Have you ever prayed, fasted, prophesied, and even done much more like obeyed Him, sought Him, and even waited upon Him? But still, heaven’s silence wasn’t broken, and it seemed like God had forgotten about you altogether.
Men of God have gone to all lengths to try and break this silence(period of spiritual dryness)by even going to pray in the mountains, prayer rooms, and even have paid seeds to other men of God in an attempt to see if they would break this silence.
According to Isaiah 59:1, we see that God’s silence can resort from our disobedience, living in self-denial, or doing something we shouldn’t be doing. Could it be God is testing us, strengthening us, developing us, preparing us, and teaching us that we can trust Him and that His answers are always worth the wait?
Proven Things People Do Due to God’s Silence.
During times like this, we should read the Bible more because Satan wants to fill us with lies, doubts, discouragement about what is doing behind the scenes (Isaiah 40:31; Romans 5:3-5; James 1:3-4; Philippians 1:6).
We should learn to listen more to what God is saying during these moments of silence. It’s during these times that God teaches us the most important things that matter in life. So, avoid wasting these moments (James 4:8). Since God might reveal some hidden sins that you need to deal with, some preparations you need to take care of so that you are ready for the next level.
According to Jude 1:20-21, we should continue doing whatever the Lord called us to do without fail. We should never neglect our family duties, our health, and even our spiritual duties like reading the Bible, praying, and fasting also.
Even when heaven is silent just like the prophet Elijah keeps talking, it’s an invitation to press forward and seek Him even more diligently (Psalm 22:2). Remember just like the case of Job in the Bible God might be silent but he is waiting for the perfect time to speak (Luke 12:6-7).
During moments like this, we should reach out to our family, friends, and the rest of the community for encouragement and emotional support. This is the time to examine yourself to if you are born again, are you genuinely worshipping God, and also have you repented all your sins.
Sometimes it might feel painful especially if you have been seeking God for a thing but it seems like he doesn’t care, always remember what the book of Isaiah 55:8 & 9 says: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Make a decision… Choose sides – You can’t adequately serve God and the world. (Consider Joshua 24:15.) Something happens in life, often sin, busyness, boredom, or a tragedy… but if we are normal, we have periods where we grow away from our close relationship with God. God hasn’t moved, but if you’ve shifted in your obedience, get back securely on the right side.
Get ready to receive – God will break the silence someday… and when He does it WILL be good. If you mope around in your sorrows, you’ll be less prepared to receive the good things to come. Not because of your circumstances, but because of your faith, clothe yourself in joy as you wait for God to bless you after the period of silence.
Turn off the noise that drowns God’s voice out. Become aware of the “noise” in your life that draws your attention away from God. Noise is anything that assaults your senses so much that it distracts you from hearing God: constant being on your cell phone, a schedule that’s too busy, and even too much clutter in your own mind to think clearly. Some ways you can turn off the noise in your life include: cutting out one hour of TV or Internet time a day and spending that time in prayer, or Bible reading; walking or jogging quietly, and using the time for reflection and prayer.
Pastor Nathaniel.