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Money: What Is Stealing It from Christians Now

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I know you have heard people say Money doesn’t grow on trees, unless you plant the right seeds. Even the tallest tree started with a seed. Even seeds left in a container can’t turn to a tree. Check around their seeds waiting to be planted.

Money doesn’t change people; it shows who they really are and nothing is hidden anymore. Remember money is like petrol it makes our past bigger and visible to others for instance, if you were a beggar(honest) before you got money now you’re just a beggar(honest) with a large bank account. Most people speak about money others have it. Just like God doesn’t show favourism so does Money it doesn’t respect or care about your religion, race, age. You are either making money or you are spending. Like you might

Don’t spoil yourself and your Children by spending money you have not earned yet on what you can do without. So, you end up borrowing from banks, friends and end up in debts. Is it not a smart idea to borrow to buy a smart TV. You are sacrificing your future for a present pleasure. So, you get into a cycle of poverty. By that I mean you keep running from bank to bank running after money which keeps flying away (Proverbs 23:5) so you will always be behind money and you will never catch it, so you are broke.

Instead of running after money first Learn a skill or something valuable and people will bring money to you and then you will earn. Build a ladder or take other peoples ladders and use them to get where you can start earning. First you LEARN then you drop the L”. Just like you learn playing a piano you need to learn how to earn money.

Spend less than you earn. The rich stay rich by spending like the poor yet investing while the poor stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing. When you invest, you’re buying a day you don’t have to work in the future. Spending and spending can’t make you rich it will leave you poorer because you end up spending other people’s money leading you into problems.

Money is extremely important in our lives and its no wonder we work for it, go to school for it etc. most things revolve around making money. Whether you are so spiritual you still need money even Jesus needed it. So, you can’t only fast and pray to avoid money needs.

Money is the answer to all things name the challenge and money will give you the answer to it in Dollars/Euros/Rands etc. So we must learn to rule money properly so that money doesn’t rule us and make us slaves there are some of us who have been enslaved by it and they no longer have a life any more. Money can be a good servant but a very bad(cruel) master who can drive you crazy and even mad.

Money as a master can make you do evil things you leave to regret like sacrificing your children to keep it. That is called modern day slavery another name is Bad debt. Whenever you borrow money, your life belongs to the the lenders (Proverbs 22:7).

Money is your personal army; it should go out and bring back prisoners”. Every rand or dollar you sent out their will bring with it something and some will be lost. So be careful of who you lend your soldiers (your cash) what if they don’t return and they could have helped you keep fighting.

Remember if you don’t have good money management skills (like ignorance stated in Hosea 4:6) money can fly and when you are trying to stop it you can get hurt. Just imagine if you have the wrong partner the damage he or she can cause to your soldiers because he or she is the 2nd in command and can give destructive advice to your soldiers making you poor. Because of misusing them.

Brethren train yourself not to spend on things you can do without. Just imagine most of the things we spend on are things we could have avoided.

Most things we spend on are due to the fact that we want to please others, due to trends(fashion), latest trends, due to cultural trend, trend of friends etc For instance, you might attend 10 weddings in a year leading you to buy 10 different clothes you will never use anywhere else, hence costing you a fortune through borrowing, and the question is did you need those clothes or was it peer pressure that forced to them.

Can Money Bring Joy?

Some people think that if they have 2 cars and 3 houses, they will have Joy. Your joy is not dependent on the amount of things you have as some of those things will never be used in life. After you get those things, you realize that you need more and more. Don’t let material things rule you

Never connect your joy to material things otherwise you won’t be happy. Don’t play into advertisements played into our TV. Just like phones, the developers add one app and tell you to buy. If you have no joy, there’s a leak in your Christianity somewhere.

Just imagine that you are not working but you have the latest iPhone and the latest this and that and you are complaining you have financial problems how can you not have money problems? “Do the things that people are not willing to do today so you can live the way they can’t tomorrow.”

The Story Of George Müller‘s Dependence On God.

Be dependent on God and not anything else. So put your trust on God and not things. Proverbs 3:5-6

George Müller Many times, he received unsolicited food donations only hours before they were needed to feed the 10000 children, further strengthening his faith in God. Müller was in constant prayer that God touched the hearts of donors to make provisions for the orphans.

Here is one example of his dependence on god. ‘ One day the children were dressed and ready for school. But there was no food for them to eat,’ the housemother of the orphanage told George Müller. George said, ‘Take all 300 children into the dining room and tell them to sit at the tables.

He thanked God for the food they were about to eat and waited. George knew that God would provide food for the children, as he always did. Within minutes, a baker knocked on the door. ‘Mr Müller,’ he said, ‘last night, I couldn’t sleep. Somehow, I knew that you would need bread this morning. I got up and baked three batches for you and I’ll bring it in.’

Soon after, there was another knock at the door. It was the milkman. His cart had broken down in front of the orphanage. The milkman said, ‘The milk will go off by the time the wheel’s been fixed. Would you like some free milk?’ He brought in ten large cans of milk. It was just enough for the 300 thirsty children.

Let’s not be like the wicked servant in Matthew 25:24-30. We are lazy but how? compared to this servant he never lost what he was given but when it comes to us, even what God gives us every month from our work or business, we eat everything. Brethren we need deliverance from working for the malls, fashion shops etc and that spending mentality.

So, who are you working for? Is it the petrol stations, companies etc You are working for everyone else but yourself? You have been addicted to spending. You have made to believe that you have to spend no matter what. So, you are their slave. From today don’t spend your money on what you can do without.

Pastor Nathaniel

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