yourself. To become the real you or to become like the people you hang around in the workplace, your friends, etc. Spirits are transferable if your friend’s gossip, they will transfer that spirit to you.

Stop thinking about the past and what never worked. By doing this you are agreeing with the accurse of brethren devil (Revelation 12:10). Focus on what only worked and you will go far. You were created to go far in life and the devil knows that, so he will try to block you.

Things That Cause Spiritual Stagnation.

1. Sin – Samson was stagnated in the dragon home because of sin. When you indulge yourself in secret sin it can cause stagnation.

2. Ignorance – When you don’t have the knowledge you are supposed to have. Ignorance could keep someone in the same state. Gather knowledge ignorance aids forces of stagnation.

3. Carelessness – When you are too careless about everything in life. When you don’t guard whatever you do carefully.

4. Satisfaction With Average/Complacency – Philippians 3:13 & 14

5. Fear Of Risk Taking – Life is a risk, don’t fear to move forward, take the risk and the hand of God will support you.

6. Wrong Belief – That something can never be done. The elephant and the rope story.

7. Laziness – Mental laziness – Spiritual Laziness – Physical Laziness

8. Wrong Association -Wrong Association will affect your life. Be disconnected from a wrong company

Ways To Break Out Of Stagnation

  • Repent
  • Restitution
  • Deliverance Ministration
  • Living a life of holiness
  • Regular Warfare
  • Meditating on the word of God
  • A consistent prayer life

20 Powerful Prayers To Help You Overcome Stagnation

  1. I withdraw my life, marriage, career, etc from stagnation in Jesus name.
  2. Every yoke of stagnation be broken in Jesus name.
  3. Every chain of stagnation, break by fire in Jesus name.
  4. Evil covenants backing up stagnation in my life, be broken in Jesus name.
  5. Every evil storage in my life causing stagnation, come out by fire in Jesus name.
  6. Decrees backing stagnation in my life, be nullified in Jesus name.
  7. River of stagnation in my life, dry up in Jesus name.
  8. I reject every spirit of backwardness in Jesus name.
  9. Every spirit of stagnation, come out of my life in Jesus name.
  10. Any cobweb attack causing stagnation in my life, be destroyed in Jesus name.
  11. Any negative dream causing stagnation in my life, be cancelled in Jesus name.
  12. Every altar of stagnation in my ministry, be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
  13. Arrow of stagnation fired into my business, come out in Jesus name.
  14. Every form of stagnation attacking my progress, come out in Jesus name.
  15. Any evil mark in my body causing stagnation in my life, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus.
  16. Any negative word/statement causing stagnation in my life, be nullified in Jesus name.
  17. Every secret sins causing stagnation in my life, come out in Jesus name.
  18. I rebuke any generational curses causing stagnation in my life in Jesus name.
  19. Power of stagnation holding me to where I do not belong, be arrested in Jesus name.
  20. Holy spirit, reveal the causes of stagnation to me in Jesus name.

Pastor Nathaniel

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