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Shadows can be deceiving To The Genuine Christian People.

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James 1:17: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Remember, behind shadows, things don’t seem as they are to the untrained eyes

Story About How Shadows can be deceiving

Two angels who had visited a certain village decided to visit one of the richest families there, who offered them the basement room instead of the guesthouse. At night, the Archangel found a hole in the wall, and he covered it. The following day they were walking and they decided to spend the night at one of the poorest of the poorest families in that village. There they were treated as VIPs since the couple gave them their beds.

In the morning the cow of this poor family was found dead. So the other angel asked the Archangel why he let the only cow they had to die, while he covered that hole in the rich family’s house and the Archangel said I saw Gold in that hole and due to that bad treatment he covered it so they would never find it again and then he said things don’t look as they seem. He also added that the night before the cow died, the angel of death had come to take the farmer’s wife but the Archangel negotiated and gave him that cow instead.

Have you ever seen anyone or anything or anyone without a shadow? If so, that wasn’t real.

Shadows keep on moving with the owner of the shadow

Even if I walk in the shadow of death (psalms 23:4). When you are in the shadow it might mean the death of certain things in your life such as pride, and anger. What causes this shadow is the thing that causes the death of this anger.

What are shadows to you?

Psalm 91:1 shadow here means surrounding you, protecting you from a bad condition. Shadows can be deceiving to the untrained eye. They give you a false picture. A hiding place for your weakness. We don’t want the light to shine on us due to our evil ways

People are willing to accept the shadow rather than go for the real thing because it’s more demanding. False Christ, God, holy spirit, etc. Shadows are found when it comes to symbols, gestures, codes, plans Bs

If you are standing in the shadow of a giant it may look to others that you are great, because they can’t see your shadow. Isaiah 30:2-3

In whose shadow are you standing and what effect is it bring to you?

Hosea 14:7 Those who live in his shadow.

Psalm 17:8 Hide me in the shadow of Your wings

Remember we want the shadow of the almighty God to be cast on this altar ONLY

If you are under the shadow of failure then you know your end. Be careful that you don’t lose your shadow which is your identity, When you have an idea of the heavenly things you need like an altar you align yourself so that the shadow of that thing and the results are guaranteed. so start aligning yourself.

Colossians 2:17 Shadows appear first before you see what’s on the way coming. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. There are people who operate under the shadows of the demonic world and so we never see them because they hide under those shadows.

Simply because you can’t see it it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

For a shadow to be formed you need a source of light. So, our source of light is the son of God. Things are not what they seem in the shadows and that is why we need to be inside the kingdom so that we can see with the king’s eyes. Take your eyes off men and put them on the lord (2 Corinthians 4:18). Don’t be moved by what you see

2 Kings 6:16-17 .Gehazi couldn’t see the angels who were just hidden in the shadows and needed to adjust his sight. Most of us are blinded by this world so we can’t see what is hidden in plain sight(2 Kings 6:18-21).

If you are struggling or in a problem is because you are looking at what you can see only and ignoring the other areas of life (1 Corinthians 15:44). God is greater than what you see, feel, or are experiencing. To avoid being deceived stay in touch with the bible and not prophets even when you see great miracles (Matthew 24:24)

You got where you are by faith and so don’t change now. Whether men reject or force you to do things, always please God. Whether they follow you, unfriend you, or ignore you is irrelevant what matters is you stand with God. This can lead to idolatry so be careful not to try to steal God’s Glory. Simply because you can’t see God, it doesn’t mean you steal his Glory he will come out of the shadows and punish you.

2 Samuel 24:1-4,10 Don’t be like David who numbered his army and forgot to number the warrior angels on their side and this made God angry. Some of us go to our banks and number what’s there and forget our heavenly bank in heaven. No wonder we say never count your chicks before they hatch.

Take your eyes off your resources, and connections and only rely on God for everything. Concentrate on where your help comes from (Psalms 121:1-3). Remember you used to trust God when you had nothing just to get by now that you have some coins what happened? Yes, you are not where you want to be or things are not what they seem but your spiritual address has changed.

So please come out of that shadow and start living a real-life

Pastor Nathaniel

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