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God’s Miracles: Be Sure To Prepare To Receive Them Now

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Did you know that according to 2 Chronicles 16:9,” The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. “So, God sees you when you do the right thing despite the fact than no one saw it.

Yes, the Bible gives us a blank cheque to ask anything, and it shall be given according to Matthew 7:7, with an understanding that we are asking from a God who can do anything, and no one can stop him according to Job 42:2.

No matter the circumstances around you God said, believe that you receive when you pray. Believe that the miracle happened right there. Not in a week, not in a month.

But I seem to have prayed, but nothing has changed. No, that is not true, something has begun to happen in the spirit and so you will see it according to your faith (Matthew 9:29). It’s only your faith that puts a limit on God and decisions on the length of time it will take remember when it comes to God he operates outside time and space that is according to 2 Peter 3:8,” With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”

So, what you thought will take God such and such a time might be very wrong.

Proverbs 3:6-7, “Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. Never let yourself think that you are wiser than you are; simply obey the Lord and refuse to do wrong.”

Most of us will need a miracle in our lives, especially when things are not working in the natural. Then we need a little bit of help from the supernatural information of a miracle, God’s miracles. When you get to a crossroads in your life, and you are stuck, then a miracle might be the way out. Because at this time everything else has failed you, but God hasn’t failed you yet and he can always answer you through a miracle.

I know that at this time we are more concerned with the outcome than the process, we are concerned with what we can see more than what we can’t see, and that is why Jesus reminded us to first believe and then we will see his glory (John 11:40). Remember that you cannot see a miracle if you don’t even believe that a miracle is possible in the first place, and even if you don’t believe in the doer of the miracle. So, the problem is with us and not with God, so first work on the issue of unbelief. ’If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” (Mark 9:23).

How can we see more Miracles in our lives

Build your faith muscles first, and God’s miracles will just show up. How can I believe that I’m healed when I don’t feel any different? This is what faith is all about. When there’s no evidence, when the medical report hasn’t improved, no sign of things getting better, yet your report says I am healed, or I am healthy. In short, “Let the weak say, ‘I am strong!” (Joel 3:10).

Always remember thatGod is the beginning and the end,” according to Revelation 22:13. God was there before this problem started, and he even formed a solution to this problem. So just ask God what the solution is to your problem, and don’t keep imagining what if. The only problem is that we tend to put God at our level, and hence we ask things from God at our level that are at our current economic status, our current education level, and things like that. We forget that these things don’t matter when God wants to help us.

According to Ephesians 2:6, “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus,”

So, brethren, when you are asking for a miracle, the first thing you need to know is who you are in the spirit realm and where you are asking from. Because if you know that you are seated with Christ in the heavenly realm, then you know that your problem is below you, and from that position you are seated with Christ, then you know that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, (Philippians 2:10). So, you know that everything, including that sickness, joblessness, and anything else must bow.

So quit sharing your position with anything else that doesn’t belong there. Sickness doesn’t belong there. Unless you have left your position and now you are operating at the same level as your problem. No wonder you can’t defeat that problem. Since you can’t expect to solve that problem at the level it was formed at, you must change levels to solve the problem.

So if you are struggling with your problem first,”… Return to me, and I will return to you, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.”

Always check your standing with heaven, and if it’s right, then everything is right.

It’s just a matter of time before what happened in the unseen realm shows up in the natural realm.

See, you have to receive a miracle in your spirit before you receive it in the physical. You have to be prosperous in your spirit before you’ll be prosperous in the natural. And if you believe that it’s going to happen, sometimes in the future, then there’s no promise that it’s going to happen. You have to receive it when you believe. Remember, when you pray from that position, you are seated in heavenly places, and then angels who are ministering servants start to act as per what you order them to.

For instance, when you order your servant at home to cook a certain dish, you don’t need to even be at the kitchen to see what the servant is doing but you know for sure that the meal will be cooked to your taste and at the right time.

So is the case when you pray, even though nothing has changed, even though every circumstance looks just the same, your faith says it happened and a miracle is underway.

We have to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). If you received it when you prayed, then instead of begging God, you’ll start thanking Him. O Lord, thank you that I have the thing I am asking for. Remember when you ask in pray it like a person who goes asks his maid servant to start cooking something and then you forgot that you told her to start cooking but when she has started cooking you tell her to start all over again this is what causes delay due to indecision and confusion.

At the right time, God will bring it from the unseen to the seen in the form of a miracle. If you’re praying and then worrying, asking God again and again, stressed out, then you didn’t really receive it.

When we pray, we should understand that it’s done and so we shouldn’t worry and even try to convince or beg. We should know that in God’s time the miracle will show up. Remember that God is a God of order according to 1 Corinthians 14:33

And He will not break his laws, for example, you can’t pray to have a baby in one month while you know that it takes nine months to have a healthy baby.

You put your request before God. That’s what the scripture says. You ask in faith, now believe that it happened and your miracle is coming.

When is something important? you should set a date, mark that time that you prayed, and let that be a reminder, that’s when it happened. When doubt comes, discouraging thoughts, try to talk you out of it, you can go back to that date.

No, I know, when I prayed on such and such date, my healing came, my breakthrough came,

Now the test is when we don’t see anything changing.

The enemy would love to talk you out of what God put in your spirit. You received it by faith, now you have to walk by faith.

Just because you don’t see anything happening doesn’t mean that God is not working in the unseen realm, what you received in your spirit became a reality.

Biblical examples of a Miracle

According to Matthew 21:18-22 He said to the tree, may no person ever eat your fruit again. But when he said it, nothing on the outside looked any different. The tree was just as healthy and green as can be. I can hear the disciples whispering,

what happened? It didn’t work this time. They had seen him speak to a blind man and his eyes were healed. They heard him speak to a storm and calm the waters. But when he spoke to this tree, nothing changed. There was no evidence that what he said had happened. They went on their way, puzzled, wondering what went wrong.

It’s just a matter of time before you see it show up. The next morning, as they were passing by, the disciples saw the tree. It was all withered up. Peter was so amazed. He said, look, Jesus, the tree you cursed is dying. (Mark 11:20).

They didn’t think anything happened. None of the outside circumstances looked any different, but when Jesus spoke it in the unseen realm, things changed. According to Matthew 21:18-22, the tree just dried there and then in the spirit realm, but it took some time to show up in the physical realm, according to Mark 11:20. Remember that God is God of order.

Jesus was showing us through the fig tree, you may not see anything changing. All the evidence may look the same. Your health is the same, your finances, your children, nothing’s improved. You could think, God, I receive my healing. I receive what you promised, but I don’t feel any different. I’m still struggling in my career. I’m still waiting for the right person.

Maybe I’m not healed. Maybe I’m not prosperous. Maybe I won’t meet the right person. Don’t be fooled by the outside. God is working behind the scenes. In that realm that you can’t see, things have shifted. The moment you received what you believed for (your miracle); things started lining up in your favor.

Good breaks, the right people, healing abundance started hitting your way. The scripture says, the roots of the fig tree begin to wither. Something underground, unseen, begins to take place. Right now, there are things in the unseen realm changing in your favor.

Chains that have held you back are being broken. Bad habits that have hindered your children are being loosed. Don’t get discouraged by what’s not happening. You can’t see in this unseen realm. The world where God lives and it, currency is faith so the more you have the more you can buy things there called God’s miracles here on earth.

Brethren, we need to have faith in God and not faith in your circumstances or things. Not faith in what you can do.

Not faith in your boss, your banker, your parents, your doctors, your pastors.

What you’ve received in your spirit may look impossible. Your odds are against you, but it’s nothing for our God. Use your faith in God to open a way for your miracle to pass to the physical. So, clear all forms of doubt and unbelieve that are hindering your miracle or preventing you from receiving your miracle .

The Realm of Miracles

There’s an unseen realm that our physical eyes can’t see. Yet everything starts in the unseen. Through our faith, we can bring it into the physical realm and that’s where miracles come in.

Instead of saying God, help me to be confident, help me to be strong, start believing that you are anointed, confident, strong, and well able. You might not see it there and then I just kept saying it. I kept believing it, kept declaring it. Before long it became a reality pulled out of the unseen into the seen through a miracle.

Remember, once you ask God for something, you don’t have to keep asking for a miracle. Instead, keep receive it and believe that it has happened, and then instead of asking over and over, start thanking God.

For instance, Father, thank you that I am anointed, blessed, healthy and prosperous.

If you continue to ask for the same thing over and over, I know you’re sincere, but that’s not showing God that you trust him.

Just imagine your child came up and asked me for something, and then you agreed to do it but after a short while the same child came back and asked you again, and you told him or her that you would do it. Then the same child came back the next day with the same request, and again and again, as a father, that would make me feel bad. I would think, don’t you trust me?

I said I would do it, you don’t have to keep begging me.

Matthew 7:11 So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.

It’s the same way with our heavenly father. When you ask, that’s fine, but Jesus said, don’t stop there, believe that you received what you asked for.

1 John 5:14–15: this is the confidence we have in God. If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And we know that he will give us whatever we ask. If you’re asking according to God’s will, you can be confident, yes is the answer.

You don’t have to beg, you don’t have to wonder, according to Deuteronomy 15:6 God wants us to lend and not borrow, the bible is full of such promises.

Always remember that the Bible says in Proverbs 18:21,Tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

It doesn’t do any good to pray for something and then go out and talk about how it’s probably not going to happen. Don’t cancel out your prayer with negative talk. For instance, you go saying, pastor yes, we prayed for my finances, but I don’t know. I don’t see how it’s going to happen, have you seen the news? This economy is bad. When keep saying such thing then you just cancelled your prayer.

You can’t pray for victory(a miracle) and talk defeat.

When you believe that you received what you asked for, that it already happened, then it’s a different mindset. It’s not I hope, it’s going to work out. Your attitude is, it’s already done because things have changed in both realms and your miracle is underway.

In the unseen realm. Things have changed. Just a matter of time before you receive what you saw in your spirit.

Always remember the God we serve He’s called El Shaddai, the God of more than enough. He’s called Jehovah Jairah, the Lord our provider. Jehovah Raffa, the Lord our healer, the great I am,I am confident in the God we serve, that he is faithful, that what he’s started, he will finish.

When you feel low and discouraged switch over into praise. Father, thank you that I am healed. Thank you that my son is mighty in the land. Thank you that my business is blessed.

James 1:6-7 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.

But when you ask, be sure you really expect him to answer. A doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea. People like that should not expect to receive anything from God. Sometimes we go to God hoping, wishing, maybe I’ll get lucky and something will happen, or maybe a minor miracle will show up.

How about going to God with confidence? Knowing that when you ask in faith, he will answer you. Remember that God is not up in the heavens upset, feeling like you are bothering him. What do you need again? I’m tired of dealing with you.

God loves you when you come to him.

But if you’re going to see things happen, there are some requirements.

Come to him expecting an answer, expecting him to be good to you., when you ask, believe that you receive it. By faith, believe that it happened.

Brethren, change your negative thinking from today, don’t let doubt keep you from your destiny.

Now my mind is set. I’m not moved by what I don’t see. I’m not going to let people talk me out of it. I’m not going to let time convince me it’s not going to happen. I’m not going to let the fig tree cause me to waiver. I believe that it’s already doneand your miracle is underway.

See, doubt comes to us all. You have to guard your mind. You control the doorway to your thoughts. Those negative thoughts come, have a no vacancy sign. Sorry, no room for you. My mind is filled with faith. I am healthy. I am blessed. I am anointed. I am victorious. Don’t give any power to negative thoughts.

Start starving your doubts and feeding your faith. Like the scripture says, maybe you’ve been wavering between two opinions. Going back and forth, one day I believe it’s going to happen. The next day it’s never going to work out.

You’ve been unsettled. That’s OK.

Today can be a new day. You can set your mind. You can make that decision. When I pray, I’m not just going to believe that it will happen. I’m going to believe that it did happen. I’m going to receive it when I believe. I know many of you have been doing this. standing in faith when nothing is improving. Believing when you’re not seeing, thanking God when there’s no sign of it. Thoughts tell you that God’s forgotten about you. It’s never going to change. No, you need to get ready. Your time is coming.

Pastor Nathaniel.

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