Table of Contents
According to Psalm 102:18 the bible says that “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet born may praise the LORD:” So as brethren we need to know that everything you are reading from the bible was not written they’re by mistake but it’s for our edification.
In short Romans 15:4 says that., “Everything written in the Scriptures was written to teach us, in order that we might have hope through the patience and encouragement which the Scriptures give us.”
That is why we read in 1 Corinthians 10:11, that “All these things happened to them as examples for others, and they were written down as a warning for us. For we live at a time when the end is about to come.”
Most people are going through many problems because of a number of reasons, just to mention a few:
1. For the glory of God to be seen.
There is nothing wrong with the place or the name but just for the glory of God to be seen. John 9:3 “It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.
2.An attack of the devil.
There might be nothing wrong with the place or the name but just it an attack of the devil. Job 1:12 “All right, you may test him,” the LORD said to Satan. “Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don’t harm him physically.” So, Satan left the LORD’s presence.
3.Due to being among your relatives.
Always remember that most of your relatives were present when you were born and they even know why and how you got to be called that and the even know whether it has any ties with the evil world because some of them belong to certain cults and they are the ones who will be responsible for the awarding of names and roles that come with those names.
Genesis 12:1, “The LORD said to Abram: Leave your country, your family, and your relatives and go to the land that I will show you. I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation. I will bless you and make your name famous, so that you will be a blessing.” (GNT).
3. Due to being in the wrong place.
According to Matthew 2:4-5, “He called a meeting of the leading priests and teachers of religious law and asked, “Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?” “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written:”
Hence, we see that our Lord Jesus Christ was supposed to be born in Bethlehem in Judia, but he wasn’t supposed to grow there. But as for Abram it was so different according to Joshua 24:2, “Joshua said to all the people, “This is what the LORD God of Israel says: Long ago your ancestors, Terah and his sons Abraham and Nahor, lived on the other side of the Euphrates River and served other gods.”
Why we say that this place was the wrong place for God to bless Abram it is because the people there were moon worshippers and as a result even Terah Abrahams’ father was childless for a long time up to age 70 years according to Genesis 11:26 and no wonder that was the case with Abraham. Abraham left this land at 75 years still childless according to Genesis 12:4. Abram was born, and he grew in the wrong place, and until he left that place, he wouldn’t have connected with his star. which contained a different name, place and wealth, and blessings.
4. Due to being given the wrong name
Let me ask you this simply question do you know what your name means?
There is power in names. Not always supernatural power, but if a person knows the meaning of their name, then they will often gravitate towards that description. If it is an odd name whose original meaning is unknown, then this is less likely to happen. If their name has a Spiritual meaning directly from the Lord then it means He has singled out that person and will Give them a name that is in line with their calling.
Which is why God chose those specific names of the individuals you mentioned. Every single time they heard their new name called it reminded them of God’s calling on their life. Every time they were reminded it increased their faith in the calling, remember the Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. So in those cases their was a supernatural thing happening.
God takes the issue of names seriously, that is why in the Bible, we find God changing people’s names. For example, Sarai was changed to Sarah, Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, and many others, if names were not important at all, God would not take those name-changing steps.
You must have discovered from your Bible that whenever God wanted to send His servants into the world, He gave them a new name. For example, the angel said to Mary, in the book of Luke 1:32 “You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be a great man and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David.”.
Look at Samuel’s name it literally meant, God hears, and the Bible says that God did not let a single word Samuel spoke fall to the ground (1 Samuel 3:19), so we can see that in this case God lived up to Samuel’s name.
When John the Baptist was coming, his name was also dispatched early enough. It was the same with Isaac. There was a king in Israel called Josiah who did a lot of havoc to the worshippers of Baal. The name Josiah means ‘roaster of evil’.
In the same vein, God has an original name for you from heaven, are you bearing ones given to you by your enemies? Or are you carrying about names recorded in the demonic world for manipulation? Then you must change those names both spiritually and physically.
Every demonic family name which originates from an idol would be used to manipulate a person’s star. That is why the evil spirit behind names that so many people bear are working against their lives.
Jacob’s birth name, Jacob, meant “supplanter, deceiver”; it was given to him because, when Jacob was born as the second of a set of twins, “his hand [was] grasping [his twin’s] heel” (Genesis 25:26). True to his name, Jacob grew up as a deceiver, and a cheat, and he eventually supplanted his brother’s position as heir to the birthright.
So according to Genesis 35:10, “God said to him, “Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israel.” So, he named him Israel.”
Why the name change?
It was because Jacob struggled with God and men and prevailed according to Genesis 32:27-28. In case the victim had a wrong name, and it wasn’t changed then that victim might suffer a lot and even end up dying.
For instance, we read the story of Ichabod in the book of I Samuel 4:19-22 where we see that his father Phinehas the son of Eli died in battle and the ark of the covenant was captured by the philistines and on hearing this news Eli the priest also died, hence the mother named him Ichabod meaning ‘the glory has left’ and then she also died. Just imagine the pain which came with this name, so how could this child succeed in life. No wonder such children curse the day they were born because they go through hell.
The Devil Is A Master Of Name Manipulation.
We know that the devil tries to manipulate names for his glory like in the case of: Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, He was a demonic man who understood that principle of name manipulation. He knew the power in names so when he got the four Hebrew children, the first thing he did was to change their names. For example, in the book of Daniel 1:6-7, Daniel means ‘God is judge’ was changed to Belteshazzar which means the presence of Baal, an idol (Daniel 4:8-9),
Hananiah which means ‘the gift of God’ was changed to Shadrach, which means “the commander of a demon.” Mishael, which means, “Who is like unto God’ was changed to Meshach, meaning ‘semblance of a demon.’ So Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, are all demonic names that the king gave to them. But thank God that those boys did not forget the sons of whom they were.
5. Due to being in the wrong place as well as having the wrong name.
We see that Abram did not only change his place according to Genesis 12:1, but also Abraham changed his name. You, LORD God, chose Abram and led him out of Ur in Babylonia (Chaldeans); you changed his name to Abraham. The reason for the change was so as to break the spirit of bareness running through the family.
Genesis 17:5,” What’s more, I am changing your name. It will no longer be Abram. Instead, you will be called Abraham, for you will be the father of many nations.”
In Hebrew language the name Abram literally means “exalted father.” The name Abraham, however, contains another unused root word, which roughly means “multitude.” Abraham translated literally, then, means “father of a multitude.”
Remember that Abram’s parents were moon worshippers meaning they understood something about the stars and that is why they were correct to a point when naming Abram but not to God’s standard and that is why God stepped into Abram’s life and corrected that mistake by giving him the correct name that is Abraham (father of nations) matching the vision God gave him (look at the stars…).
“[God] took [Abram] outside and said, ‘Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them.’ And he said to him, ‘So shall your descendants be.’ Then he believed in the Lord; and he reckoned it to him as righteousness.” (Genesis 15:5-6 NASB) here ‘star’ refers to people.
As long as he was called Abram, he struggled to have children until he was reconnected with his star which pointed that he will be the father of nations (Genesis 22:18).
God also changed the name of Sarai, which meant “Contentious,” to Sarah, what does Sarah mean? “Princess”! Jehovah explained why he chose that name for this beloved woman: “I will bless her and also give you a son by her; I will bless her and she will become nations; kings of peoples will come from her.”—Genesis 17:5, 15, 16.
How Do People Try To Overcome The Evil Effect Of Their Name.
Most people try to fix most of these problems using unconventional means like they might go secretly to a witch doctor to consult. Remember that most witchdoctors work in connection with other witches. Some of these witches might have come to attend the naming ceremony as relatives as well as close friends and they might be aware of what is happening to that child because in most cases they were involved in stealing the star of the child and hiding it
somewhere and then when it is required at a later age then they are the first to initiate the baby into their cult and then they return that star to the baby but this time with some limitations here and there and on condition that the child should do certain things and also remain loyal to their cult.
No wonder you will see that some parents tie strings and even make their children to wear lockets made of skin with some herbs inside them. By wearing these charms, they become marked, and they are visible in the demonic kingdom. So, from that moment onwards the start being visited by demons who act as guardian angels who appear like ancestors.
Name manipulation: We even get baptised to try and exchange these names. You can also ask the Lord to change it spiritually and take over like Jabez 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. We see that although lot lived in Sodom the saltiness of the place and the people was gone according to Genesis 18:32. Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?” He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”
You can see even Lot’s wife turned and became a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26) but it was too late and the salt had no taste even to help her. Hence most of us and even our homes have lost their saltiness according to Matthew 5:13-16 and even in Mark 9:50,” “Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other.”
Remember that today we are the living sacrifice of the Lord according to Romans 12:1 and when we lack saltiness its time for the priest to sprinkle salt on us so as to bring back that saltiness according to Ezekiel 43:24.
I know that you might not be able to leave your home or your area especially if it has lost its saltiness and has started causing you problems and even sickness but just as in the day of Elisha, they called him, and he healed the land and also the sick people by introducing saltiness in that land according to 2 Kings 2:19-22.
Pastor Nathaniel.
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