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Evil Calendars: 20 Prayers To Scatter Them Now.

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Evil Calendars: Introduction.

Isaiah 47:13, “You are worn out by your many plans. Let your astrologers and your stargazers, who foretell the future month by month, come to you, rise up, and save you.”

As you can see from this bible passage, in the ancient world, people often used astrology and divination to determine auspicious or inauspicious times, sometimes marking certain days as being under the influence of good or evil forces. The Bible consistently condemns these practices.

The Bible consistently warns against false prophets and those who practice occultism, which often involve setting particular days on calendars for rituals, sacrifices, or predictions. In ancient times, occult practices could revolve around particular times and dates linked to evil spirits or false gods

Throughout the Old Testament, various cultures around Israel, such as the Canaanites, Babylonians, and Egyptians, had their own religious evil calendars marked by festivals, sacrifices, and rites to honor their gods. These days and times would have been seen as evil in the biblical narrative, as they led people away from worshiping the one true God.

For instance, we see in 1 Kings 12:32, “Jeroboam also appointed a religious festival on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like the festival in Judah. On the altar in Bethel, he offered sacrifices to the gold bull-calves he had made, and he placed there in Bethel the priests serving at the places of worship he had built.”

Many people’s life are programmed under evil calendars. They often encounter a season of affliction.

Prayers To Overcome Evil Calendars.

Evil calendars
Evil calendars

1. In the mighty name of Jesus, I break every hex, spell, and incantation that has been set on specific dates in my life. I declare that every day is under the lordship of Christ and no evil plan will succeed.

2. Heavenly Father help me to reclaim all time that the enemy has stolen through fear, deception, or bondage to evil calendars. Restore the years the locusts have eaten, and bring forth new blessings in my life, in Jesus name.

3. By the power in the mighty name of Jesus, I reject every belief in bad luck, evil omens, or cursed days. I declare that no day You have created is cursed, and I will walk in faith, not fear, knowing that You are my protector.

4. By the power in the name of Jesus, I break every evil cycle connected to certain times, seasons, or dates in my life. I declare that I am free from all cycles of sickness, death, delay, failure, and stagnation.

5. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare total destruction of all occult or evil calendars that has been set against me. Let all evil rituals, festivals, and celebrations meant to harm me be consumed by Your fire.

6. O Lord, I cancel every evil appointment, meeting, or event that has been scheduled against me in the spirit realm. I declare that all plans of the enemy will fail, in Jesus name.

7. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare total destroy of every manipulative timeline that the enemy has set for my life. I declare that I will walk in Your perfect plan, unbending to evil influences.

8. By the power in the Blood of Jesus I cover every day, month and even year, I nullify the power of any evil date the enemy has marked for destruction or harm in my life, in Jesus name.

9. Heavenly Father, I ask for spiritual discernment to recognize and reject any evil influences or evil calendars that seek to lead me astray. Help me to remain focused on Your truth, in Jesus name.

10. O Lord, I break the power of divination, sorcery, and occultism that has tried to manipulate my time and future. I declare that my destiny is in Your hands, in Jesus name.

11. Heavenly Father, I cancel every curse or negative decree that has been set on specific dates in my life. Let every curse be broken, and let Your blessings fill my days, in Jesus name.

12. Heavenly Father, help me to break free from the power of every evil reminder that tries to link me to past pain or suffering on specific dates and events. I declare freedom and healing over my mind and spirit.

13.O Lord, I reverse and break every evil covenant that has been made over specific dates, seasons, or times in my life. I declare that these covenants are null and void, and I am free in Jesus name.

14. In the mighty name of Jesus, I cancel every evil prediction, curse, or false prophecy that has been spoken over certain dates in my life. I declare that only Your Word will come to pass.

15. Heavenly Father, help me to break every evil boundary or limitation that has been placed on my life concerning specific times or dates. I declare freedom and expansion in every area, in Jesus name.

16. By the power in the mighty name of Jesus, I reject every fear of evil predictions, false prophecies, or superstitions connected to specific dates. I declare that I will live by faith in Your Word, and no prediction of the enemy will come to pass.

17. By the power in the name of Jesus, I reject and renounce all influence of the zodiac, horoscopes, or astrology over my life. My time is not governed by stars or signs, but by Your Word.

18. O Lord, I pray for deliverance from every evil marker or sign placed on specific dates in my life. I declare that no evil shall come near my dwelling, in Jesus’ name.

19. Heavenly Father, I cancel every evil invitation, meeting, or ritual that has been planned against me. Let all plots and schemes of the enemy be exposed and destroyed, in Jesus name.

20. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare that every witchcraft calendar, occultic calendar and every other evil calendars resisting my progress, marriage, glory at the evil altars, catch fire!

Pastor Nathaniel.

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