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Financial Curses: 50 Sure Prayers To Break Them Now

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According to Philippians 4:19, God’s Word says that our God shall supply all our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. We know that the word of God can never be broken (John 10:35). But we wonder daily why many people are suffering financial hardships and calamities. Most of us have done everything in our power to overcome these seemingly helpless situations to no avail. Could it be because of financial curses following us?

What Are Financial Curses?

Financial Curses are unseen forces that hinder or delay the manifestation and success of our finances. Most people underestimate the importance of prayers for breaking financial curses. They think they can achieve their financial goals with just their hard work alone. Yes, hard work is important when aiming to increase your earnings but so are prayers. Saying a few prayers for breaking financial curses every day will go a long way to bring us closer to our financial goals this year.

The biblical character Jacob worked hard for many years, but he was rewarded with almost nothing. Despite the fact that a covenant of blessing and breakthrough had been placed upon his life, he was still going through all of his experiences in failure and fear.

If success was all about hard work, Jacob and Jabez’s (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) names would have appeared as one of the richest men in the world during their time without God’s intervention.

This goes a long way to show that prayer is the key to breaking financial curses. Hard work pays, but, while working hard, remember, there are evil altars and meetings going on to ensure that your hard work goes to waste. That’s why you don’t need to relent in prayers, as you need to build your own altar of prayer to come against these financial curses and make your hard work yield its required result. I know that everyone would all like to increase their earnings and be able to live comfortably without having to borrow or take a loan from the bank. Financial curses have ruined many families so be careful.

financial curses

These prayers will help you win your financial battles against the kingdom of darkness that has been attacking your finances and well-being and attract blessings and favor to your life now. So pray these prayers to break financial curses now.

50 Proven Prayers To Break Financial Curses.

1. O lord Today, I confess my sins and those of my ancestors before you and I ask you to forgive us on the basis of your mercy, in Jesus name.

2. Wash me clean today O Lord by the blood of Jesus Christ. O Lord put an edge of protection around me and my household, in Jesus name.

3. My prayers today will not go in vain; my prayers will produce the desired results of breaking the financial curses plaguing my family, in Jesus name.

4. In the name of Jesus I command all the curses of fruitless hard work that have been passed on through my generation line, from Adam to me, to break now in Jesus name.

5. By the power in the name of Jesus, I command all my financial deserts and wilderness to be turned into springs and pools overflowing with the waters of financial abundance and prosperity, in Jesus name.

6. Heavenly Father, I repent of any financial decisions I made out of fear, greed, or selfishness that may have opened doors for financial curses.

7. In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that my finances are under the Lord’s protection and are covered by the precious blood of Jesus.

8. Let the power in the Blood of Jesus break all the curses attacking my financial freedom, and my divine opportunity, in Jesus name.

9. By the power in the name of Jesus, I command all the curses of empty pockets that have been passed on through my generation line, from both my father’s and mother’s side, in Jesus name.

10. Heavenly Father, bless the work of my hands and cause everything I do to prosper, according to Deuteronomy 28:12, in Jesus’ name.

11. O Lord Jesus, you have given us dominion over everything that was created. Therefore, I stand to take dominion over my finances, and I release my finances from every demonic control, in Jesus name.

12. In the name of Jesus I decree and declare your supernatural strength upon my finances, and I pray that your gracious hands rest on my finance, in Jesus name.

13. By the power in the Blood of Jesus, I break every curse of poverty upon my life sponsored by the power of witchcraft, household wickedness, and territorial spirits, in Jesus name.

14. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels, to go and release my finances from the witchcraft covens and the grips of the demonic world and demonic rulers. Let them destroy completely every possessive demon that is taking control of my finances, in Jesus name.

15. Let the power in the Blood of Jesus break all the financial curses attacking my prosperity, my financial miracles, my blessings, and my breakthrough, in Jesus name.

16. O Lord, I thank you for being my God, my Father, and my friend, you have always been there for me and with me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart because you have always answered my prayers in Jesus name.

17. In the name of Jesus, I stand and rebuke all spirits of the cankerworm, palmerworm, caterpillar, and locust that have been eating up my blessings for all these years, in Jesus name.

18. O, Lord, you became poor, that through your poverty I will be made rich, therefore, I decree, in your name, that every demonic incantation that is preventing your word from manifesting in my life be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name.

19. Let the power in the Blood of Jesus break all the curses attacking my business, my bank accounts, and my destiny helpers, in Jesus name.

20. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost, burn every demonic giant in the form of evil men or women who have been sitting on my finances and wealth and been refusing to allow my finances to grow, in Jesus name.

21. By the power in the name of Jesus, I break all the curses of financial instability, financial embarrassment, and curses of profitless hard work that have been passed on through my generation line to the 10th generation, in Jesus name.

23. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels with flaming swords to go and destroy every evil demonic power that acts as a stumbling block to my success and financial breakthrough, in Jesus name.

24. In the name of Jesus, I bind and cast away every family and generational curses of poverty and financial emptiness and I clear them off my life completely, in Jesus name.

25. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I command every unfamiliar spirit and anyone that is not of God that is holding my finances, my income, and my possession, to fall down and die, in Jesus name.

26. In the name of Jesus, I command all the valleys of my financial life as a result of financial curses to be mightily exalted, in Jesus name.

27. In the name of Jesus, I command all the mountains of my financial life as a result of financial curses to be made plain, in Jesus name.

28. By the power in the name of Jesus, I destroy completely every evil plan and device of the enemy to divert my wealth and possessions through sickness, sudden death, accidents, financial emergencies, and any other means necessary, in Jesus name.

29. Let the power in the Blood of Jesus break all the curses of never having enough together with the curses of inability to provide that have been passed on through my generation line, O Lord, bless me today with a new purse/wallet without holes in it, in Jesus name.

30. By the power in the Blood of Jesus, I break every curse of poverty upon my life sponsored by the Pharaoh of my father’s house, by the unrepentant enemy, and by any satanic network, in Jesus name.

31. By the power in the name of Jesus, I stand to renounce and reverse every financial curse as a result of animal and human blood sacrifice, Let the blood of Jesus speaks greater things than any other blood, and I bind and cast totally ruin the works of anti-harvest spirits, in Jesus name.

32. By the power in the Blood of Jesus, Let it seal anywhere that I have any sort of leakages in my business, pocket, purse, wallet, or even bank account, and I pull down and destroy every roadblock to my success, in Jesus name.

33. O Lord, thank you for the privilege to know you and for the great and mighty things that you are doing in my life, the provision and protection over me and my household, in Jesus name.

34. By the power in the name of Jesus, I destroy completely every spiritual padlock that was used by the demonic agents to lock my wealth somewhere either in the sea, air, or land, and I open the floodgate and usher myself into financial freedom, I decree right now, oh ye Satan, in the name of Jesus, that you return and restore unto me sevenfold of all you have stolen from me, in Jesus name.

35. In the name of Jesus I decree and declare that all financial curses attacking my finances, my sources of income, my career, and my bank accounts break now, in Jesus name.

36. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to go to unseen and seen worlds and fight against every demonic power, principalities, rulers of the evil world, all wicked spirits in high places, unfamiliar spirits, spirits of poverty, and, every spirit above and below them, that has been put in charge to ensure that these financial curses stop me from having financial success, in Jesus name.

37. O Lord, your word says that you will supply all my needs according to your riches in glory through Christ Jesus, therefore, by the reason of your word, every evil spiritual blockade that is standing against your word from manifesting in my life, I decree that it be destroyed to ashes, in Jesus name.

38. I declare open doors of business, promotions, and favor over my finances, in the name of Jesus.

39. By the power in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare that all my financial curses and burdens be lifted up. Let every demonic power that wants to stand against my financial increase be destroyed right now, in Jesus name.

40. I renounce every covenant of poverty and financial failure made consciously or unconsciously, in the name of Jesus.

41. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare that financial blessings and not financial curses are chasing me down and overtaking me, in Jesus’ name.

42.I bind and cast out every spirit of financial destruction operating in my life, in Jesus’ name.

43.My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to go to the seen and unseen worlds and loosen me from the chains of financial curses which are hindering my financial breakthrough, in Jesus name.

44.In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare that every evil spirit of unfruitfulness and financial barrenness in my life to be destroyed completely, in Jesus name.

45. In the mighty name of Jesus, I cancel every curse of financial setbacks and delays in my life, and I decree and declare that financial favor follows me wherever I go, in Jesus’ name.

46. In the name of Jesus I decree and declare that every pest and locust that has been feeding on my finances as a result of financial curses in the spiritual realm be confused and lose their way to my place, let them finally be destroyed and burned to ashes, in Jesus name.

47.O Lord, At the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee must bow, and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord. Therefore, in the name of Jesus, I break every yoke of poverty as a result of any financial curse that has been standing in my way to financial success and wealth, in Jesus name.

48.By the power in the name of Jesus, I receive by faith, the full restoration of my financial position right now! All channels of supernatural blessings are fully restored unto me and my family. I am blessed to be a blessing! In Jesus name, I pray and ask. Amen!

49.I command every financial curse from previous generations to be broken and destroyed now, in Jesus’ name.

50.Thank You, Lord, for the breakthrough and victory over financial curses. I give You all the glory and praise, in Jesus’ name.

To understand this subject more clicks the link below to be redirected to some valuable material:

Can curses Affect A Genuine Christian Now? – 2023 (

Powerful Prayers To Break The Curse Of Empty Pocket. (

Pastor Nathaniel

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