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ToggleWhat Is A Stubborn Problem?
In the Book of Luke 18:7 it says, “And will not God avenge the wrongs of His own People who cry aloud to Him day and night, although He seems slow in taking action on their behalf?” A stubborn problem is not just another ordinary problem, it is a problem that has been taken to another level whereby it has been assigned a stubborn spirit to enforce it with the main aim of destroying your faith in God. For you to overcome a stubborn problem you have to have stubborn faith. It is only a stubborn faith that can get you the answers to the stubborn problems you have been seeking.
Stubborn problems are weapons of the devil made to manifest as long-term problems in the life of people. They seem like immovable mountains in your life and as a result, they make you want to give up.You will know that this is a stubborn problem because the more you fight it the more it doesn’t end, the more you pray and even fast the more the attacks increase, it feels like nothing is working at all, if you were searching for a Job it might go for a long time.
Always remember that our God defeated the stubborn Pharaoh, Our God strengthen David to defeat the stubborn Goliath, Our God helped the Jews to defeat Haman, and that same God can help us to defeat and overcome every stubborn problem in our life.
Brethren check for any open door to sin and close it make sure that you are born again, learn to live a prayerful and fasted life and you will overcome every stubborn problem
Let’s pray
1. By the power in the Blood of Jesus I command every stubborn problem of not getting a solution, assigned to make things difficult for me and my family, to be taken out of our lives completely, in Jesus name.
2. By the power of the Holy Ghost let every generation bondage that is parading demonic giants along the path of my success to block it fall down and die, in Jesus name.
3. Let the power in the Blood of Jesus wash me clean and also disconnect me and my family from every stubborn problem coming from my father’s or my mother’s lineage, in Jesus name.
4. My Father! My Father! Send your flaming angels to go to the land of the living and dead to consume by fire every garment of shame and disgrace placed upon me and my family by the stubborn enemy in Jesus Name.
5. Let the power of the Holy Ghost guide me and protect me against the traps set by stubborn demonic agents to destroy my career, family, marriage, and every other good thing in my life, in Jesus name.
6. By the power of the Holy Ghost let there be confusion in the camp of my enemies causing them to fight each other and hence bring themselves those same stubborn problems they had brought to me and my family, In Jesus name.
7. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to go to the land of the living and dead and burn every picture, cloth, or any other items which are used to connect me to this stubborn problem I am experiencing in my career, marriage, business, office, and even in my ( mention any other area here) , in Jesus name.
8. By the power in the name of Jesus I release the angel of the lord to strike down everyone behind the extension and the expansion of my problems, in Jesus name.
9. I bind and destroy every spirit of failure, depression, laziness, and weakness fashioned against me, so as to destroy me, my career, and my family through these stubborn problems in my life, in Jesus name.
10. My Father! My Father! Let agents of frustration, poverty, debt, spiritual rags, defeat, infirmity, demotion, demonic delay, confusion and backward movement begin to lose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
11. Let all satanic labels and marks placed on my life be rubbed off by the blood of Jesus. Let every evil link, label, and stamp of the oppressors be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
12. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to go to the land of the living and dead to remove my name from the book of untimely death and tragedy, in Jesus name.
13. By the power of the Holy Ghost I destroy the clock and the timetable that the enemy of my life uses to keep those stubborn problems in my life and career, in the name of Jesus.
14. By the power in the name of Jesus I bind every spirit working against answers to my prayers, I disarm any stubborn power that has made a covenant with the ground, water, and wind about me, Let my life be invisible to demonic observers, in Jesus’ name.
15. Let my name become thunder, fire, and lightning in the hands of those calling it for evil purposes, From today moving forward let any good thing that the stubborn enemy has removed in my life, and be returned immediately,in Jesus name.
Pastor Nathaniel