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Christians Bear The Best Fruit or be cut off Now

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Brethren, you canโ€™t be a Christian and have no fruit. Indeed, all Christians yield some measure of all the fruit of the Spirit. It is not that one receives the fruit of love and another the one of joy. All the fruit is to be manifest in all Christians. The degree of the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit may vary from Christian to Christian depending on how much spiritual work we put in. We are working out our salvation while at the same time God is working within us. Are you cooperating?

We canโ€™t Do It Alone: The fruit aren’t easy to get.

We were not meant to ever leave our Savior’s side, to ever walk alone, nor to bear fruit on our own. Jesus said, โ€œWhoever abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothingโ€ (John 15:5). No matter what we think we have, we really have nothing if it is not Christ, himself. When he has us, he bears fruit in us. So, I’m drawing close, today, to the vine…to the source from which I can bear fruit. All I have is Christ.

Jesus said, โ€œEvery branch in Me that does not bear fruit He [God] takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.โ€(John 15:2).No wonder we suffer some losses(pruning) such as a job, a business, a marriage, a friendship or even a car or a home. God has reasons for taking away(pruning) certain things (or, perhaps, people) in our lives that do not make us successful or lead us closer to Him.

God takes our spiritual growth seriously. It is not only expected but also required of us. He takes away things to give us something much better. But the branch that does produce fruit, God โ€œprunesโ€ that branch so it will produce even more fruit. (Luke 13:6-7).Along the way, we are faced with the challenges, the weathering, the seasons, and the rainstorms but all this are made to strengthen us and make us more wise.we have to be willing to lose some things in our lives that are not producing any fruitโ€”it may even be some things that we really like.

Can trees water themselves? Are they able to cut off their own branches? Can they tell which branches are (or are not) producing fruit? Of course not! That is why trees need gardeners to look after them and care for themโ€โ€ฆ and He will give you another Helper who will stay with you foreverโ€(John14:15-16).In the same manner, we can only care for ourselves to a certain extent (mostly with the help of our Lord).

We can feed, bathe, and keep ourselves from perceivable danger. But, in most cases, we may not know that some (or most) of the branches in our lives are not good for usโ€”are not producing any fruit. We may think that our jobs, our relationships, or friendships are making us better getting us far in life, but we do not know whether or not those branches are growing fruit.

But God, our Gardener, does know all and sees all, so He wants to chop off any branch in our lives that stagnates our growth. We may not know that certain things arenโ€™t producing fruit in our lives so when we are pruned from that job or relationship, or group of friends, it hurts and we may not know what is going on at the moment.

This is why any kind of loss is painful. It is, normal to grieve those losses because we are human. But it is also important to remember that God is doing this to improve our lives, to align them with His perfect will.

Today, most trees that we see or that we might plant ourselves are either there to provide shade or just to beautify an area. By contrast, a man who plants a fig tree in a vineyard does so for the sole purpose of harvesting its fruit, and that purpose produces expectation. A fig tree that doesnโ€™t produce fruit in a vineyard is not serving the purpose that it was put there forโ€”if it fails to meet that expectation, you are better off cutting it down and planting a productive tree in its place.

If we are just taking up space and not growing in the way that God demands, then He has no use for us. With such high stakes involved, itโ€™s no wonder that we might worry about how we are measuring up! One sign that we are bearing fruit is that we are endeavouring to walk as Jesus Christ walked. This means actively pursuing obedience to the law of God.

God gives His Spirit to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32), and the first step to receiving the Holy Spirit is to repent of your sins. Peter, the same day that he himself received the Spirit, said that a person should also be baptized when they repent (Acts 2:38). Baptism symbolizes sharing in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, putting our old life with its sins behind us so that we can begin a new life walking with God (Romans 6:2-4).

If you believe in God and are convicted of following Him, then you should make sure that you receive the help and promise of the Holy Spirit. MTM church is more than willing to assist you in building your relationship with God do through our many platforms. So stay connected!

Pastor Nathaniel

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Nokuthula MTM

Good morning family thank you man of God indeed we are honoured and blessed. God bless you


Amen ๐Ÿ™,we thank you man of God for the power full teachings.

Edith MTM

Good morning family, thanks Pastor God bless you. Yes we must have the fruits of the spirit.

Zodwa MTM

Morning family. Thank you pastor for reminding us to be fruitful. God bless you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Yes indeed we have to bear spiritual fruits thanks pastor amen๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


Thanks pastor๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Mam Dani MTM

Amen pastor God bless

Mathidiso MTM

Amen pastor thank you God bless


Amen Pastor ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Mathepz MTM

Amen Pastor ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


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