Table of Contents
ToggleWhat Is A Vision?
A Vision is not the same thing as a goal. At the beginning of the year people start by writing a number of things that they want to do, places they want to go, people, they want to visit, and the list goes on and on, these are classified as goals. Most of these goals are just fantasies and not visions.
Vision is actually what you see and then you start writing what you see but remember these writings or pictures don’t have power by themselves to get you where you are going or the thing you want.
This is the first part of the vision, writing it down, and it means you can see what you want according to Habakkuk 3, which says write the vision.
Genesis 13: 14 to 18, God is willing to back your vision as long as it’s in line with his Kingdom. That is why men like Abram, Jacob, etc had visions that were in line with God, for instance, Jacob in Genesis 28:20-22 said if you give me wealth I will give you 10% of it.
4 Types of people when it comes to visions
1) some people who don’t have even a vision, let alone writing it.
Most people just like Gehazi don’t have a vision they can’t see beyond their nose and need someone just like Elisha to help them see what is in plain sight.
2) Some people have a vision and are sure of it and even write it.
According to 2 Kings 6:17 it means you can see what you want for example Elisha wanted security but also, he could see in the spirit the angels guarding them
3) 2 Kings 6:18 Some people used to have a vision of where they wanted to be until they were blinded by the forces of this world. So they can’t execute that vision because they are blind and need someone to help them to see again.
4) 2 Kings 6:19-20 Most people are following someone else’s vision and because of this they end up where they never planned to be.

Why have we written down things but they never came to pass?
Remember I told you that those things you are asking for through writing might have been swallowed by the enemy so they are out of range.
Also, you might be asking God for things which are beyond your capacity to handle due to lack of resources, age, connections, etc so God might tell you to wait, just like in the case of Moses he was told to wait for 40 years before he could liberate the children of Israel.
According to James 4:3, Other people might miss their goal because they are asking God amiss to achieve wrong things, to show off, not for the kingdom’s sake. For instance, God give me a baby so that I will make my neighbor jealous, if you pray like this you might wait for a while, but if you ask God to give you a son to serve him, God honors this prayer request (1 Samuel 2:20-21).
So why are your prayers not being answered now?
How do we actually get to see this vision come to pass?
Most people have written things down but none of these things happen so how can we reach a point whereby you write a thing and then it comes to pass.
The answer is partially found in Hebrews 11:1 remember hope is a picture. So how does a goal you wrote become part of you and not feel like you are carrying a heavy load? According to Luke 14:28-29, you must first count your costs and come up with plans of how to achieve this vision. Failure to do this will lead to the vision not being achieved.
Genesis 15:1- 3 Know that with God that there is a very great reward for you to claim, in short see here is your normal goal or dream but how will it come to pass. Yes, you know that you need it, but you can’t see how it will happen, due to this impossibility or that for Sarah it’s the age for Lazarus is the time is it too late.
Genesis 15:4-5 We have to learn to trust God fully. God has to change our way of seeing things so as to achieve that dream. God has a good plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Learn to agree with God. Sarah laughed because she couldn’t see it (Genesis 18:11-14). You need to start thinking like God to see what God sees written for you. So don’t question it and close that door remember it’s God who is leading you. So, give God a chance to lead you. We do this through prayer (Philippians 4:6).
In God’s kingdom, God has given us the power to call things into existence according to Romans 4:17, and whatever we bind or lose here on earth is loosed or bound in heaven (Matthew 18:18).
Remember if you see things as God sees them then nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37) and whatever you ask is given to you (Matthew 18:19) while if you see things as a human being then you are limited. Remember God’s ways and thoughts are way above our thoughts and ways and we got to get there to see what God has in store for us (Isaiah 55:8-9). According to Ephesians 3:20, how many of you would want to tap into something greater than you and see bigger things happen.
Why do we write down the vision?
A driver can’t start his car without knowing where he is going. The reason a child goes to school is not to play but to earn a qualification. For example, if you want to have a child then you got to be ready and prepare for it.
Just imagine your 5-year old child told you that he/she needed to have a child of their own or even buy a car, ask yourself would you take this kid seriously? Obviously not.
Sometimes you need a map to get to where you are going. If it’s a google map it will keep reminding you when you are lost.
The same is the case if you want to get something or achieve something then you need a plan of action
Some people take the maps seriously and get where they are going while others ignore the maps and get lost and even when they know that they are lost they do nothing to correct the situation. They complain that it’s too late to do anything and so they do nothing. Others take the necessary steps to get back on track and in no time they arrive at the desired destination.
Before you undertake a journey or even a project you count the cost and even you have an outcome in your mind a destination.
When they were building the tower of babel, they had a destination to reach God. The children of Israel when they were leaving Egypt their destination was Canaan land. What about you?
These two cases in point had a plan in place which had a destination in sight. As for those building the tower they had to work as a team to achieve their goal
As for the children of Israel they had to first find out which strategies were safe since they were presented with two routes by the spies one of which would have taken them 11-13 days but this route required great faith because it had giants as obstacles.
The other route was very long and also had a red see on sight on top of that it had a desert with its challenges of the heat, lack of water, dangerous animals and snakes, and lack of steady food. So whichever route they chose it would have met that they will be prepared to overcome the challenges on the way and that is where the planning started.
Sometimes we choose to do things our own way and at our own pace but what we forget is that still, the challenges will be waiting for us, and they won’t leave just because we delay arriving where they are.
Why do you need a mentor?
You need a person to tell you to be still and know that God is with you. This person might take the form of a spouse, a friend, a captain, a pastor or a prophet, etc. “Believe in the LORD your God so shall ye be established; believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper” 2 Chronicles 20:20.
What does a mentor do?
Condition your mindset especially when things are difficult.
Increase your capacity
Isaiah 54:2-3 “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. Remember a problem can’t be solved at the level it was created. We had 35 google users by 2020 but now we have 1100 users as of May 2022 what an increase what did we do.
What am I supposed to do so that I can accommodate that increase? Do I need to up-skill myself, what things do I have to overcome, leave so as to accommodate this increase?
Help yourself overcome limiting beliefs
Jeremiah, I am just a boy
Gideon, I am the least
Judges 6:15 “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”
I am this or that due to this or that yes you might be uneducated so what, from a poor background so what.
Moses, I stammer
Exodus 4:10
Moses said to the LORD, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”
Exodus 6:12,30
But in the LORD’s presence, Moses replied, “If the Israelites will not listen to me, then why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I am unskilled in speech?” But in the LORD’s presence, Moses replied, “Since I am unskilled in speech, why would Pharaoh listen to me?
Pastor Nathaniel.