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evil padlocks

Dangerous Padlocks: Christian People Unlock Them In Your Lives

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Ignorance is not self-defense, especially in the demonic world and that is why the bible says that my people perish for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. Most people have carried out night vigils, fastings, long prayers, etc., but nothing still seems to be changing due to the padlocks in their lives. If you use the wrong tool you will never get the right results you are looking for.

Why We bring our documents to the church:

Where we step with our feet, we possess Joshua 1:3, so we should come to the house of God to hear his word only, Ecceliastes 5:1. Since Peter was preaching, the holy ghost fell on everything (Acts 10:44). Achan brought evil things to God’s premise but because God wasn’t in him, they weren’t sanctified Joshua 6:18. Hananiah’s brought what was short after selling, and God saw it and cursed him. People can be cursed as well as objects (Proverbs 26:2).

When you bring anything (those evil padlocks) into the house of God, God’s glory comes down to touch it and if it is for a good purpose, God sanctifies it; otherwise, it gets destroyed, for example According to 1 Samuel 5:3–4, Dagon comes into the presence of God’s Holy Box (The Ark Of The Covenant) and is destroyed, but he is an object and not a person. Every knee shall bow to the name of Jesus, including the documents Just imagine Dagon bowing to the name of Jesus but people used to bow to him

Yes, I know you have been made to accept what was said to these objects, but from today, by bringing them here, they lose their negative power and start to obey the word that comes from God. There are objects to honor, some made of wood or gold, just like there are different documents brought into this church today, so let the Holy Spirit do his work.

Remember, by putting those documents in the house of God, you are surrendering them before God, and he will perfect them. And then, as a man of God, I lay my hand on them. After all, the laying of hands is not for people only but also for our possessions. Remember, Peter and John laid hands on them, and they were filled with the holy ghost. (Acts 8:17) in short, he chased the evil spirits which were after them and then they were filled with the holy ghost

Remember after the evil spirits leave the person or even an object like pigs then the house is clean and so its holy and a holy God can dwell in there and do good things since Jesus did good things wherever he went. Just imagine when we go to the devils territory, we attract demons to help us but they also come with their demands.

Hence the problems we are in:

For instance, if a person takes our documents, photos, and items to the shrine of a witch doctor and the witch doctor lays his hands on them dedicating them to his god’s altar, following that an evil spirit is assigned to monitor that item. Remember that everything you see has a spiritual side to it, 1 Corinthians 15:44–45, and I am talking about this side, which can be dangerously affected

Most witches use different ways to keep us in check they may use items such as:

According to Isaiah 22:22 Chains and Padlocks: Witchcraft padlocks is when a person goes to a witchdoctor to lock your life spiritually

Where are these ancient padlocks located?  ( Eph. 6: 12)

1. These padlocks can be located On the ground                 (Genesis 8:21)

2.  In the sky                        (Exodus 9:33)

3.  In the sea and rivers      (Isaiah 23: 12)

4.  Beneath the earth          (Isaiah 14:9)

5.  In living Trees                 (Judges 9:8,14,15)

6.  In Ancient Temples        (Proverbs 22:28, Eze 36:2)

7.  Padlocks can also be located In Altars                         ( 2 Chronicles 34:4, Eze 6:4-5)

In whom do These Ancient padlocks operate?

1.  Ancient padlocks can operate in families with links to former juju priests or priestesses

2.  Families with links to idol worship

3.  Families with links to head hunters

4.  Families with links to maternal witchcraft

5.  Families with links to Kingship

6.  Families with links to Masquerade Cult

7.  Padlocks can also operate families with links to War Lords     

When your life is under demonic padlocks there some things you won’t accomplish in life.

You might work very hard, but still, you won’t succeed. Luke 5:5 (Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything). Your pockets have holes, no matter what you earn Haggai 1:6 (debts and sickness are holes). The devil uses our words to lock our destinies (Proverbs 18:21). Some locks work this way, ensuring that the more you try to free yourself the more you entangle yourself, further trapping yourself.

Demonic padlocks and chains work like this: when you go to a witch he might put the document photos, CVs and other materials in front of the altar and then he will be told to take a chain and start to go round the item several times until a certain number of rounds his done then at the end of those rounds he will be told to take padlocks and lock the chain and then he might be instructed to take the key and throw it at the river, sea, evil forest or drop it at a grave site and then the evil kingdoms will take over from there by safekeeping the key to the lock.

Remember, when this witch is making the rounds, he will be altering chants, incantations, curses, jinks, and hexes on the chains and padlocks and then locking it, and from that time on, this will draw certain spirits to the object being enchanted.

Cases Where Padlocks Were Used To Lock Things and People:

Destinies are locked (with padlocks ) through the following:

1.  Blood oaths

2.  Exchange of goods

3.  Sexual Pollution

4.  Initiations

5.  Worship

6.  Words

7.  Dreams

1 Samuel 1:5 but the LORD had shut up her womb. That is why you see that many women don’t give birth because either God ( 2 Samuel 6:16,22,23 ) or the devil has locked their wombs no matter how hard they try to get pregnant they miscarry.

Witchdoctors can lock a woman with a padlocks or padlocks, and she can’t go anywhere. Witchdoctors can help a person lock newlyweds from having a child or cause chaos in the marriage through locked gifts (a cursed object) given to them. Joshua 6:18. Always remember, in 1 Peter 3:7, treat her with honor, because she isn’t as strong as you are, and she shares with you in the gift of life. Then nothing will stand in the way of your prayers.

As a result of this, people can lose jobs, lack promotions, and can affect students when their books are locked. It is also possible that you can Graduate with a degree or diploma etc., but you will never get a Job for some reason, but you will see unlearned (uneducated) people doing the jobs you should do.

Achan’s gold and silver was enchanted ( Joshua 7 verses 1,19-23 ) Although it belonged to god before it was turned to the devil through this process. Due to this process even a place or a country can be turned over and its possessions to the devil e.g. Sodom and Gomorrah and hence it was beyond saving so God destroyed it.

So it’s a process to break these chains or if you can’t break them to recover the keys and open them. Jesus had to go to hell and bring the keys from the devil so sometimes Jesus will go to where these keys are and bring them and open these documents and release them to us. But believe me some of us are chained and even when these documents are unchained were a still bond, like Paul and silas who had their hands and legs bound (Acts 16:24) even our minds are bound so these things become useless.

According to Acts 16:25-26, Paul ans Silas continued to untie their minds and then when their minds were loosened it helped them worship God with their mouths and then from this their hands and legs were loosened and then the objects were also loosened starting with the prison doors and gates and then they were free in deed.

But even when some people who are free, they don’t believe it and continue to stay remaining bound, like Paul and Silas who were threatened by the jailor (Acts 16:27-29) who said that he would kill himself, so ask yourself this do you believe that you are free and you can go Whoever or do whatever. Remember that what the son sets free is free indeed.”

Its easy to be cursed but very hard to break some of these curses because so many demons come in force to enforce these curse and make it impossible for you to be free for example According to Mark 5:13 the mad man had 2000 spirits; Naaman had to dip himself 7 times to be healed;  Elijah prayed 7 times; Jesus prayed and prayed for that blind person 2 times; John and peter did so many things to the crippled person but nothing happened but it eventually happened; Moses went back for 10 times to pharaoh and then deliverance occurred.

Jesus took time to get Lazarus delivered as it was a process which started a chain of events: 1st they removed the obstacle the stone. 2nd they pronounced life to him, and he was alive but still not doing anything, then he was to be unbound from the same number of bounds done, then he finally came out. So if one step was missed, he would not have come out.

So, everything you see being done including the services, activities and etc are not in vain, so if you miss any step you tend to delay the process. God is a God of order and you can’t hurry him but cooperate with him. It might seem to be taking time but God is watching to ensure all processes are followed. So how far are you now.

It took 7 days for God himself to create this world and all in it, so why didn’t he do it in a day it’s because he knew that everything builds on the other and so forth. Have you done your part, so if you visit witches to enchant things you have to meet certain requirements and until its done he will not begin to do what you want. I won’t force you to do anything but please even if you don’t believe, believe the miracles you have seen and heard.

Pastor Nathaniel

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