Table of Contents
ToggleTypes of Foods
According to 1 Corinthians 15:44, Just as we know that things are either spiritual or physical, so are foods. They can either be:
A. Physical Foods:
These are classified into two categories:
1. Harmful foods: In this class you find things like plastic rice, Artificial rice, fake Chinese eggs, Artificial eggs(found mostly in India), Fake salts made from glass and lastly we have GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) foods. These foods pose great health risks.
2. Organic Foods: These are the best foods because they are produced without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified components. These foods pose less risk to our health because they are more natural and closer to nature.
B. Spiritual foods:
These are classified into two categories:
1. God’s Spiritual Foods: These are foods which have a spiritual nature and are sometimes visible in the physical realm. God serves these Spiritual Foods to those he wills. These Spiritual Foods are not just ordinary foods, but extraordinary foods.

8 Types of God’s spiritual Foods
1. Food of the Garden of Eden: God gave Adam and Eve certain trees and animals for food, in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:28-29) but when they ate what God hadn’t given them then they were kicked out of the garden (Genesis 3:17).
2. God’s Food: This was a very special meal or food which acted as a covenant meal between God, Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and the 70 elders in (Exodus 24:9-11), so as to have a deep working relationship as we can see in verse 12.
3. Angels’ Food: This is what was called Manna, in short the bread of heaven which was served to the Israelites in the desert(Psalm 78:24–25 ).
4. Elijah’s Special Food : According to 1 Kings 19:5-8, an Angel came from heaven and served Elijah a special meal from heaven, this was made specifically for Elijah to give him strength so that he could finish the journey ahead of him.
5. Widow’s Food: This was food which was supernaturally provided for the widow of Zarepath as a way of God thanking her for supplying the needs of his servant, Elijah (Luke 4:25-26).
6. Windows in Heaven Food: This was food which God supplied supernaturally, through supernatural means (2 Kings 7:1-18)
6. Jesus’s Food: According to Matthew 14:13-20, This was the food that was served to the 5000 people in the desert by Jesus out of compassion (John 6:26). The food kept on multiplying until everyone ate.
7. Passover Food(Seder): This meal or food was eaten in order to protect their first-born children, the Israelites marked their doors with lamb’s blood so the angel of death would pass over them. Thus the name Passover, which is “pesach” in Hebrew. The Seder was an occasion for praise and thanksgiving and for re-dedication to the idea of liberation from slavery in Egypt. Jesus and his disciples celebrated it also as a form of fulfilment of the prophesy of Jesus as the lamb of God. (Exodus 12:11 ,1 Corinthians 5:7 ; Joshua 5:10).
8. Communion (Holy Communion or Lord’s Supper): When we take communion (the act of sharing, or holding in common), we are remembering Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. According to Luke 22:19 the Bible says, “This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me”
4 Types Of Spiritual Evil Foods Or Demonic Foods.
1. Shrine foods: These are foods used to cement a covenant between the devotee and the spirits. The physical foods or the spiritual foods may vary according to the shrine, the deity honored, and the occasion of worship, but they generally consist of rice, wine, cake, fish, fowl, meat, vegetables, fruits or sweets, salt, and water. Food that is offered to the shrine is first offered to the ancestors and food is placed on or near it. It remains their for a few hours, days etc and then it is removed and eaten or thrown away depending on the dictates of the shrine (1 Corinthians 9:13).
2. Ritual Foods: These are foods eaten during a function-like event to offer a sacrifice to the “gods” or spirits. (Ezekiel 23:39).
3. Altar Foods: These are foods offered to “gods” to appease them so that they can release certain blessings like rain or avate certain calamities in the community (1 Corinthians 8:4,7). We see in the case of Elijah and the Baal prophets the Baal prophets offered their blood to appease their gods but still nothing happened (1 Kings 18:27-29).
4. Evil Covenant Foods: when you eat these foods during a wedding this makes a permanent connection (John 2:1-11).
Benefits Of Eating God’s spiritual Foods .
Genesis 27:1-10 To receive certain blessings, benefits or things you need food. Food is a very powerful thing. The blessing of Israel came through food, and not prayer. Remember that what you eat strengthens you or destroys you. The following are some of the benefits we receive:
- The children of Israel were strengthened by that meal of Passover.
- Elijah too ate the spiritual foods offered by the angel and was strengthened.
- After Elijah ate the food offered by the widow it caused her food to multiply.
- Moses and 70 elders ate WITH GOD on the mountain and that brought them closer to God.
- As the disciples ate the communion with Jesus their eyes were opened
- Abram ate with the angels and his eyes were open and then only did he get the secrets of heaven.
- Lot after eating with angels he was rescued from destruction.
- Manna was angel food and by Israelites eating they became supernatural like angels and had supernatural strength and did not tire and get sick
Dangers Of Eating Demonic Evil spiritual Foods.
According to Daniel 1:8 ,”Daniel refused to eat the kings food so that he will not be defiled”. Why did Daniel refuse the king’s foods? It is because according to 1 Corinthians 10:20, ” these foods were sacrificed to devils and he knew that you can not eat in the table of devils and of God at the same time (1 Corinthians 10:21).“
Remember food is not just eating but also participating with the demons. By eating this food, you allow these spirits to enter you because you open a gate to them (Ecclesiastes 10:8). Eating of spiritual foods leads to fellowship.
There are some demonic agents, who will offer to cook for you or bake for your function, but just wait and see the function will not succeed. They will even offer to give free food stuffs be very careful because their agenda is to ensnare their captives. They report back to their masters in the demonic world of how many people they have fed and ensnared.
As they feed their captives to some they steal their stars, to some they block them, and yet to others they darken their stars making the lives of their victims miserable; by introduce sicknesses, lust, and other evils. They are also responsible for most untimely deaths in our communities.
Have you ever noticed that mostly cultists and witches are the ones who give the most especially food and drinks in the form of big parties but after this then people start to die and bad things start to happen in those communities where people ate these demonic spiritual foods. A witch is not your friend he or she is on a mission to help their master Satan to kill steal and destroy lives, that is why God said in his word kill that witch before he kills you (Exodus 22:18).
Kill the evil spirit behind this good person don’t give it a chance. This is because with these spirits no mercy is shown to the vessel(person) and they can kill the whole body so that they can harvest body parts for various operations like creating demonic thunders, for eating in their rituals during initiations, and the persons soul they can send it in animals and people to do different things like businesses and even to go and harm other people.
According to Daniel 5:1-6 if Daniel ate those demonic spiritual foods he could have lost his life. Remember King Belshazzar who ate and drank evil spiritual foods with God’s utensils and as a result he lost his Kingdom.
We also see in the Book of 1 Kings 13:17,26 , here we read of the story of the young unknown prophet who ate with the old prophet as a way of disobeying God, and as a result he was eaten by a lion. Demons want to drink and eat your flesh according to Psalms 27:2.
We should clearly learn from the Books of Matthew 24:38-39 which says, “As in the days of Noah men were eating. They were destroyed.” Nowadays demonic parties are used to sacrifice people after eating these evil demonic spiritual foods.
In the olden days cultist tested each others spiritual strength by offering each other a drink and whoever did not have powers died if they didn’t surrender. Remember that When you fast which is a must something evil in your body dies, and something new and Godly comes alive. Most demons need food to function so deny them food and they will die or leave your body because they are not enjoying the spiritual foods they used to get before this.
You might consider reading the following blogs also:
12 Proven Prayers That People Use To Destroy Satanic Foods (
20 Powerful Prayer Against Eating In The Dream Now. (
Pastor Nathaniel