Table of Contents
ToggleAfter reading Jeremiah 14:7–17, I learned that there are things that can lead God to help a lazy Christian. Due to our sinful nature, God has sent problems, diseases, and wars as a form of punishment to return us to him. But today’s false prophets have taught us to continue to dishonor God through our evil ways. Hence, it seems like God is helpless, but he’s not, so we need to change our ways. Remember where it all went wrong and return to God; he will also return to you. (Zechariah 1:3).
Why Does God Not Help Us Out Of Our Problems?
According to Psalm 11:3 “If the foundations [of a godly society] are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” A lazy Christian will have a rotten foundation or an ignorant foundation. No house can stand without a foundation, because that is where it gets its strength to stand. Just like a tree needs roots to stand.
Hence, most lazy Christians have no foundation left because of the rotten, ignored, weak or collapsed foundations
2 Samuel 1:19 “Your glory and splendor, O Israel, are slain upon your high places! How the mighty have fallen!
2 Samuel 1:27 “How the mighty have fallen, and the weapons of war have perished!”
When the foundation is interfered with, it doesn’t matter who is under the roof (even Samson, the strongest man), because everything gets crushed. What about a lazy Christian?
According to Jeremiah 16:1–4 ; 10 to 11 (God warns Jeremiah from marrying in a certain place), this passage leaves us with more questions than answers. Have you ever gone to help a lazy Christian person only to be trapped as well or get hurt yourself? So as a pastor or a leader, get careful; some foundations are so dangerous, and you could be hurt as a result. So, let’s get busy and serious; otherwise, leave before you get hurt. This is not a place to play; it’s is more dangerous than you think.
That is why it’s not about money but about saving lives. There are foundational issues that make God to just stand and look and do nothing, so if God is doing nothing, what can a man do? Only you can do something. So do your part. That is why today’s message is important for all of us to hear.
Laziness To Serve God And Lazy Christians have cost The Church A lot.

In this day and age of irresponsible Christianity, most irresponsible lazy Christians don’t know what their responsibility is in the Kingdom of God, and they don’t even know their Father; hence, they don’t communicate with this unknown Father in heaven regularly. It has made many of them lose the power to do or see many miracles. Leave alone this kingdom that you don’t know. When we were growing up, we were taught how to clean the compound, dishes, etc.
If you failed to do your chores well then you were punished by your parents but there was no way out of these duties and it’s no wonder we have grown with these skills ingrained in us. But just imagine today’s generation they think everything is their right. Remember they are born in families where there is a nanny who does everything so when they grow up, they expect to have a nanny following them around even up to the church.
They don’t know that the bible says to work out your salvation, not someone else working it out for you. No wonder the lazy Christians don’t know what Matthew 6 says about when you give, pray, and fast. Most of these lazy Christians end up looking for nannies even in the church called false prophets and false pastors to do their dirty jobs. To pray for Lazy Christians and even fast for them and they only want to get the results. Hence, Lazy Christians are willing to pay them for doing this just like they grew up seeing nannies being paid for their services (fake oils, mantles, stickers, and what else they get their hands on)
Remember With great power comes great responsibility. I want us to return to that old-time religion where men and women walked in God’s power and God backed them up. But that came at a cost and I feel we are willing to see God bless us. Just imagine today’s Christianity has become a popular fashion with many clubs to suit your taste and NOT to please God as of old.
Churches have become entertainment houses, as people go there just as picnics for lazy Christians. They have watered down Christianity; it is no longer the standard. Most lazy Christians are just chasing shadows, and no wonder Psalms 12:1 says, Help us, Lord! There is not a good person left; honest people can no longer be found.
According to Matthew 23:13 Don’t be fooled most so-called spiritual men and women are lazy Christians and are going nowhere hence, they can’t lead you to heaven since it’s not their destination.
According to 1 Corinthians 10:12, Be careful if you think you are standing firm (titles or positions aside) because Demonic doctrines have entered through the church doors and Godliness has been thrown out of the window. We seriously need a revival and a return to old-time religion, which lazy Christians don’t know except what they see on the TV (Mostly Rotten gospel ).
Life is full of choices, and as Christian people, we have to make the right choices, but remember that every choice you make comes at a cost. You can choose to partner with the devil or God to see more miracles.
If you choose the devil, remember he is not a gentleman, and also, he is a thief so he might add something more than you bargained for in the contract or agreement. For instance, when the devil gives you riches, he also adds with it sickness, shame, and God knows what else.
According to Joshua 21:45 With God also he will keep his part of the bargain as long as you keep yours. But remember both the devil and God don’t like to be double-crossed because it comes at a heavy price. Ecclesiastes 5:4-6
Whether you are serving God or the devil there are terms and conditions you have to meet. Only when it comes to the devil they are written in a different language or are hidden somewhere. According to Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus said that my burden is light, meaning there was and is still a burden but it’s much lighter than that of the devil.
You know very well that even when normal people or institutions lend you anything, they charge you something so it’s not news.
As Christians What Are We Supposed To Do To Start Seeing Great Miracles Again?
What Are The Conditions To Receive A Miracle From God?
According to Jeremiah 4:19–22, it seems that there are certain things we shouldn’t do because God hates them. According to 2 Samuel 24:24, the Bible is very clear that serving God will cost you something. Show me In just one place in the all-bible where God gave something in exchange for nothing, or there were no terms and conditions attached to any miracle God did. So are you willing to pay the price to see the fruits of your labour? Or you want to waste your time on useless Christianity.
Remember Luke 19:40 God says that if you, as a lazy Christian, don’t sing for him or praise him, then he will cause the stones to do it. Why would God ask for the stones to do things for him while we are here, or do we need a donkey (the world) as in the days of Balaam to bring us to our senses? You can never bribe God or cheat him (Deuteronomy 10:17).
No miracle is too hard for God to do; only do your part. Elijah told Elisha that what he had asked for was hard, but he had to just meet a condition. According to Exodus 16:18–20, I know you might think of manna being for free, but God gave a condition to receive it; otherwise, you would miss it because of the wrong timing, or even worse, you would lose it because it got damaged (if you took it for two days).
A lazy Christian only wants what God can offer but he is NOT willing to do anything let alone lifting a finger to help in the miracle creation process.
All These people met certain conditions and then received their miracles in short, they played their part:
Lazy Christians stop giving God an excuse as to why you can’t seek first his kingdom. God is tired of men giving him excuses. I have to go and do this and that; for instance, I have to go and bury the dead (Luke 9:59–62), or I don’t have this and that like the lady with the little oil and flour (1 Kings 17:12).
Remember Elisha stopped everything and followed Elijah 1 Kings 19:20–21.
I also did not build this church when I was working, but it was when I had lost my job, and I have never given an excuse to God why I wouldn’t come on Sunday or why I wouldn’t give to help in doing his work.
Elisha was available to offer his services as a prophet, but the people brought the bowl and salt and even showed him where that stream was, and then he blessed it.
Elisha asked the prophet who lost the axe to bring a stick and show him where it fell and then after the axe floated, as he was the one who took it and put it back 2 Kings 6:6-7
Naaman was supposed to bathe in the dirty river, which he wasn’t ready to do. He was to do it 7 times. 2 Kings 5:14
Jacob was to build an altar after he succeeded Genesis 35:7
Elisha was to serve Elijah for the rest of his earthly life, and then he would inherit a double portion of his spirit.
To Moses, he had to spend 40 days in the mountain for God to speak to him. Not 39 days or what he felt like.
Even in the days of Jesus, nothing changed. People had to do certain things:
Mary Magdalene was healed of seven demons, and she chose to support Jesus’ ministry (Luke 8:1-3).
Zacchaeus received salvation, and he returned everything to the poor (Luke 19:8).
So please don’t tell me that you want to change things and do them your own way, simply because you are a lazy Christian. God is committed to doing his part ONLY if you are committed to doing your own.
As a lazy Christian, you can’t blame God if you never kept your end of the bargain. Even worse is playing with God
What about me and you?
Lazy Christians just think God is Santa Claus. Even after you make a wish list, you must make preparations and also have a plan.
The worldly people and lazy Christians know very well what I am talking about when their witchdoctors tell them to buy a certain thing however expensive it is, and they do it. Whether it’s wearing something they wear it or going to certain places they go. Just imagine wearing a dead animal with stinking skin.
Show me just one person (and I don’t mean a lazy Christian) who served the God of MTM Church and never received the smallest of miracles. Some people have invested in MTM, and now they are reaping the benefits, but remember, you can push it to another level.
Since I and many others obeyed and followed this vision and God behind it, I have seen so much, but what about you? Join us in doing something for God. I am not asking you to give me anything, although it’s your right to bring it; we should make this altar a better place for us and our kids when we come to serve God in it.
I was awoken by God and he reminded me that before he grants these desires, we will have to play our part as a matter of urgency. Start by offering your services and even your material things, and prove me wrong. Join me and see what God can do. Remember God deals with individuals and not groups, families, etc no wonder you hear the God of Abram, Jacob, and Isaac and not their full family members.
So, you may be asking, what am I supposed to do:
Seek ye first the kingdom that is going out and win souls for God (how many in exchange for what you want).e.g. the lady at the well won the whole village, the disciples won each other, etc
Live righteously. (What habit are you willing to give up in exchange for what you want. Remember Jacob gave up his hip after all you can’t meet God and remain the same and expect much) Remember God is holy and he is the giver and not me.
Even according to Jesus in John 5:14, go and sin no more or something evil will happen to you.
Let us not be like these people mentioned in Jeremiah 7:16-29 and instead, we should Support the ministry even like the people of old did. Let us not be like lazy Christians.
Brethren if you want to learn more about signs of spiritual sleep then click the link below to be redirected to the relevant page:
22 Proven Signs That People Are Spiritually Asleep. – 2022 (
Pastor Nathaniel
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