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Proven Prayers To Overcome The Spirit Of Sabotage.

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Signs Of The Spirit Of Sabotage.

Have you ever felt like you are being watched or pushed to do things you don’t want to do by a powerful evil force(spirit of sabotage)? Do you often postpone things till the last minute? Do you operate with fear? Do you start projects and never complete them? Do you find yourself doing things to please others even if they hurt you? Do you most of the time tell yourself things like I’m not good enough hence I don’t deserve certain things in life, I am not as good as others, etc.

Lastly, do you notice that when you become so serious with things of God all hell seems to break loose, and in short, the devil and his agents seem to work overtime to distract, derail or deny you from serving God? Since you chose to serve the Lord are you watching your children fall away from the teachings of Christ? 

If you have answered most of these questions with a yes, you might be under the attack of the spirit of sabotage which is one of the most dangerous spirits because it stops the believer’s progress in most areas of his life.

As a believer when you start to take drugs or alcohol or eat uncontrollably or even do any form of body cutting repeatedly as a way of feeling well that is to release your emotions these are early signs of an attack by this spirit

When the spirit of sabotage is in play It stirs up jealousy and strife among brethren. It is the number one killer of relationships as a result of unfounded insecurities.

According to the Book of Nehemiah 4:1-23, Nehemiah overcame this spirit of sabotage which was in the form of great opposition through ridicule, anger, mockery, and continued threats of war to try and stop the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem.

We see that Nehemiah and his team worked very hard to overcome the opposition by continuously staying focused and praying. Nehemiah was a man destined with purpose, who remained vigilant and focused through prayer and God gave him the victory over his enemies. Through repentance, fasting, intercession, and prayer we too can walk in victory. So, let’s pray these prayers with holy anger to crush completely any spirit of sabotage.


Let’s start by:

Praise and worship

Start by praising and worshipping for about 10 minutes.


O Lord my Father, thank you for bringing me this far and for all Your benefits towards me. I thank you for the precious gift of Salvation. I thank you for always been there whenever I call on you, and for your protection, provision, and strength upon my life

Repent and confess your sins

Confess your sins one by one (e.g. sex outside marriage, abortion, or other forms of bloodshed, worship of false gods, family altars) Mention them by name, especially sexual sins, and ask GOD for forgiveness and mercy, for those sins one by one. Believe that the LORD has forgiven you as He has promised in His Word. Please note that the Holy Spirit will remind you of unrepented sins. You need to repent of them all if you want to see results in this program.

Plead the Blood of Jesus (before you start praying these prayers).

Then start by confessing out loud this Scriptures To help you fight against the Spirit of sabotage

Nehemiah 4:1-4 (When Sanballat heard that we Jews had begun rebuilding the wall, he became furious and began to ridicule us. In front of his companions and the Samaritan troops, he said, “What do these miserable Jews think they’re doing? Do they intend to rebuild the city? Do they think that by offering sacrifices they can finish the work in one day? Can they make building stones out of heaps of burnt rubble?” Tobiah was standing there beside him, and he added, “What kind of wall could they ever build? Even a fox could knock it down!”)

Matthew 16:21-23 (From that time on Jesus began to say plainly to his disciples, “I must go to Jerusalem and suffer much from the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the Law. I will be put to death, but three days later I will be raised to life.” Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “God forbid it, Lord!” he said. “That must never happen to you!” Jesus turned around and said to Peter, “Get away from me, Satan! You are an obstacle in my way because these thoughts of yours don’t come from God, but from human nature.”)

Isaiah 41:11-13 (“Those who are angry with you will know the shame of defeat. Those who fight against you will die and will disappear from the earth. I am the LORD your God; I strengthen you and tell you, ‘Do not be afraid; I will help you.’”)

Now start praying:

1. My Father! My Father! Destroy all the walls of sabotage surrounding my promised land, let them become desolate, in Jesus’ name.

2. By the power of the Holy Ghost I come against every attempt to sabotage and destroy my family, marriage, relationships, finances, career, health, ministry, and spiritual destiny, in Jesus name.

3. By the power of the Holy Ghost I destroy every curse placed upon me, from the day I was born until now, which has attracted the spirit of sabotage in my life, career, family, etc, in Jesus name.

4. In the name of Jesus let every spirit assigned to sabotage my vision and destiny backfire. I decree that those who call my good works evil shall be embarrassed and put to shame, in Jesus name.

5. By the power of the Holy Ghost I curse the spirit of sabotage and all its roots in the form of envy, jealousy, strife, bitterness, witchcraft working outwardly and inwardly against me in my bloodline and I declare that from today let the Holy Ghost take over, in Jesus name.

6. My Father! My Father!  Send your warring angels to stop whatever secret meeting and demonic communications are being held to derail me and shift me from my God-given assignment, in Jesus Name.

7. My Father! My Father!  Send your warring angels to expose and destroy every spirit at work to hinder my walk, my spiritual growth, my character, my integrity, my promotion etc, in Jesus Name.

8. By the power of the Holy Ghost I break every chain of limitation tied around my life in order to limit my greatness, I apply the blood of Jesus to heal any emotional wounds caused by these chains, in Jesus Name.

9. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to go back in time and destroy the negative power of every curse placed upon my life from the day my mother or my father consulted witchdoctor(s), in Jesus Name.

10. By the power of the Holy Ghost Let your fire burn and destroy every satanic boundary over my financial, marital, business, health, academic greatness, in Jesus Name.

11. By the power in the name of Jesus I decree and declare complete destruction of every work of sabotage fashioned against me to derail my purpose and my destiny. I decree that God shall frustrate all my evil workers and their weapons of iniquity, in Jesus Name.

12. By the power in the name of Jesus, I declare that those who have made themselves agents of hindrance, frustration, sabotage, resistance, and barriers shall be put to shame.

13. By the power in the Blood of Jesus I decree and declare the destruction of every gate, obstacle, barrier, and all sabotage of the enemy that stands between me and my destiny, in Jesus Name.

14. I reject every attempt of the enemy to discredit and despise my God-given assignment. Those who are aggrieved of my assignment shall be put to shame, in Jesus Name.

15. Pray in tongues for 10 minutes for the Holy Ghost to connect you with your warfare angels to help you fight against the Spirit of sabotage.

Pastor Nathaniel

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Martin Kaniu

Great. Powerful. Will strive to recite it everyday

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