Table of Contents
ToggleWhat Are God’s Miracles?
Miracles are called “signs and wonders.” The miracles we read in the Scriptures are acts of God that proclaim his sovereign power over His creation for a good course. We know that when miracles happen, they give evidence that God is truly at work, and they help advance His Kingdom. Most of the time when a miracle happens, it means that God has stepped into the natural world and has suspended the natural laws so that he can do something that has no natural explanation. For instance, God stopped the sun so that Joshua could win a war (Joshua 10:12-15). Miracles are very important to authenticate God’s message and his messengers.

Are Miracles Still Happening Today ?

In this day and age of irresponsible Christianity whereby most irresponsible Christians don’t know what their responsibility in the Kingdom of God is and they don’t know Our Father in heaven, hence they don’t communicate with this unknown Father who is in heaven regularly. It has made many of them to lose the power to do or see many great miracles.
Let alone this Kingdom of God and the power you don’t know, when we were growing up, we were taught how to clean the compound, do the dishes, and many other chores and If we failed to do them well we were punished by our parents, and even so there was no way out of these duties. No wonder we have grown with these skills ingrained in us. But most of us were never taught anything related to the Kingdom of God to the level we were able to see consistent miracles in our lives
But just imagine in today’s generation most people think everything is their right including God’s miracle wonder-working power. Remember most of them are born in families where there is a nanny who does everything for them, so when they grow up, they expect to have a nanny following them around even up to the church.
According to Philippians 2:12, They don’t know that the Bible says,” work out your salvation…” not someone else working
With great power comes great responsibility. I want us to return to that old-time religion that walked in God’s power and God backed them up. But that will come at a cost and I feel we are willing to see God bless us.
Life is full of choices and as Christian people, we have to make the right choices to achieve this power but remember every choice you make comes at a cost (Joshua 24:15). You can choose to partner with the devil or God to see more miracles.
If you choose the devil, remember he is not a gentleman, and also, he is a thief (John 10:10), so he might add something more than you ever bargained for in the contract or agreement. For instance, when the devil gives you riches, power, and many other things he also adds with it sickness, shame, and who knows what else.
According to Joshua 21:45, God will also keep his part of the bargain as long as you keep yours. But remember both the devil and God don’t like to be double-crossed because it comes at a heavy price according to Ecclesiastes 5:4-6. Whether you are serving God or the devil both of them have terms and conditions you have to meet to receive their miracle-working power.
According to Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus says that his burden is light so there is still a burden but it’s much lighter than that of the devil. You know very well that even the normal people or institutions when they lend you anything they charge you something so it’s not news. As For the banks or financial institutions when they lend you money they add a burden called interest to it.
What Are The Conditions To Receive A Miracle From God?
According to 2 Samuel 24:24, the Bible is very clear that serving God will cost you something. Show me Just one place in the bible, where God gave something in exchange for nothing or there were no terms and conditions attached to any miracle God did. With this in mind are you willing to pay the price to see the fruits of your labor?
Remember that in the book of Luke 19:40, it says that if you don’t sing for him or praise him then he will cause the stones to do it. Why would God ask for the stones to do things for him while we are here, or do we need things like donkeys to put sense in our brains now? Look at the case of the prophet Baalam when he failed to do the right thing and a donkey was used by God to speak sense to him (Numbers 22:28), and you also can’t bribe God or cheat him (Deuteronomy 10:17).
No miracle is too hard for God to do (Luke 1:37), only do your part. Remember when Elijah told Elisha that what Elisha had asked was hard, and that he had to meet a condition in order to get it (2 Kings 2: 10). Remember in Exodus 16:18-20 when the children of Isreal were told to collect only enough manna for themselves in that particular day, I know you might think of the manna but even so, God gave a condition to receive it, otherwise, you would miss it either due to wrong timing meaning you didn’t collect manna on time or you would lose it as it would be damaged if you took manna for two days.
Most Christians today only want what God can offer including His power but they are NOT willing to do anything let alone to lift a finger to help the miracle to be accomplished. Always remember that the miracle power you want corrupts people and not in a little way but power corrupts completely.
All These people met certain conditions and then received their miracles in short, they played their part:
Stop giving God an excuse as to why you can’t seek first his kingdom. God is tired of men giving him excuses.
For Instance:
- I have to go and do this and that. For instance, I have to go and bury the dead (Luke 9:59-62). Rather be like Elisha as We can see that in the case of Elisha, that he stopped everything and followed Elijah instead of giving him an excuse(1 Kings 19:20-21)
- I don’t have this or that, like the lady who had a little oil and even had to borrow(2 Kings 4:2-4)
- As for my case as the pastor and founder of MTM Church, I did not build this church when I was working but I had lost my well-paying job. I have never given an excuse to God as to why I wouldn’t come to church on Sunday or why I couldn’t give to support his work. God has always supplied me to meet my every need.
- Elisha was available to offer his services as a prophet, even when the people brought the bowl and salt and even showed him the stream which he proceeded to bless (2 Kings 2:20).
- Elisha asked the prophet who lost the axe to bring a stick and to show him where it fell and right there after the axe floated, he was the one who took it and put it back. (2 Kings 6:6-7)
- To Naaman, he was supposed to bathe in the dirty river but he wasn’t ready. He was to do it 7 times. (2 Kings 5:14)
- To Jacob, he was to build an altar after he succeeded (Genesis 35:7)
- To Elisha, he was to serve Elijah for the rest of his earthly life and then he would inherit a double portion of his spirit (1 Kings 19: 18-21).
- To Moses, he had to spend 40 days on the mountain for God to speak to him(Exodus 34:28), Not 39 days or what he felt like
Even in the days of Jesus, nothing changed that much because we see that people had to do certain things:
- Mary Magdalene was healed of 7 demons and she chose to support Jesus’s ministry (Luke 8. 2).
- Zacchaeus received salvation and he returned everything to the poor (Luke 19:8-10).
So please don’t tell me that you want to change things and do them your own way, no way! God is committed to doing his part ONLY if you are committed to doing your own. You can’t blame God if you never kept your end of the bargain. Even worse is to play with God or mock him.
What about me and you?
You Just think God is Santa Claus even after you make a wish list you must make preparation and also have a plan. The worldly people know this truth very very well. what I am talking about here is that when their Witchdoctors or false prophets tell them to buy a certain thing however expensive it is they do it. Whether it’s wearing this thing they do it. Go to this place they go. Just imagine wearing a dead animal with stinking skin or certain funny-looking clothing or a giant rock or charm around your neck or waist.
What Should I Do When I Am Praying For a Miracle But It Doesn’t Happen?
- Do not wear yourself out trying to make sense of how and when God will grant the miracle.
Faith is not all about seeing, it’s continuing to believe even when you don’t see any results. Always remember it is God’s power that works miracles and not you. So our responsibility is to pray, but it is the work of God to do the miracle.
- Do not stop asking God for that miracle.
The Bible reminds us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17). For instance, Naaman washed himself seven times and not 4 or 6 times and he was healed (2 Kings 5: 1-17). True faith never gives up. Even when you pray and don’t get the miracle there and then; never stop believing in God.
- Never question God.( Hebrews 11:6; Isaiah 55: 8-9)
Never allow your personal circumstances, disappointments, or lack of understanding to cause you to make up your own ideas about God. “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt… Thy will be done”, (Matthew 26:39, 42).
Even if we don’t always see miraculous events, God is still at work behind the scenes. He is miraculously calling people to himself as his church grows and expands. He is active in miraculous ways among people we don’t know around the world.
Whether or not we’re privileged to witness obviously miraculous, supernatural events, Christians can be confident that God is actively at work in the world, bringing people to himself, bringing glory to Jesus, and building his church (Matthew 16:18
Remember God deals with individuals and not groups, families, etc no wonder you hear God of Abram, Jacob, and Isaac and not their full family members, etc.
So, what am I supposed to do:
Let me remind you that the greatest power is not money power, but miracle power. So Seek ye first the kingdom…so that you can get this Miracle power. (Matthew 6:33), what I mean is go out and win souls for God (how many people will you get in exchange for
Live righteously. (What habit are you willing to give up in exchange for what you want? Remember according to Genesis 32:25,, we see that Jacob gave up his hip after all you can’t meet a mighty God and remain the same and expect much) Remember God is holy and he is the giver and not me.
Even according to Jesus in John 5:14 used to say go and sin no more or something evil will happen to you Support the ministry, just as people in the olden days did.
Always remember that good character is the key to ultimate miracle power. Never forget that when God has given you the power to see miracles happen in your life remember that power is dangerous unless you have the humility to back it.
Pastor Nathaniel