Have you ever dreamt how big were those dreams? Why did you stop dreaming? If you find kids playing, they tend to dream about how they will become this or that. They are limitless in their dream until we interrupt their dreaming.
When kids are dreaming, they don’t accept to be limited by anything whether money or anything else. They act life as it should be. Until one you are told that you should stop that because you are now an adult and adults don’t do those things.
Remember dreams are there to be fulfilled and so protect them with everything you got. Go after them at all cost and never ever forget them.
All you have to do is to push yourself otherwise you will never achieve your dreams. Most of the time we don’t look like it, or fill like it but we must tell ourselves that this has to be done for our dream to come to pass.
Remember if you are waiting for someone to and come remind you about your dreams and what you need to do to achieve them then you are going to wait for a long time. No one will tell you that you should watch less TV, less Facebook, or WhatsApp in order to create time for reading the bible and praying.
Painfully no one will apply for you that Job, write a business plan for you, etc. it’s up to you. You need to start doing things in a different way so as to get different results. Most of us hide behind a curtain called I am not made for that, or I am not good enough so as not to try anything. Remember Moses said it even Jeremiah I am just a boy (Jeremiah 1:7) But my bible tells me that I can do much more than I thought (Ephesians 3:20). Brethren talk less and act more and you will get better results than before. Purpose to be better than you were last week.

Remember Your Dreams
Remember even when other people have given up on you never give up on yourself. Sometimes even your closest friend will not understand you and might even run away from you for instance Job’s wife never understood jobs mission and she never supported him (Job 2:9) and that never bothered Job. Learn to fight for your mission no matter what, yes respectable people might have told you that it’s impossible but remember if only you can believe all things are possible to those who believe so believe (Mark 9:23). It’s never too late to do what you have to. It’s not over until you win
According to 2 Corinthians 3:2, some people are waiting to see what and how you did it so that they can join you, so don’t fail them. Remember no one is special we are all made by the same God, and even people like Elijah weren’t better than you and me (James 5:17). But remember when the dream is so big you will have Jezebels trying to kill you or the dream. Herod’s trying to kill baby Jesus.
Life will shake you very hard, but the question is for how long are you going to continue holding on your ground. For this to happen you need to quit blaming, giving excuses AND God knows what else.
No matter the sickness or setback don’t let it bury your dream it could have taken such a long time. The battleground is NOT for the faint-hearted.
What is keeping me and you from achieving our God-ordained goal is the story that keeps playing in our heads day in day out. If you want to succeed disconnect yourself from this self-taught lie and your dream will come true. Don’t try to be what you can’t be or somebody else because this is how you will fail.
God is saying lengthen your courts. Abram, I will give you as far as your eyes can see. Moses was such a dream and never doubt it at once that it will come to pass, and it did. Remember all these people had seeds of greatness in them Just like you. Can you imagine risking it all for a dream that nobody sees?
Always remind yourself when in doubt you are created like an eagle nothing can stop not even a storm. Whatever is happening to you right now is necessary to give you the muscle and skills you need to achieve your dream (James 1:2-4). Don’t give up because of the problems you see now in your life it’s because something great is on the way.
You can choose how the pain will change you, remember that you can come out bitter or better. You can choose to come out defeated and give up your dream the choice is yours. After all is said and done you should come out more focused than before. Quit complaining and take up your load and keep moving with other like-minded toward your destiny.
Pastor Nathaniel