Brethren did you know that there are many signs which show that most of the battles you are fighting in your life started during your sleep? Your bed has been your prison where the devil has kept you in while he was busy stealing and destroying your destiny. According to Matthew 26:41 Jesus advised his disciples i.e., you and me to “Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
Do you want to do exploits for God (see more miracles etc)? then cut down on the hours of your sleep just like Jesus did in Luke 6:12-13″ 12 At that time Jesus went up a hill to pray and spent the whole night there praying to God. 13 When day came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he named apostles”
Brethren as leaders today do an inner search in some of these areas to see if some of this signs are prevalent and repent where you feel like you didn’t measure up.
Brethren be honest with yourself and do this self-evaluation test to see whether you are fast asleep or not or do show any signs:
1.Do you feel like prayer is a burden and is no longer a priority in your life?
2.Do you feel like you know enough bible and there is no need of reading it (1 Corinthians 8:2; 1 Corinthians 3:18)?
3.Do you read the Bible, but you feel like you don’t under it at all (Matthew 22:29)?
4.Do you find yourself teaching others what the Bible says we should do but you yourself don’t do that (Matthew 23:3)?
5.Do you spend a great deal of time thinking about material wealth instead of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 23:31-32)?
6.Do you find it difficulty especially when you work in the house of the Lord (Jeremiah 48:10)?
7.Do you use useless excuses to walkway or avoid spiritual duties in the church or else (1 Kings 20:39)?
8.Do you fill embarrassed when spiritual discussions begin in your work place, business, home, etc(Mark 8:38)?
9.Do you spent more time in things like leisure, sports, recreation, entertainment, etc compared to spiritual matters?
10.Do you find that you commit the sin of the mind and body without your conscience pricking you(Matthew 26:41)?
11.Do you find yourself singing, reading the Bible etc for the sake of just of it (Matthew 15:8-9)?
12.Do you find yourself swearing, taking the name of the Lord, OMG etc so easily (Exodus 20:7)?
13.Do you still find yourself watching dirty movies and T.V shows and reading impure literature?
14.Do you easily adjust to the lifestyle of the world. You dress differently to church and differently outside. rack dirty jokes with unbelievers, or they feel at ease in your company to do whatever they like (Romans 12:2)?
15.Do you find it difficult to forgive those who wrong you (Mathew 6:15)?
16.Do you still enjoy Praying wrong prayers (James 4:3) e.g., God kill that man or woman so that I can take his wife or husband?
17.Do you find it very easy to Steal or avoid paying your tithes and offering (Malachi 3:8)?
18.Do you have the feeling that you’re better than everyone in the house of God (Psalm 84:10; Philippians 2:3)?
19.Do you need someone to motivate you to go for evangelism (Proverbs 11:30)?
20.Do you find it difficulty to overcome temptations most of the time?
21.Do you find yourself fighting against those that God sent into your life to help you grow spiritually (Hebrews 13:17)?
22.Do you find yourself praying for your needs only?
Brethren if you start experiencing any one of this signs or all of this signs then engage in serious prayers.
God bless you and empower you as you serve him.
To learn more about what spiritual sleep has done in the Body of Christ click the link below:
It’s Amazing How Lazy Christian People Can Serve God – 2022 (
Pastor Nathaniel